So what were the ratings last week? 223 280 viewers for Q+A and 117 010 viewers for The Nation - In the short time The Nation has been on air, they have built up over half the Q+A audience. When they have a boring suit on, their ratings slump. When they have good panelists on, they rate strongly so they should feel pretty happy with that! However Houston, we have a problem...
The NationI'm sorry for getting to this debate late, but
Brian Edwards blogged last night on an allegation about an event that supposedly occurred 11 months ago. I say supposedly and allegation because the claim is so huge against Garner that it demands a certain amount of gravity and fairness because IF Duncan did in fact say what has been alleged, he simply can not remain on as the Political Editor of a TV network. And sadly, until the allegation is cleared, Duncan Garner can only be referred to as
Duncan "I am going to fucking get you, Carter. If it takes me to Christmas I am going to fucking destroy you" Garner. The allegation of course is that 11 months ago, when boarding an Air NZ Flight, Garner said
"I am going to fucking get you, Carter. If it takes me to Christmas I am going to fucking destroy you" directly to Chris Carters face AND that Dame Margaret Bazley witnessed the entire event. Now you don't get much more credibility than Bazley and if an investigation finds that she did in fact witness this, then
Duncan "I am going to fucking get you, Carter. If it takes me to Christmas I am going to fucking destroy you" Garner simply can not remain as the Political Editor. I
blogged on this last night (it's below this post), now there is a body of work by Garner...
Flamboyant Flaming Homosexual pinko flys to Europe on your taxpayer money (probably to spend it all on expensive cocktails and lube)...where he has attacked Chris in the exact luxury gay boy manner that Carter has complained about, so shouldn't a Political Editor with a body of work against a Politician that borders on the homophobic and who is alleged to have said
"I am going to fucking get you, Carter. If it takes me to Christmas I am going to fucking destroy you" be investigated? Because IF
Duncan "I am going to fucking get you, Carter. If it takes me to Christmas I am going to fucking destroy you" Garner did infact say that, he simply can not remain on as the political editor of a TV network, he's their Political Editor, not a blogger slagging someone off online!
I know a lot of you read this blog, so don't pretend you don't know what the allegation against Duncan now is and you will have to address it publicly at some stage or this will start to grow online.
ANYWAY - to this weeks show, excellent Panel, Chris Trotter and Noelle McCarthy, they are both broadcasters who know how to make commentary interesting and because the show relys so heavily on the talent of the commentators, these are great picks. Note how well they rate when they have a good panel as opposed to the ratings they have with a weak panel.
FINALLY - using the scoop the way they started instead of that awful Jane Clifton from that awful Listener magazine. The Nation reported that Bill English hid his role in a cocktail evening speech about the role of Lobby groups in politics. Now that's a SCOOP! Well done!
So it's Tony Ryall on. What the Government is up to now is slashing and burning the Public sectors and learning how to spin the lines so that it's all couched in language NZers won't associate to privatization, and Tony Ryall is amazing at it. He spins as if the Public Sector is in fact being repaved with gold, it's a great strategy but can only limp on for the short term because at some point the numbers start showing the National Party lie and Stephen dropped the numbers while Tony back peddled and used lots of 'best service for the public productivity' words.
1480 public workers sacked
460 more public workers to be sacked
36 919 public workers leftTony did admit that there were hundreds more above that 460. When National said the Public Service would be 'capped' he meant 'knee-capped'. The fact is NZers are facing the worst recession since the great depression and will need public services more now than ever, and yet this Government are slashing and burning them.
Chris gets stuck in and demands deeper philosophical answers from Tony, he is sweating being pushed by Chris to acknowledge that drowning a small Government is exactly what National Party's do every time they get into power.
Moment of current affairs gold - Tony Ryall to Chris Trotter, " We're not taking an ideological view to this Chris" - I laughed so hard I spilled my coffee.
Interesting they had an American Academic on pointing out that China ain't the freedom loving fun guys here to help and that they are very hard nosed and need a policy that is 'realistic'. Nice to see we are getting softened up to be the South Pacific Pinata between China and America.
The lighting and makeup makes Jane Clifton look like she is undead, it's so unflattering it's not fair of me to bring it up. I just think that we have a host of a show who used to be Gerry Brownlees Press Secretary so why have a commentator who is also Murray McCully's press secretary?
Oh and God isn't The Listener an awful wanky right wing lifestyle magazine for vacuous consumer housewives with a slight left wing aesthetic? I always forget to slag it off whenever I'm on the Panel with Joanna Black so I am glad in a way that I get to weekly flog it now.
Interesting bit on the South Island's richest man Alan Hubbard. Difficult to tell if he's a nice old bugger who's getting heavied by the G man or a scammer who has blown everyone's money.
I switched over to watch the lat ten minutes of 'Tomorrow's World' on Prime. It's a crazy evangelical 'news' show connecting current affairs with prophecy in the Book of Revelations. Apparently an army of 200 million is coming. I'm not sure how Haliburton will be able to pay everyone on time with that much data loading required for 200 million employees. It sounds like they could use Tony Ryall to slash some of those employees, does an Army REALLY need to be 200 million strong to cause an Armageddon? Couldn't some of that be contracted out to Black Water? I suggest a Public Private Partnership to slim down the size of the Army for Armageddon, we are after all having to belt tighten everywhere, and that includes the final battle between good and evil.
Q+ADr Jon Johansson is on the panel with former Green MP Sue Bradford and Business New Zealand CEO Phil O’Reilly, good to see Sue on the panel.
Rodney Hide is in the hot seat re his climate change lunacy (excellent) and they have Australian Labour Party insider Bruce Hawker on to explain the coup in Australia.
Paul's 'phone call' in the middle of his opening monologue is just genius! The opening monologue really is brilliant now, why can't Paul Holmes be like this all the time? (It was great seeing him and that Dennis Conner interview last night on Prime's brilliant 50 year history - isn't it an irony that Rupert Murdoch can do public broadcasting better than our own actual public broadcaster???).
So the Labour Party insider is on attempting to explain the speed of the corporate coup by the mining industry against Kevin Rudd. Hawker isn't explaining it well, no one likes having to explain a mining company coup.
The corporate media beholden to the corporate mining company opinion polls are heavily promoting that Gillard is now back in control to minimize the impact of the coup and are as obviously manipulated as the ones used to destabilize Rudd in the first place.
It's a bullshit interview because Hawker clearly had no idea what the bloody hell happened either, every one pussy foots around the power of the mining industry.
Next is Guyon taking on Rodney re climate change - this SHOULD be a bloodbath, Hide has said all sorts of crazy bullshit on climate change,
he has claimed that a 2 degree rise in temperature would be ‘beneficial’ for NZ and that C02 is a ‘misunderstood nutrient’ and he changed his policy to climate denying after being
given a donation from climate denier Alan Gibbs - roast him Guyon....
It waffles on for a bit, until Guyon finally gets to the real issue, which is that ACT are flat earth climate deniers. Rodney claims NIWA are liars and that work ACT has done has forced NIWA to admit climate change isn't happening. Guyon puts to Rodney that ACT are a bunch of conspiritorial nutters on climate change, Rodney babbles on proving Guyon right.
Rodney's argument that the tiny change NZ does won't do anything - really Mr Hide? Woman voting in NZ was a small thing, nuclear free was a small thing, a fair welfare state was a small thing - we have led on these issues in the past (the right wing argue we shouldn't lead now, those right wingers are called Australians).
Guyon should have goaded Hide on climate change, there is so much that could have been thrown at Hide, it's a shame he didn't get hammered like he should have. Well played Mr Hide, you escape real scrutiny once again. Personally I think this would be important...
Hide’s repositioning coincided with a major donation to ACT by Alan Gibbs, a wealthy NZ businessman best known here for his Aquada (a sportscar that thinks it’s a boat) and for his generous patronage of modern art. Gibbs, however, also plays a prominent role in climate crank organisations. He is on the “policy advisory board” of the International Climate Science Coalition (with such luminaries as Monckton, Bryan Leyland and Owen McShane), while his daughter Emma is listed as a director of the ICSC. In its election spending return to the Electoral Commission, ACT reveals that on April 9th 2008 Gibbs paid $100,000 into the party’s coffers. Within weeks, the party’s new climate denial line was being pushed to the press....apparently none of that is important enough to ask ACT questions about when discussing their climate denial policy.