Minister of Crown recommends elected official stand down based on lie from Sunday Paper

North Shore Mayor drank two bottles - bar staff
Bar staff who served embattled North Shore Mayor Andrew Williams on the night he urinated in public say the civic leader drank two bottles of wine - without a meal. Mr Williams is facing increasing pressure to stand down from his role after the Sunday Star-Times revealed he had drunk alcohol for several hours at Takapuna's GPK last Thursday. On his way to collect his mayoral vehicle, which he drove 6km home, he urinated against a tree outside council offices.
So in the Sunday Star-Times race to the bottom of the tabloid gutter by using Johnathan fucking Marshall as chief muck racker, they accuse North Shore Mayor Andrew Williams of drinking 2 bottles of wine by himself implying he was drunk driving.
A Minister of the Crown, Rodney Hide, then goes on to suggest the Mayor step down based on these allegations in the Sunday Star Times. This is outrageous because it now turns out that the insinuation of drunk driving is an utter false hood on behalf of the Sunday Star Times and I look forward to legal action against them.
It now turns out that two bar staff insist he and three companions drank just two bottles of wine over four hours.
Despite what the anonymous ACT party spin posters have tried to claim (that the North Shore Mayor was drunk driving), the fact is that there is simply no evidence of this and the Sunday Star Times insinuation is utterly defamatory and that a Minister of the Crown has decided to comment recommending the Mayor steps down on baseless allegations is an attempt at media manipulation of the news agenda that smokescreens legitimate criticism of the theft of Auckland by Hide and Joyce.
Shame on the Sunday Star Times, shame on ACT activists and shame on the mainstream media for allowing the lie to build.
3 things about Andrew Williams urinating on a tree
1: I’m surprised there are any trees left to urinate against on the North Shore.
2: So what, John Banks has been pissing on this city for years
3: I don't care what tree North Shore Mayor Andrew Williams pisses on.
I do however care about Auckland being annexed by Rodney Hide and Steven Joyce by a misuse of urgency. I do care that those two are the ones appointing people to run our city, I do care that booze barons who peddle alcohol to the youth market get to run our city. I do care that the Orwellian double-speak named 'Council-Controlled Organizations' will spend 75% of Auckland's budget all done behind secret meetings with no minutes or agendas published and I do care about the gerrymandering of National rump electorates like Rodney, (who will get more representation than someone actually living in Auckland Central), being included in the Super City.
Auckland - your city is being robbed from you by Wellington so Hide and Joyce can appoint an unelected corporate cabal to sell your city off, don't let a story about where the North Shore Mayor urinates take your attention off this theft.