Hard right hate merchant and corporate lawyer ACT Party Candidate, Cathy Odgers is as appropriate as a political candidate as Alasdair Thompson would be running the Ministry of Women's Affairs. She is more hateful towards the poor than Michael Laws, Paul Henry and Genghis Khan combined. She has all the bedside manner of a brain hungry zombie.
Am I being harsh? Am I being unfair? Am I giving her anything less than she deserves?
No way.
I've known Cathy longer than any other blogger, I've known her since University days when she would write angry right wing letters to me as Editor of Craccum. She has a fierce intelligence and when I judged the NZ bloggers Union Awards last year, I voted for her to win as her financial analysis was the best on the blogosphere, in some regards I have nothing but respect for Cathy - but her despicable hate for the poor is something that simply rules Cathy out as any possible genuine political candidate. If she believes what she wrote, then her position is a casual fascism that must be protested against at every moment.
I challenged her on her sterilization scheme for the poor that she wrote as a disgusting piece of hate speech directed at the weakest members of society. What does a silver spooned corporate lawyer earning half a million a year know about the realities of a woman living on the benefit in NZ and stoop to such language to attack and damn beneficiaries with?
Cathy says she will woo young female voters back to ACT, but how many women hating female voters are there? The language Cathy uses to describe welfare mothers actually makes you cringe.
Cathy you scoffed and laughed and became abusive when I originally challenged you on your hate mongering language, but now you are having to justify the spite and venom you used. It is this spite and venom which makes you utterly inappropriate as a political candidate. You have misinterpreted my disgust at what you wrote as some sort of political game Cathy, which is a terrible underestimation on your behalf, the scope of which will start to become apparent as I do this day in and day out.
How much energy do you really wish to spend on fighting me each day Cathy?
Here is Cathy's weak both hands tied behind her back response that Candidate Cathy is left to respond with. What was it? Your 5th version posted after midnight after you checked it past ACT HQ Cathy?
Quote of the Day - The Best of Cactus KateLeft-wing hate speech Mana Party aligned site Tumeke is running a series of quotes of the day from trolling through my blog in an attempt to increase my popularity among ACT leaning voters as shown in the recent Kiwiblog poll from leading pollster Curia:You are holding up the failed methodology of the Penguin as your proof that you will boost ACT? Even if this brainfart was legit all that means is that you are a genuine threat to the wider community with the hateful fascist manner you view those in poverty in the steepest economic recession since 1929. Why celebrate ACT becoming even more redneck when Don's redneck isn't currently attracting votes?
Sadly Bomber Bradbury is one of the most intellectually and physically laziest people I have met in broadcasting. I know this obsession with myself will last all of a week so I am going to give him a hand today and every day he chooses to participate in his little "hate" charade against me and pick a post of my own - this one dated 3rd October 2010 on a 31 year old lady with now six children all paid for by the taxpayer.
Any system that allows such a demographic to breed, and then turns around and encourages them to keep having children over a period of a decade that they cannot afford, really deserves the outcome it gets. More welfarism.
I stand by this comment and I do not and never will represent Ms Tressa Simonsen. She will never vote ACT.Ahhhh. But Cathy, that's not really the quote is it? That's YOU picking the least offensive element of the quote and holding it up as if butter wouldn't melt in your mouth.
Let's remind folks exactly what you said shall we Candidate Cathy?
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you ACT Party candidate Cathy Odger's hate speech aimed at the weakest members of society...
The heaving pathetic underclass do not seem to have any idea how to look after and better themselves let alone their kids. All the Whanau Ora in the world given to them from the collective troughing of the "consultant" middle class neo-minted Maori brorocracy won't help them.
Regardless of your race, not killing your child is fairly bloody fundamental. One of those things that doesn't need to even be said at Plunket or passed down from generations does it? Sticking a child on a clothes line, body slamming a baby, beating a child up and down isn't even an action of primates. A baboon is more advanced in its thinking.
That's the main issue, those killing and maiming children from any race are not human beings, they are the missing link from...well you can't even say primates can you as most wild animals manage to look after and not deliberately kill their own children? You cannot legislate to protect children from these creatures because creatures do not acknowledge any laws.
So the time has come for a fresh approach. Let's stop handwringing semantics to the problem, remove historians and academics from the debate. Let's forget about offending a few precious souls who would rather see more Maori kids killed because solving the problem ruins their lily white world and exposes them to criticism. Let's actually DO something.
We aren't allowed to sterilise those most at risk of offending and Laws has already suggested a lump sum of $10k for sterilisation to much horrow and howling from those with no better answer, so how about another way?
How about we cut off the DPB and dole altogether and PAY the underclasses NOT to breed....the heaving pathetic underclass hu? Do we really want someone who writes such hatred of the poor to be in any political position? Cathy takes the anger and fury ever one of us righteously feels when a little baby gets abused and murdered and manipulates that into a shit to smear all beneficiaries with. It's disgusting, it's divisive and it's targeted at those most vulnerable in society.
While the Mana Party will promise more money for this woman to further do nothing with her life and treat her as a victim to keep her impoverished and voting for more welfare, I seek to represent those who are paying for this woman's lifestyle choices and at the same time struggling to pay for their own family. All while they are contributing to the economy through paid employment.
That's not hate speech.YES IT IS! This rationalization of her own hatred shows how utterly out of touch this corporate lawyer is with the reality of the people she is denigrating, but this next bit is what catches in my throat...
That's standing up for Taxpayers.
The "T" in ACT....Ohhhhh, that's what it is is it? People like yourself wealthy enough to hide their income or pay it overseas, like those Farmers who only pay $1500 in tax each year? You're doing it for your poor taxpayer mates who loophole their way through life yet seem to need you in their spewing hate onto beneficiaries just to cut back a little more do they?
This is ridiculous and beneath you!
Bomber chooses to sit on the sidelines promoting to his taxpayer funded audience of his mother and close relatives, the likes of people of the quality of Hone Harawira, John Minto and Annette Sykes. All while purporting to be the Court of Public Opinion as to whom stand for Parliament for other political parties.Oh no you don't, I'm in the media, I've seen the spite you write and it's exactly my role to challenge someone like you getting into Parliament and I don't shy away from that responsibility in any way shape or form.
When will he put his name forward for selection himself for the scrutiny he seems to only place on others?
And how many people would be more likely to vote for Mana if he was a top 6 candidate? Lets see a Curia poll on that.Let's be very clear, I loath politicians and I have no ambition whatsoever to stand as one for Mana. You are pretending my disgust at what you wrote is some sort of launch pad for a political career. It is not. I was disgusted by what you wrote Cathy and if you really believe this bullshit about beneficiaries, you aren't worthy enough to stand. You will quickly become a female David Garrett, just with more offensive ideas.
Your solution to pay every single solo mother money 'not to breed' isn't just the words of a fascist you've managed to make solo mothering a crime in itself! No where do you limit your thinking to those women who have had previous abuse, at least that would mitigate the offensiveness of your post, you deem all solo mothers as, how did you so charmingly put it?
The heaving pathetic underclass. By seamlessly merging child abusers with solo mothers, Kate has managed to be ignorant and stupid, it's a difficult self snooker, perhaps you should rename your blog 'the sound of one hand clapping'?
I personally love how any attempt to remove the racist glare of 'it's all dem maori's fault' is deemed 'apologist' by Kate, no attempt to look at what inequality does in a society, oh no, Kate is certain it's all dem maori's fault, for an educated person she sounds hollow and hateful.
Is it all as Kate vomits 'a maori problem' -
not according to the people who work with children in poverty...
Cutting welfare to sole parents would not have made any difference in either of these cases. Abuse and neglect of children cuts across income, class and ethnicity. Protecting children means acknowledging this.
New Zealand's high rates of teen pregnancies and child abuse are mirrored across the developed world in societies such as New Zealand that are characterised by high levels of socio-economic inequality.
The causal pathways are unclear but the fact they happen across such a wide variety of countries suggests they are not a sole-parent problem or a Maori problem, or even a problem of easy access to welfare.
In the United States, the states with the highest rates of teen pregnancies are also those with the highest child-poverty rates, the greatest income inequality and most stringent access to public assistance - particularly Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida.
Sadly, inequality and poverty do not lend themselves to simplistic policy responses. Dealing effectively with them takes time and political courage. The domestic purposes benefit was introduced so sole parents could raise their children with a measure of financial security.
In today's labour market, financial security is more elusive than ever.
Abolishing the DPB, or just making it difficult to get, will not prevent a single unwanted pregnancy and it will not stop children suffering at the hands of their caregivers.
Not so many years ago, mothers with no support left their babies on the steps of churches and workhouses....and are we being over run by solo mothers all of a sudden?
No, no we are not...
beneficiaries dropped from 15 per cent to 10 per cent of the working age group between 2000 and 2008 when jobs were available, and rose again only to 12 per cent in the current recession.Not only is Cathy hateful about beneficiaries, she is simply wrong. You can get elected for being the latter, you should never get elected for being the first.
Until Cathy can prove that her hate was just redneck dog whistling rhetoric that she was using just to be controversial, then a concerted effort must be made to show the rest of NZ what ACT stands for by associating itself with a candidate who says these things.
Cathy and ACT have miscalculated.