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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Government seek to censor the internet

Govt rejects calls to alter internet law
Calls to repeal a law that could mean Kiwi internet users have their connections cut if they are accused of breaching copyright have been knocked back by the Government.
The new "guilt by accusation" law would result in internet service providers (ISPs) being forced to take on the role of gatekeeper by blocking online access to anyone accused of flouting copyright laws and illegally downloading films and music. Telecom, Vodafone and TelstraClear have spoken out against the law, joining calls by Internet NZ for the Government to repeal section 92A of the Copyright Act, due to come in on February 28. The law says ISPs must disconnect internet service to anyone "repeatedly accused" of accessing copyrighted material online. Communications and Information Technology Minister Steven Joyce acknowledged concerns about the law's implementation, but stopped short of saying it would be reviewed. "We will keep a close eye on how the new law works in practice. We are prepared to look at further changes if they prove necessary." Internet NZ executive director Keith Davidson said ISPs would play the role of "judge, jury and executioner", and the law would negate the assumption that users were innocent until proven guilty.

Well shutting down blogsites that copy news material is certainly one way of censoring criticism of any Government, especially when that ‘system’ only needs guilt by association, there is no way to counter accusations that you’ve used copyright material you just get cut off. Initially National were against this draconian law, but after being spoken to by the corporates pushing this law, National folded like gutless wonders and we will see this stupid piece of legislation added, expect the corporate news media to use this against bloggers as soon as it is passed into law, this isn’t just about ‘piracy’ of music or movies, this is a means to control information as well.


At 28/1/09 9:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahh check todays news...

At 28/1/09 11:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes, Bomber your insightful and earth-shattering blog is a real threat to "the corporates" and this is their way of shutting the blogs down. They aren't concerned about the millions they've lost because of media piracy, it's all about stopping the poorly written ideological drivel written on blogs. Talk about delusions of grandeur

At 28/1/09 12:13 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

Oh yes, Bomber your insightful and earth-shattering blog is a real threat to "the corporates" and this is their way of shutting the blogs down. They aren't concerned about the millions they've lost because of media piracy, it's all about stopping the poorly written ideological drivel written on blogs. Talk about delusions of grandeur

Oh get over yourself Anon, I'm not suggesting it is the only reason, of course the industry is trying to tackle movie and music piracy, but why change copyright law so that any link from our site to a news site, or any quote from a news story is also included wigthin a system where by anyone acussed will get crucified? - If this move was as rightous as you suggest why inlude anything other than music and movies Anon? It becomes a very successful way of gagging blogs

At 28/1/09 4:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we need a law like this to keep bloggers honest so when they make accusations they are based on facts not on spin.

At 29/1/09 6:59 am, Blogger Bomber said...

Maybe we need a law like this to keep bloggers honest so when they make accusations they are based on facts not on spin.

The way the legislation is worded it means any blog who quotes a news story could be in breach of the legislation and because its based on a 3rd party merely making the allegation a blogger could get up in the morning and find themsleves cut off.

At 30/1/09 9:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bomber once again: National were never against this piece of legislation. They voted for it!


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