Friday | Rāmere 14/03/2025
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Saturday, June 26, 2010

What Duncan Garner said to Chris Carter

"I am going to fucking get you, Carter. If it takes me to Christmas I am going to fucking destroy you."

Explosive claim made by Brian Edwards over at his blog that Duncan Garner said that to Chris Carter on an Air NZ flight and that it was witnessed by Dame Margaret Bazley 11months ago.

Brian has made this claim before but in light of the way Garner has outrageously gone after Carter surely there needs to be an investigation of whether or not Garner said this, because if he did then can he seriously remain as the TV3 Political Editor? There is just no way the Political Editor can say...

"I am going to fucking get you, Carter. If it takes me to Christmas I am going to fucking destroy you."

...if this is true and not just an urban legend then Garner must be removed as the Political Editor, he can't hold a position of responsibility like that after declaring an outright bias especially as there is now a body of work proving Garner took his vengeance out on Carter.


At 26/6/10 8:17 pm, Blogger Cactus Kate said...

If Carter hadn't told Porkies to Garner in the first place then this never would have happened.

It is Garner's job to go after politicians and he does to the left what he would do to the right for a good story. The ratings go up when repeaters go after politicians. If the politicians are honest and tell the truth then they have nothing to fear.

Carter is the ultimate trougher. Garner's comments are entirely acceptable.

At 26/6/10 8:37 pm, Anonymous Disappointed of Te Atatu said...

"...there is now a body of work proving Garner took his vengeance out on Carter."

No there isn't. What there is is a insubstantiated accusation made by Brian Edwards. Then there are people like you. reconstructing the facts to suit this unsubstantiated allegation

Now I can't for the life of me think of any reason why Brian Edwards would be running damage control for the Labour party, can you Bomber?
I mean, it isn't like he's got a few biases of his own now is it?

Chris Carter has made a massive wanker of himself and was waaaaaay to stupid to admit it until waaaaaay too late - and even now you can see that he still thinks he is in the right, conceited prick that he is. He is reaping what he has sown.

At 26/6/10 8:49 pm, Anonymous Johnson said...

Poor widdle Chwissie.

Garner did the same thing with Melissa Lee, so now we're equal.

At 26/6/10 8:50 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

No there isn't. What there is is a insubstantiated accusation made by Brian Edwards. Then there are people like you. reconstructing the facts to suit this unsubstantiated allegation

Cough, cough

Flamboyant Flaming Homosexual pinko flys to Europe on your taxpayer money (probably to spend it all on expensive cocktails and lube)

Now I wrote that on April the 13th. You claim I'm reconstructing the facts to suit this unsubstantiated allegation, that's simply not true, I had blogged on Garner doing this to Carter 2 months ago.

No Kate you are way off target, if that is what he said, he must step down, he's the political editor of TV3 for Christ's sakes, not just a blogger slagging off someone on line.

At 26/6/10 9:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 26/6/10 10:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...





signed benny don't give benny the bash

At 27/6/10 12:34 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If TV3 cared about journalistic integrity they would send this hack packing. He's an embarrassment to his profession.

At 27/6/10 1:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well said kate- right on the money!!

At 27/6/10 7:32 pm, Blogger Tim Selwyn said...

I read that crap from that racist old spin doctor's blog in the RSS feeds the other day and just rolled my eyes.

That was the second post Brian Edwards has made on his blog in a desperate attempt to defend Carter. Edwards is close to Helen Clark and so is Carter - given his profession is PR media crisis management what he is doing looks precisely like PR media crisis management. The client being Carter.

When all he can dredge up is some hearsay allegations his media skills are failing. Putting a senior civil servant like Bazely on the spot (and potentially a witness in a defamation case) is totally unfair. It's bottom of the barrel tactics from Edwards - regardless of whether Garner had said it or not.

The fact is there will be many, many hearsay allegations about Carter that will recount how much of a smarmy, useless, incompetent, greedy, careless, lazy person he is. I know of a few, but unlike Edwards I will not be repeating them because to do so would be as abjectly pathetic as what he has done.

Carter should and can be assessed - and so should Garner - on their public records alone: Carter crossed the line when he did things like shout his mates to a $200 a head private dinner etc. etc. and thinking absolutely nothing of it. Garner has crossed the line by continuing with a lurid and inappropriate angle on Carter's sexuality. Now Edwards is trawling through the gutter and is also crossing a line. It's just inflammatory and unsubstantiated gossip.

As for the penalty for a political editor privately threatening to end a politician's career? Why is that even supposed to be a bad thing?

Some of the best journalists have done exactly that - publicly and repeatedly in the form of an active campaign, not just privately. Edward R Murrow doing a number on McCarthy is the obvious example. He threatened to bring him down on TV. Would it have been wrong for Murrow to have threatened McCarthy like that in an airplane though? I think his smoking while he did it would be more offensive - by today's standards - than using the choice of words Garner is alleged to have used.

The two cases are light years apart as a far as the gravity of the misdeeds of the targeted politician go - of course - but the principle is the same. A journo tipping their mark off about their own intentions on bringing them down shows remarkable, Koru Lounge booze-fueled bravado, but is hardly unethical - no matter how much theatrical swearing and finger jabbing is involved in the tale. Having it in for someone - on a personal basis even - is not a reason in itself for a political editor to forfeit their position, especially when that politician's own Leader has essentially concurred with the case that journalist has made.

The only thing wrong - or unprofessional - with what Edwards has claimed Garner did was to have given him a warning: a good journalist would not have given his victim any warning. You don't tell someone when they are going to wake up in bed next to a horse's head - it should be a surprise.

At 27/6/10 8:42 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

Yes yes Tim, we've all read your long, long, long definitions of what a racist joke is and your ability to be offended by every aspect of them, but using Edward R Fucking Murrow to defend Duncan Garner is perhaps the most unintentionally funny thing you've ever written.

At 27/6/10 9:55 pm, Blogger Tim Selwyn said...

To paraphrase:

Yes yes Mr Bradbury, we've all read your many, many, many posts of what a homophobic news item is and your ability to be offended by every aspect of them, but using Duncan Fucking Garner to defend Chris Carter is perhaps the most unintentionally funny thing you've ever written.

At 27/6/10 10:36 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

To rephrase:

1: You brought up Murrow to defend Garner, that's an analogy that can't be taken seriously.

2: I'm not defending Carter, I'm attacking Garner, he just can't say "I am going to fucking get you, Carter. If it takes me to Christmas I am going to fucking destroy you.", he's the bloody Political Editor of a TV network, not a blogger online slagging someone off, the profession demands more in terms of standards than that, and IF and let's remember this is only an allegation, IF he said that he has to go. Christ Campbell was reprimanded for saying he voted green.

Would it have been acceptable if Guyon had said it? No it wouldn't. Of course the reporter should have a go at the politician, I'm all for live political beheadings when it comes to news reporting but come on, "I am going to fucking get you, Carter. If it takes me to Christmas I am going to fucking destroy you.", is way out of line, and in light of his grubby line of attack on Carter (which you accept was lurid and inappropriate angle on Carter's sexuality) demands investigation.

IF Garner said it to Carters face in the manner that has been alleged, he has to go - he simply hasn't lived up to the standard of a Political Editor in the exact same way Carter didn't live up to the standard of being an MP by not fronting directly to the media.

We will all know for sure either way tomorrow as Garner has posted on Brian's blog and said he will post a reply on the TV3 website.

At 28/6/10 10:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear, fighting a losing battle it appears bomber.

At 28/6/10 10:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Garner has denied it.
Now up to BE to prove it was said.

Oh, wait, he wasn't there, he is just reporting second hand information.

Well then, now we wait to see what Carter and Darren Hughes have to say about the matter.

If they say nothing, well, another own goal by Labour it appears.

At 28/6/10 11:02 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bomber, Garner didn't categorically say he was going to post a reply on his blog. He was rather guarded and hedged in his nasty reply to Edwards.


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