NZ Herald reporting that the cops just don't get it and will never admit they were wrong or did a poor job:
One of the group, who did not want to be identified, said it wasn't initially obvious that the woman was a police officer. All they could see was a naked man bent over a screaming woman, leading them to think she was being raped.
As they got closer they saw the woman was actually being punched in the face. The witness said the teen hit the policewoman about 60 times.
"She had her arms up, trying to deflect his punches and protect her face."How about grabbing hold of him and preventing that occurring? He's a "skinny" 16 year old remember.
While one of the friends rang 111, another ran towards the woman and yelled at the teen. "He wasn't phased, he just kept belting her. I suppose he was in panic mode.
"It was just a torrent of punches, it was unbelievable."
When the group member got close, the teen ran off.One person approaching (after witnessing 60 blows!) causes him to run off. Maybe he was tired after bashing her for two minutes?
He made a mess of her. When she did get to her feet her face was all [covered in] blood. She was staggering and falling."
Police, who had heard their injured colleague's screams over the radio but didn't know exactly where she was until the witness called 111, were on the scene about a minute later.So with all of her screaming and shouting she never gave her location!? Two minutes worth and she never said : "I'm in the park off Pandora"? It took the witness to give the location.
The policewoman, who suffered scratching to the cornea of her eyes and substantial bruising, and her partner had turned up to the teen's house after he allegedly robbed a dairy twice in six minutes. The teen, who had been in the shower, ran off wearing only a towel.
He was chased by the officers, who split up as they ran. When the policewoman tried to stop him he allegedly started attacking her.
The witness said the policewoman, who is believed to have only been in the job a few months, was incredibly brave and hoped the severe beating wouldn't deter her from pursuing a long career with the police.
"She's got balls, she's got the makings of a bloody fine officer."No, no, no - epic fail, lady, epic fail. Only the police! She's off to the most shocking start - I'm sure it's a nasty experience, but she should quit given the descriptions of what happened. She can't hack it. It's pretty obvious... unless you are a police spokesperson.
The policewoman was discharged from hospital and was yesterday visited at home by Police Commissioner Howard Broad. She is not expected to suffer any permanent injury. One of the police officers who came to the policewoman's aid was stung by bees.Stung by bees. FFS. This is a farce.

A commenter, upset that my co-blogger was giving the cops a hard time over the shooting of innocents in the motorway incident on Friday (he was not - he let them off lightly, we are yet to ascertain all the facts), has directed me to this
NZ Herald report (in the image):
They then received a tipoff about where he was. When the officer and a male colleague arrived at his house, the boy was in the shower. He fled wearing only a towel.
They chased him, splitting up as they ran.
When the policewoman tried to stop the teen, he whacked her many times in the face.
She suffered severe injuries, including to her eyes.
Police communications staff heard her screaming over the police radio for about two minutes as she was being pummelled.Put the fucking RT down and control the offender. FFS. Comms doesn't need a blow-by-blow account - hit him with the bloody radio if you're going to use the radio.
Some 16 year olds are quite big (see below), but if a police officer can't get the better of a 16 year old, dressed only in a towel, then they should not be a police officer. It doesn't matter if they are female or male, if a 16 year old can "pummel" a police officer for two minutes - no mention of a weapon here let's be clear - then that person should not be a police officer.
Three people nearby also heard her. "She was yelling, 'Please don't hit me... please help'," one said.
"The guy was straddling her, just beating her face - left, right, left, right."
After yelling at the boy to stop, one of the three advanced on him. He fled.FFS. This person is a police officer?
Weak cops, as my co-blogger has said before, are more likely to resort to weapons because they are not physically equipped to deal with violent offenders - thus more shootings and taserings and pepper sprayings etc. It sounds as though the police officer could have used something in this incident - other than a radio, though if you can get overwhelmed by a 16 year old you would probably have your weapon taken off you by them as well. But cops don't make mistakes, or get it wrong:
Senior Sergeant Millie Whear said the officer was incredibly brave for holding on to the attacker while she was being hit."Brave"!? All cops are brave according to the Police. Ahh, no, "holding on" - if indeed that is what she did - probably caused her injuries. Was it brave? Did he want to hit her or attack her eyes for the hell of it - no, he wanted to escape most likely. She failed to control the offender effectively. He escaped. This police officer didn't achieve anything by "holding on" - if indeed that is what she did - because he ran off:
Police dogs caught the boy, who was by then naked, in a property neighbouring a reserve at the end of Pandora Place.So she managed to "hold on" to his towel perhaps.
In the process I suppose he must have gouged at her eyes, the little bastard. It is serious and it sounds like a horrific injury so I am reluctant to criticise too harshly what happened, but it does raise issues of who they recruit into the police. Is this just a female thing - no - there are very short (shorter than me!) police officers, male and female, whose physical stature is on the lesser side of average. In the old days they were all 6 foot + cavemen. Not so now days:
She was very grateful for the public's help in stopping the attack. One of those who ended the bashing said the officer "would have been a lot worse off if the fight had lasted longer".Fight? Sounds like she got the bash more than any fight. Is it right to send out police officers who cannot take down a 16 year old - a skinny one - in a one-on-one?
Ms Cohen said she was surprised by the injuries the attacker inflicted, considering he was "a skinny guy. He must have been an angry young man."