Can Mana trust the Maori Party?

The debate has begun as to what to do with the Maori Party. Should Mana run against them in the Maori electorate seats and attempt to gain Waiariki as well as Te Tai Tokerau and cause split votes meaning Labour take the rest or should Mana cut another deal that may or may not get broken with the Maori Party to not stand?
There are two questions those who just launched this political waka with the aspirations of Maori, Beneficiaries and Minimum wage workers must ask themselves - the first is can Mana trust the Maori Party and what's it worth for Labour?
The first question is simple - can Mana trust Pita and Tariana NOT to cut a deal with the anti-union, anti-bennificiary, anti-environment, anti-Maori National Party? The answer is no, Mana can not trust Pita and Tariana NOT to cut a deal with John Key, meaning all that Mana hopes to prevent by halting this Government's attack on the poor would come to pass.
The second question is strategic. Seeing as Labour would benefit most from Mana standing, what is it worth to Labour? If Labour were to agree not to run an electorate candidate in Te Tai Tokerau and Waiariki, Mana could reciprocate by running Mana candidates in the other 5 Maori electorates ensuring split seat victories for Labour.
If Labour wanted to actually win this election rather than sulk, there are ways this can happen.
Perhaps the new political landscape is best being understood by Chris Trotter in his brilliant new post...
The Fish Of Maui Lashes Its Tail
...if Labour can wake up and smell what is brewing and if the Greens can be convinced to hold the line for social justice rather than sell out for a green enough price to John Key, there could be real change in NZ. The angry electorate of poverty wants representatives they know wont sell out on them, and say what you will about Hone Harawira, Anette Sykes, Sue Bradford, John Minto, Willie Jackson and Matt McCarten - but they don't sell out!
The revolution may well be televised after all.
Keep it simple -
Want the best Maori representation in Parliament??
Vote Maori on all Maori seats (excluding TTT). Because they will win all those seats, more representation than their party vote allocation, no point in giving them your party vote.
Mana will only win one seat, So your Maori vote should go to Mana (unless they challenge other Maori seats which would be a bit pointless). Even if you support Maori over Mana, still vote Mana to get more people in parliament that agree with you (similar core policies).
Pete and Tari should even encourage people to party vote Mana really, any votes for them are wasted votes against DonKey.
Hard core Kikorangi Maori can go ahead and vote Maori Party if they for some odd reason really love the Nat/Act/Maori govt.
"The second question is strategic. Seeing as Labour would benefit most from Mana standing, what is it worth to Labour? If Labour were to agree not to run an electorate candidate in Te Tai Tokerau and Waiariki, Mana could reciprocate by running Mana candidates in the other 5 Maori electorates ensuring split seat victories for Labour."
Oh, that is good, very good analysis!
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