Wednesday | Rāapa 26/03/2025
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Radio review

My review for this week is posted over at The Daily Blog - on RNZ and why they only allow white people on air.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

NZ Police: crisis of confidence

Confidence in the NZ Police is falling rapidly as the full extent emerges of what they have been able to get away with under the guise of a blue uniform.

Occurrences in the last 24 hours:

This afternoon: White ribbon anti-violence march through town.  Got a police escort down the main street and everything.  Makes a difference from the police treatment the last fortnight (which is ongoing and is designed to hamper my enquiries into their vile 'roast busters' rape gang which are still on the loose on Day19 after they were outed by TV3.)

NZ Herald: Roast Busters petition delivered to Parliament
Auckland mother Jessie Hume has handed her 111,000-strong petition demanding stronger action over the Roast Busters scandal to Parliament this afternoon.
Ms Hume, who presented the petition to National MP Louise Upston, said it had been a significant day for all Kiwis affected by sexual violence.
"This situation has reached a critical point and is nothing less than a national health crisis - 110,000 people have signed this petition and we feel the Government has an obligation to respond.''
RNZ News: Police look into Tauranga disappearance claims
The Independent Police Conduct Authority says it recommended in April 2011 to the Commissioner of Police that the case of a missing Tauranga woman be further investigated.
The police announced on Wednesday they were offering up to $50,000 for any information about Luana Williams, 25, who disappeared from her Munro Street home in 1986.
Investigative journalist Bryan Bruce told Radio New Zealand's Morning Report programme he had serious concerns about both the way the police handled the case and what they did with information he had uncovered.
"I tabled a very serious complaint that suggested that two of the officers who were assigned to Luana's case had had sexual relations with her.
"Now that's an allegation, but it isn't for a journalist to go and investigate. This is an allegation that has to be investigated by the police."
Bryan Bruce said he also complained to the Independent Police Conduct Authority but had never been contacted by it to give more information.
A former police detective accused of attacking a male model at a party in central Auckland says he punched and kneed the man in self defence.
Jan de Moor, 34, is defending a charge of injuring with intent after he allegedly attacked the model at a fashion show's after-party in central Auckland last year.
Dan Gosling, designer of the Stolen Girlfriend's Club label and party host, told the Auckland District Court on Thursday morning that he was one of the first people to intervene in the attack between the former officer and the model.
Mr Gosling said there were limbs flying everywhere and that he saw a kneeing motion. He said the model's face was a mess.
NZ Herald: Police officer abuse hotline receives calls
A special hotline set up by police to investigate corrupt Christchurch officer Gordon Meyer has already received calls from the public, but police will not say exactly how many other potential victims have come forward.
Senior Constable Gordon Stanley Meyer, 45, offered to make charges against a suspected drink driver go away in return for oral sex.
He also groped an 18-year-old woman he was giving a lift between pubs while on duty in his marked patrol car.
Meyer, who has since resigned from police, will be sentenced next month after pleading guilty in the High Court at Christchurch on Monday to indecent assault and corruption and bribery charges.

Stuff: Police won't apologise for dog attack
Police say it is regrettable Nelson man Kyle McArtney was bitten by a tracker dog but they have stopped short of an apology.
McArtney was bitten by a police dog, released by its handler, on Sunday night and the district's police chief has referred the case to the Independent Police Conduct Authority.
Yesterday McArtney was visited by Nelson Bays area commander Steve Greally and Sergeant Charlie Parfitt, officer in charge of Nelson Youth Services.
"I thought they may have been coming to apologise but there was no apology. I am disgusted," he said.
- and another police dog attack expose from the weekend.
TVNZ Sunday programme: Police dog attack victim wants accountability
Police are in the gun again over their handling of an incident where an innocent civilian was mauled by a police dog.
The victim has told TV ONE's Sunday programme his quest for answers has largely gone unanswered and he now wants more oversight of the police.
Aucklander Hamish McCourtie was attacked and badly mauled by a police dog while he was in his driveway in 2010.
"One of his legs was on my arm and he just ripped in and he was turning his head and I could just feel my bicep opening up," Mr McCourtie said.
Mr McCourtie was an innocent victim on his way to help out what he thought was an accident when he was attacked.
An internal police inquiry found that the handler had released his dog without sighting the offenders he had been pursuing - a breach of police policy.
For three years Mr McCourite has been trying to find out how the dog handler has been held to account but says he has been thwarted by privacy and employment laws.
"You sit back as a citizen and sort of look at what kind of processes are in place to protect the citizens. Where light doesn't shine you get rot."
He is now campaigning for more powers for the Independent Police Conduct Authority.
"It has absolutely no means to affect any true oversight of the police."
The Head of the IPCA is also calling for change but the Government has resisting giving the police watchdog more teeth to do the job.

Meanwhile no-one knows who is in charge of the 'roast busters' case because the NZ Police refuse to say.  Anyone reading my last post of my timesheets from Friday will understand who is primarily responsible for pursuing the suspects in this case and who is primarily responsible for preventing them being charged.

Additionally in the last 24 hours: The settlement/decolonisation process has reached a watershed. 

Firstly, the individual responsible for single-handedly derailing the policy of land return - Alan Titford - has been exposed as the psychotic, sadistic maniac he is.  Because of his actions and the racism behind it, the Labour government of the day was persuaded not to try to negotiate the return of privately held land in Treaty settlements. Which leads directly to the second point: Instead of returning land a "fiscal envelope" was devised for the big tribes to induce them to sign up by offering them cash when they signed plus a top up for relativity once the amount of total treaty settlements reaches the arbitrary $1 billion mark.  That point in time has arrived.  That these two issues have coincided is fitting.

NZ Herald: Jones: Titford a 'destructive' influence

The man jailed for two decades for sex and violence offences was a "destructive" influence on Maori/Pakeha relations in the Far North, Labour MP Shane Jones says.
Questions have also been asked about how Allan Titford was able to run for mayor while in jail waiting for sentencing.
Yesterday, the 53-year-old was sentenced in the Whangarei District court to 24 years in prison after a jury found him guilty of 39 charges including assault, sexual violation, arson and fraud.
Titford came to prominence in the late 1980s and early 1990s over a dispute with the Crown over a farm he owned at Maunganui Bluff.
The land was subject to a claim by Maori and was eventually bought by the Crown to give to the hapu. Titford claimed that the hapu had torched his home and caused plenty of other damage to his farm during the dispute.

RNZ News: Arbitration coming up for Treaty relativity clause
The Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations says it's a matter of weeks before arbitration begins with iwi on the cash top-up clause.
Chris Finlayson spoke about the relativity mechanism to the Maori Affairs Select Committee on Wednesday.
Mr Finlayson told the committee that arbitration would begin in a couple of weeks to agree on the total Treaty compensation sum, from which the top-up is calculated.
The clause states that if the total settlement pay-outs to iwi exceed $1 billion at 1994 prices, then Ngai Tahu and Waikato-Tainui would get a cut of the portion that went over that cap.
The iwi don't believe the Crown has included the value of all historical settlements in its calculation.
Chris Finlayson says it is a novel approach for the Crown to continue with the mechanism, and expects arbitration to clear things up.
Former supreme court judge, Andrew Tipping, will head the process.

Coupled with the National government's bloody-minded selling off of as many of the state assets as they can before the referendum on the question can be put I perceive events are heading towards a major rupture of some description.  A break with the past beckons.


Just popped up on Twitter, a statement about the non-investigation that is "Operation: Clover":
NZ Police: [in full]
Operation Clover - update

National News

Please attribute the following statement to Detective Inspector Karyn Malthus, Operation Clover. 

"Operation Clover is making steady progress. We are currently focused on speaking to a number of girls. This is a very delicate and careful process and at this time our priority is the privacy, health and well-being of the girls, their families and caregivers. As part of our multi-agency approach we are also offering the girls access to relevant support services.
We appreciate the high level of interest in this investigation, however we are still unable to discuss any operational matters. We continue to urge anyone who may wish to make contact with us to feel free to ring the dedicated 0800 number from any landline or cellphone (0800 672 568).  Alternatively people can contact the independent organisation Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
We're also very mindful of the fact that it's exam time, and we've been working around these commitments to ensure anyone who speaks to us is able to do that at a convenient time for them."
Police have received a number of requests for interviews on the progress of this operation.  Whilst we appreciate the interest in this matter, the Police focus firmly remains on the investigation at this time.

Very clear they do not want any questions on this at all - because they cannot answer them.  "Operational matters" are a euphemism for "nothing to see here, move along."  The questions are very simple and have nothing to do with jeopardising a (non-)existent investigation.  The ruse about exams is an attempt to delay - they will be telling them to wait after exams are over no doubt.  Their silence (they have not issued a statement or been able to give a straight answer for a week now) is telling and today this point blank refusal to answer questions under the shadow of "operational matters" confirms this shut-down tactic.  To any reasonable person this looks like a cover up.  This is Day19.

Friday, November 15, 2013

NZ Police 'roast busters' Interview questions

Interview questions for the Waitemata police in relation to the 'ROAST BUSTERS' gang ("the gang"/"the case")

To be interviewed:

Supt. Bill SEARLE (District Commander, Waitemata Police )
Det Supt. Andy LOVELOCK
Det. Insp. Bruce SCOTT 


Do the police have probable cause or reasonable suspicion to suspect any member of the gang, or any participant in the activities of the gang, have committed a criminal offence?
+ When did police form this opinion and upon what evidence?

How many victims of the gang are there, what are their ages, and on what dates did the offences against them occur?

What was the name given to this case? What was the status of this case: enquiry/operation etc.

What plans did the police have to end the gang?

Given the police statement that the gang's facebook page was was open for operational and tactical reasons:
+ How many suspects were able to be identified in this case? - were they interviewed?
+ How many victims were able to be identified in this case? - were they interviewed?
+ was there an intention to keep the website open until there was another suspect? or another victim?
+ How many videos, images or other documents did Det Insp Bruce Scott of the Waitemata police inspect in relation to the case and how many did he determine were evidence of a criminal offence?
+ Did any other officer view these videos, images or documents beside Det Insp Bruce Scott - and what was there determination of criminality?

What measures and what staff resources (including staff hours) have been put into protecting the safety of the victims in this case?

What staff resources (including staff hours) have been put into protecting the safety of the suspects in this case?

Do the police know the whereabouts of the gang?
+ If overseas now, what is the date the suspect left and in which country are they?

Has a draft summary of facts been prepared for the laying of an information/charging document in the case?

NZ Police 'roast busters' timesheets DAY13

Day 13 since the expose of the west Auckland rape gang known as the 'roast busters'...

What have the NZ Police done to stop/arrest the 'roast busters' rape club TODAY:


What have I done to stop/arrest the 'roast busters' rape club TODAY:

08:50 tweet to philtwyford re: meeting time today with Waitemata Police command? 

09:20 Email to Phil Twyford 

09:35 Tel. call to Phil Twyford electorate office 

09:50 Tel. Beth Bates Comms Manager Waitemata: Answ/ph message: away till Tues 19/11/2013, referring all calls to Police National Headquarters. 

10:20 (8min approx.) Tel conversation with  Det. Lisa Norton on 0800 OP CLOVER:
+ Says Det. Insp. Karyn Norton cannot be contacted at the moment, all day?.  Says does not have any of her tel. numbers.  Does give her email:
+ Says Det. Snr. Sgt. Nadine Richmond is on staff (as a senior person?/2IC?)
+ Says fairly certain that enquiry did not have name prior to ‘Operation: Clover’ was just individual files.
+ She keeps asking for my name (not given).
+ She does not know about meeting with Phil Twyford.
+ She accuses me of wasting time when victims could be trying to ring up.  I say “have you not got call waiting?”  She says: yes… 

10:58 (4 min approx.) Tel. (04 380 8611) conversation with Graham McCready of Private Prosecution Service Ltd.,
+ He says has told police if they won’t prosecute he will.
+ Says from media coverage of gang he would have enough to lay an information (the charging document).
+ He is willing to do pro bono (recover costs via judgment?)
+ To email him today: 

11:20 putting out requests for Phil Twyford’s mob. ( – still no responses) 

11:25 work on diagram showing relationships between and actions of offenders, victims and the police officers responsible for the case.  

11:58 Tel. TV3 news – to call back 

12:03 Alison Harley of TV3 news calls back:
+ She says has 3 News has not been approached by police requesting information, nor have they sent information to police – it is all public (ie. been broadcast and on their website).
+ says 3 News will pass on offers of private prosecution to their sources (victims). 

12:30 Tel. Waitemata HQ (09 477 5000), (call approx.. 6 mins)  put through to Supt. Searle’s PA says he is busy with someone at the moment, says she cannot confirm meeting with Twyford today, says his diary is constantly changing.  She says will consult and get back (– on hold for 3 minutes).  She asks for name and I identify myself and organisation and spell it out.  She says will call me back… as she’s got my number (am ringing from my mobile so must be on her screen).

1:00 Posted this blog entry

Now I'm off to lunch.



13:37 @nzpolice on twitter put out message about yesterday's long-winded statement from Comm. Marshall.

13:58 Tweet from David Cunliffe in response to my query:
David Cunliffe ‏ @DavidCunliffeMP 1m
@  @ Phil is meeting police as I did last week. No big hui but more to come on this from us

14:30  Make enquiries regarding the sudden multiple malfunctioning of my mobile all week (which I have had without any problems of this nature whatsoever for the last 3 years) and which interfered with sending messages (internet and txt) about the case.

15:10 Sent email to McCready of NZPPS with offer from TV3 to pass on his contact to sources/victims.

15:25 still no call back from Waitemata police HQ. After three hours.

15:30 Tel. Waitemata police HQ (goes to music hold).  ringing...ringing... ringing... ringing... "no answer... he usually picks up that line?" .... then silent, completely silent for a minute. I have to hang up and re-dial.
+ Tel. again. Put through sec. etc. then same thing, silent, keep waiting, nothing, so I hang up.

[COMMENT: There you go.  This says it all. This has to be the most unprofessional (non)investigation by the NZ Police of all-time. Is it any wonder Supt. Searle doesn't want to pick up his own phone when he is (at least nominally) in charge of this anarchy.

Nothing.  They don't want to talk do they?  They don't want to do anything in this case.  Is it because one of the suspects is the son of a policeman?  Of course it is.]

15:31 Phil Twyford MP emails back confirms he will be in meeting this afternoon, asks me to forward him my issues.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

NZ Police 'roast busters' timesheets

What have the NZ Police done to stop/arrest the 'roast busters' rape club:



What have the NZ Police done to empower/encourage the 'roast busters' rape club:

Day 1: Sun 03/11/2013
TV3 exposes 'roast busters' gang on evening news.
No immediate police response.

Day 2: Mon 04/11/2013
Statement 12:41pm: "a full and thorough investigation has been conducted, but in the absence of significant evidence such as formal statements, there is not enough evidence to prosecute the alleged offenders at this time." This was latter corrected because it was such an obvious lie."These enquiries have been ongoing for some two years and involve a group of boys allegedly involved in sexual activity with young teenage girls whilst grossly intoxicated.Detectives from the Waitemata Child Protection Team have been working on the case since 2011, when a teenage girl came forward to Police to informally report what had happened to her."
The semantic nonsense of "formal" v. "informal" is a tissue-thin basis to start off their superstructure of a cover-up.
"A full and thorough investigation was launched and the offenders and circumstances were identified. All identified and possible victims were contacted by Police and encouraged to give formal statements which would assist the enquiry.
Three teenage boys were formally interviewed by Police as suspects, but unfortunately made no admissions. A fourth boy refused to co-operate."
Unfortunately, eh. And they can just refuse to co-operate altogether and that's cool too.  Where are these written statements and when were they made?  They claim here this is ALL of them - I doubt that, these are the underage victims only, I suspect if they were 16 or over they were told because they are over the age of consent it would be too difficult to proceed - that's my initial thought.
"Police have spoken with all identified and possible victims and their friends, on a number of occasions" - they are adamant this is everything: ALL. A "number of occasions" tells us these were multiple complainants involving multiple contacts.  So many people and not a single arrest, not a single charge.  And then this claim: "it is very frustrating for the enquiry team who have worked tirelessly for months on the case." When did they start? how many staff involved?  But this enquiry was not given a name so it could continue off-the-books.

Statement 5:30pm: "one of the young men who previously declined to co-operate presented himself at a Police station early this afternoon. Another young man is also being interviewed by Police." Note "decline to co-operate" as if this was normal and a valid reason not to pursue an offender.  Det Insp Bruce Scott: "publicity around this case has enabled us to make further progress, and we hope to build on the work done by the enquiry team to potentially take us to the stage where we have enough evidence to build a case." Is that the most far removed from an arrest as you can get... hope/potentially/build. Scott and Searle's other interviews make it plain that they expect nothing to come of this.  What did they tell those offenders? Then one glaring admission:--"We're aware that questions have been raised about why we didn't act to shut down the Roastbusters Facebook page. The page was left open for operational and tactical reasons, and whilst we acknowledge it was upsetting for the victims, it was being monitored for information or evidence that would assist our investigation."--So they now admit they were aware of it and they were "monitoring" it.  They obviously think nothing appearing or being alluded to on that page to that point in time was criminal.  Question is what contact did police have with the offenders during this period in particular - because it sounds as though the police had told the gang that as long as they didn't see anyone underage on it what they were doing was lawful and no action would be taken.  Hales (the president of this rape club) had bragged several months ago on his site that the police had spoken to him and they said what they were doing to these girls was legal.  He was under the impression they had a police licence to rape, and unfortunately, so it appears were the police.

Day 3: Tue 05/11/2013
RNZ: (or was this Monday?) Supt. Searle (or Scott?) says victims lack "courage" not to give statements and are not "brave."  This sounds indistinguishable from intimidation.

Statement 1:26pm: Supt Searle admits "the involvement of a Police Officer's son." [...] "Two of the young men spoke with Police yesterday afternoon and that information is now being assessed by the enquiry team. A Senior Detective who is independent from the investigation has been brought in from outside the Waitemata District to provide extra support." And Supt Searle warns against vigilantism due to the inaction.

Day 4: Wed 06/11/2013
Police threaten to charge The Daily Blog editor (and Tumeke blogger emeritus) Martyn Bradbury over a parody rape recruitment ad for the NZ Police, seemingly on the basis that people would think it was true.

6pm TV3 interview 13 year old "first victim" (now aged 15). She said the police re-victimised her by their interrogation technique, said the police involved were atrocious - and said it had been videoed. 

Statement 7:10pm: Says can "confirm a complaint was received in December 2011. An investigation was launched and the complaint was thoroughly investigated.[...]Out of respect for the victim and her family Police are unable to discuss the specific details of this particular situation any further." Refusing to provide information like this is really out of respect for the offenders.

Day 5: Thu 07/11/2013
Statement at 8:26am regarding number of victims. The back-tracking on the police's initial dismissive bravado begins.  In full:--Roastbusters - Clarification
There are four girls that have been identified as victims, and of those four, one has made a formal complaint.
Three of the girls were in contact with Police in 2011.
Another girl began discussions with Police in late 2012.
Of the total four girls, one has gone through the process of making her complaint formal, where an official statement was made by way of an evidential video interview.
--The spurious clouding of formal and informal is an utterly bogus tactic.  Once Supt Searle saw the previous night's TV3 story where the victim said the interview was videoed he had to change his story as he thought all of them had been dissuaded from making a written statement... he must have forgot the video. Comm. Marshall was on radio at some point thereafter claiming that case had reached a "natural" conclusion (which sounds to me like a set-up for saying the video and other evidence had been destroyed because the case was closed... despite the official line it was a two year investigation) - that was my initial thought. 

Comm. Marshall's statement: Supt Searle "reviewing aspects of how the investigation was handled." Marshall claims: "now satisfied that her [first victim] complaint was very thoroughly investigated". And mentions: "[...] when we become aware of the sort of activity which this group has engaged in, which we also find abhorrent and disturbing [...]" but does not say it was criminal despite being aware the victims were aged 13 - 15 years of age. Ending thus: "In the meantime, we welcome any IPCA investigation that may take place, and will act on any learnings it may identify." - so Marshall takes the wet bus ticket slap for precisely what it is - a lengthy non-response to the initial lengthy non-response. Parliamentary question time 2pm: To astonishment of the House, Police Minister Anne Tolley says police "enthusiastically" investigating. Minister can't see that her complaint lodged with IPCA means she cannot possibly have confidence in the Commissioner and that this position is untenable.

Statement at 3:40pm regarding a call to Newstalk ZB they thought was worth mentioning so they can deny a link with the case, then adds: "The Officer in charge of the case has been in regular contact with the victims families." Regular contact meaning a pattern of intimidation from the overall context.

Day 6: Fri 08/11/2013
[7:30pm Neighbour reports anon blue saloon car visit to rural address of blogger (me) just before sunset.]

Day 7: Sat 09/11/2013
Commissioner Marshall interviewed on Q+A: NZHerald: Police have been criticised about the questions asked of the complainant, now aged 15, including about what clothes she had been wearing.
Mr Marshall told Q+A the girl had been interviewed by a specially trained female interviewer.
Was it a woman - he seems to know a lot about the specifics.

Day 8: Sun 10/11/2013
Comm. Marshall personally telephones home number of blogger commenter 'Kracklite' who has been critical of NZ Police. 

Day 9: Mon 11/11/2013
Operation Clover declared open. Confused and contradictory brief: says Det Insp Karyn Malthus "to lead a multi-agency investigation team" then says later "Detective Superintendent Andy Lovelock will retain overall oversight of the investigation."  This does not make sense - my interpretation is the woman will deal with victims as an alternative to police (like ACC, counselling etc.) whereas the actual duty to apprehend the offenders still lies with others, ie. the same policemen as before.  "Retain" indicates Lovelock has had this gig all along (not that he has been hitherto mentioned on any official police statement).  Confusing and murky enough, but what of Searle and Scot's responsibilities - are they still on this case? As part of the suppression they need to have their computers seized and to be investigated themselves, but no chance with the current Commissioner digging in like it was the Western Front. The end statement tells us there was really no investigation at all: "The Police investigation is known as Operation Clover and will be referred to by this name from now on." Begging the obvious question: what was the name of the operation beforehand - and when was it launched? Police refuse to answer specifics of victims/suspects following announcement. 

Day 10: Tue 12/11/2013
[3pm After a heavy bout of tweeting  MPs etc. to rally support my phone weirded out like it never has before, ever, and was disconnected.  My conclusion is, naturally, the worst, but not enough I realise now for any certainty.]

Day 11: Wed 13/11/2013
... when will this anarchy end?

When the NZ Police attempt to intimidate their critics, when random citizens with internet connections have done more (at least in intention) in the last dozen days than the entire NZ police force put together to break this gang then reasonable people will inevitably conclude what the facts are and who is and who is not doing their duty.  Since the Commissioner of Police refuses to do his duty he should be replaced with someone who will.  Day 11 and this rape gang - all of them - are at-large on the authority of the NZ Police. 

This is a state of terror created by the NZ Police upon the victims and would-be prey of this gang and that terror is now spreading to critics of police.  And all to defend the good name and freedom of the son of a policeman who does not even deny being part of the gang.  Is he at the Police College or something? - is his Dad mates with the Commissioner or something?  Or is this the immunity that any cop's son can expect?  And is this the vulnerability everyone else is expected to live with - their daughters, grand-daughters and sisters being fresh meat for a police-sanctioned rape gang?  This gang are the sons of the controlling class exploiting and terrorising the daughters of the subject class.  Who wants to live in such a society?

Sadly the politicians are incredibly, negligently weak - across all parties.  There weren't even any questions to the Police Minister yesterday in parliament despite all the contradictions and inadequacy of her and her department's (in)actions.  The questions to expose the conspiracy are there, and no politician has the balls to ask them - this is a monumental failure of the political class of this country.  Is New Zealand a constabulocracy or a democracy?

Today - not a single question to the Police Minister. It is like all 121 MPs are acquiescing in this collective abuse.

Of all the West Auckland MPs I have contacted (via Twitter), Tau Henare gave a sarcastic endorsement of vigilantism and Phil Twyford more constructively had written a letter expressing 'disappointment' and will have a meeting with local police on Friday (Day 13).  Zip from the rest.  If they do not express their no confidence in the Commissioner over this case - this on-going rape crisis - then it must be inferred they support this monstrous and untenable situation.  People must speak up and stand up.  Where is the leadership?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

PM John Key: 'truly rape?'

Is that what the PM said at his post-cab presser yesterday afternoon? Sounded like he was saying either he or the police think there is some ambiguity around whether a gang of older boys is drugging and raping 13-15 year olds is 'truly rape'. It was rape question mark. If the gang didn't have a member who was the son of a serving policeman would there be a question mark there? We all know the answer to that.

His press conference was vague, but this was round about the same time the NZ Police announced 'Operation: Clover' to take over from whatever was happening before (which seems to be a rape club operating with the sanction of Waitemata police detectives). The NZ Police according to the NZ Herald have refused to answer specific questions about victims and suspects. Is Op Clover an alternative to the police? - that is how it is being portrayed. Is Op Clover part of the cover-up, to keep the son of a serving police officer from facing the justice anyone else would surely face?

Day 9 / 2 years later and the best the cops can do is get a woman officer to try to clean up with the victims... Meanwhile nothing will be done with the very high risk offenders out on the loose so long as Sup Searle + Det Insp Scott have anything to do with it.

Qustioln time today I hope the right questions are asked. Why does Commissioner Marshall still retain confidence of Anne Tolley? Does John Key think 'roast busters' group sex with 13-15 year olds was 'truly rape'?

Monday, November 11, 2013

The godfathers of rape club

The PM says it's OK. 

Operational independence apparently means they sanction a rape club operating in West Auckland - in the Waitemata District where his electorate is - and he's cool with that.  Guess he figures his kids won't be the victims, just other people's kids, like white trash westie 13 year olds.

That is not operational independence that is a criminal act and one that promotes a total lack of confidence and the utmost disrespect for the police.  When the cops won't do their job in such an acute situation (ie. having these high level offenders at extreme risk of reoffending being at-large on their say-so) it leaves vigilantism as the only method left available to achieve justice.  There isn't enough time available to do anything else, this is urgent.

Mr Key told TVNZ's Breakfast programme on Monday police were independent and it was not for him to tell them how to investigate.
"It's the police that have to decide. If we wade in that will actually damage the case if there is a case to be taken."


What case?  The police aren't building a case for victims they are launching a rear-guard defence for the offenders, one of whom the Commissioner admits is the son of a police officer.  Everything the NZ Police have done to date has been dedicated to preserve the liberty of these child sex offenders and defeat a case being brought against them.  They have done nothing to progress anything.  This being the ninth day after 'roast busters' was exposed by TV3 we have no arrests.  No arrests for the two years the police say they knew either. 

The ten questions just to start with are:
1. When was first complaint?
2. How many were there in total? and did any female staff attend interviews?
3. Why did victims' parents not want to progress matters as claimed by police - their reports?
4. What is name of the operation and when was it given?
5. What details of claim from offender Hales that police interviewed him and said activity was not unlawful?  Where is caution letter, notes of this warning?
6. When did police know about websites?
7. Did police watch videos/images online - how many, when, what notes, follow up etc. and contact with gang after knowledge of website?
8.  Where is copy of search warrant that Sup Searle claims was executed on one offender (on Monday?) and was his residence and car searched?
9. How can police claim on-going investigation when very clear now on day 9 that they never had any plan to apprehend?
10.  Who is the cop father of one of the offenders and what has their involvement and contact been with anyone in this case?

Cops aren't that sophisticated and operate to their own thug MO, so achieving a cover-up depends on physically intimidating visits etc.  This can't work on me because they don't know my location, but others are vulnerable to threats.  These tactics now include the Commissioner himself personally telephoning someone who complained... yesterday... on a Sunday afternoon... on an unrelated matter... Only a moron or a fascist would believe this was some routine event.  How many similar calls has he ever made on Sunday afternoon to people who complain on a website?

Marshall is now as out of control as the rest of the Waitemata command.  The conspirators are getting more desperate to suppress this.  Why?  It's not just a job paying more than the PM on the line and a few careers, these are heavy duty criminal acts.  To break rape club means having to take down the top.  So be it. The politicians have to realise this is why they are elected, to represent the people - not the police.  The Cabinet must remove Marshall for the safety of the community and appoint someone who will arrest the rape gang.

The PM brags this morning that after five years he now has 100,000 twitter followers.  Meanwhile a petition calling for the arrest of the Waitemata police-sanctioned gang rapists is already at 65,000 after less than a week.  But the PM doesn't care about that, he cares about the operational independence of the police which includes in his definition the permission of a rape club to exist.

The Police Minister says it's OK, but has lodged a complaint to the IPCA which might take three years or more.  She purports to be powerless to do anything.  She failed to confront and deal with Marshall and her filing an IPCA complaint is incompatible with confidence in the Commissioner, and yet on he soldiers.  Free to intimidate anyone who complains.

The Commissioner of Police says this rape club is OK:
because Sup. Bill Searle says this rape club is OK:
because Det. Insp. Bruce Scott says this rape club is OK  (this image is mid-shrug when he says it's only "verging on criminal"):
because the son of a cop and their gang says it's OK.
So it's OK. 

Gang raping a 13 year old is OK according to this hierarchy of policemen. 

The only person of any rank in civil society to call for Commissioner Marshall's resignation - from what I've read - is the union boss, Helen Kelly.  The political establishment's slave mentality to the police, this cop-worship, is why they are so weak on this.

Every hour and every day these self-confessed rapists are on the loose is every hour and every day that Operation: Pig Roast is in existence.  If this is what the NZ policeman's standard for lawful sexual activity is then we all know they must be up for a roasting of their own. This is the logic of allowing a rape gang at-large.

Who is responsible for rape culture?  Ask the one's who allowed it to propagate all over west Auckland until it became accepted in some quarters as the norm of teenage behaviour. The ones to ask are the New Zealand Police. There wouldn't be any rape club now, or for the last two years, if it wasn't for the inaction - and sanction - of the police.

Two ways to deal with this crisis:

The nice way:

The other way:
Imagine if people started affixing that sort of message to the back of policemen's uniforms.  That's where it belongs - nowhere else and no-one else tolerates rape except the NZ Police - policemen.

The easy way, however is for Commissioner Marshall to be replaced so that arrests can be made.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

NZ Police-sanctioned rape club at-large with Commissioner's approval... contrary to civilisation

Marches are being organised against rape culture for next week, and Willie and JT on Radiolive are now ad-free after their rape apologist angles were aired, and that is something, but I'm concerned about stopping, ie. arresting the 'roast busters' child gang rapists. That's top priority for me. Everything else is second now because the existence of a police-sanctioned rape club free to rape whatever 13 year olds they like is contrary to civilisation. It's terribly difficult to focus on anything else when this gang rape is going down in front of the entire country and every single politician and elected official is too cowardly, too thick, too trusting, to see it for what it is and act.

Since TV3 exposed this vile gang on Sunday the police have dismissed every concern, maintaining the members are not offenders, the girls 13-15 are just unhappy they lost their virginity to a room full of older boys, and are not brave, and the acts and the gang are not criminal. It's only 'morally' wrong, they say. Six straight days after exposure and offenders at-large on the authority of the Waitemata police and Commissioner Marshall.

And what a peculiar standard or threshold for rape they hold; one that if applied logically, applies only to the NZ Police (it certainly isn't anyone else's standard) and shall apply in the form of Operation: Pig Roast to policeMEN. It is the male pack rape instinct that is the problem here not policeWOMEN. And the only cure, the only remedy, the only medicine left in the cabinet since the actual National Cabinet won't act is to do to them what they say it is lawful to do to 13 year old girls - no more, no less. That's lawful and it is with good faith as we all know what the cops regard as lawful since they refuse to arrest the gang. Nasty, but - for policeMEN - legal, lawful and only 'morally' wrong, not wrong in law and certainly not an offence. This view is wholly consistent with the public statements of the Waitemata command and National HQ via Commissioner Marshall. This is the policy of the NZ Police.

Operation: Pig Roast players are reminded that in order to be eligible for the inaugural Searle-Scott trophy they will need pics that incl cop uniform on. Tweet these to @nzpolice - I don't want them, they are the ones that need to see it. To start with though could do with some advertising so here is suggestion: for first pics: notice printed out in big letters and to be attached to the back of any cop:

By order: Comm Marshall

No prizes as yet.

I have been trying all week, while the NZ Police, Commissioner Marshall, Sup Bill Searle and Det Insp Bruce Scott conspire to defeat the course of justice, to have the gang arrested and charged. Every day Searle is left in charge is another victim intimidated out of testifying and the heavying of parents into backing off. Meanwhile rape club is at-large. Every rape since Sunday is on Marshall/Searle/Scott. Will they not be joined as a party to that offence (separate to consp. charge)? After Tolley's ridiculous meeting with the Commissioner where she said she retains confidence in him despite lodging a complaint against his police force with the IPCA, she has been in an untenable position. This is becoming a constitutional issue - police are out of control and NZ is just one big rapeland for them and their sons. Tolley thinks this is tolerable as does Key, Collins and Finlayson who have done nothing.

Cop's son may have used Dad's booze, car, house for rape club of course this is the issue, maybe worse. All the initial cover-up and witness intimidation relies on every gang member with same story and no-one to nark out the cop's son - this is the crux. The cops have to keep rape club as not criminal or else entire gang incl. everyone who is in the cover-up is criminal/party to offences. This is why whole gang must go down - don't let cop son nark his way into lesser charges. Every day goes by these offenders are destroying evidence, they may have fled the country already under the freedom granted by the NZ Police. The gang is not broken it is active, it's individual offenders are roaming the streets tonight.

Once more:

Please dismiss Comm Marshall and replace with new Commissioner that will vow to arrest the rape gang members and seize computers of Sup Searle and Det Insp Scott as No.1 policing priority, with a condition that if this Ministerial expectation is not achieved within 24 hours they will be dismissed and another appointed who will.

To the leadership of the Opposition parties, please send your support for this action to the Cabinet, they must have strength to act with authority of whole political establishment to outlaw rape.

Only the arrest of the rape club can stop Opeartion: Pig Roast. End rape club to end pig roast.

I haven't had any complaints either way from anyone in authority regards anything on this blog (or on twitter) all week. Firstly because every horrifying word is true. Secondly, everyone seems too mortified to intervene in this collective gang rape of our law and order, let alone deal with the thought that tonight a pack of bone fide psycopathic child rapists is on the loose in Auckland on the authority of the police. In this situation anything seems permissable - the cop son's rape club is lawful, Operation: Pig Roast is lawful. It's all lawful. Truly, utterly, completely bloody lawful.

And because the long arm of rape club extends to all 6000 male cops and I am the only one screaming rape at their party of course I expect consequences of some sort. I am acting online with all the impunity the cops do in real life, but this may not be able to continue if Comm Marshall and the apparatus of rape club remains. I asked my good neighbour (not the bad one) whether there had been anything sus over the last few days at my nominal address I keep in the wops and they said no police cars, but then said a dark blue late model saloon drove up, hung around for a bit, took a plate number and left just before sunset yesterday. No-one would do this in that rural location, no-one except a friendly member of the BoP chapter of rape club. So, that's the situation. Me at-large. Them at large. Morality at-large.

Friday, November 08, 2013

Operation: Pig Roast update

As inexplicable as this is, no-one in the entire country is going to stop NZ Police Commissioner Marshall and Sup Bill Searle and Det Insp Bruce Scott from authorising the continuation of the 'roast busters' rape club, whose members are tonight on the loose. I've tweeted up a storm all day to active acc's of Ministers and politicians and nothing. Also nothing on stopping Operation: Pig Roast either. Must all be OK then. Everyone in authority reckons its OK to allow rape club to exist. What sort of bestial society are we living in. Someone put a stop to this gang of predatory child rapists. PLEASE. Am I the only one who doesn't actually want Operation: Pig Roast? Is everyone cool about it and has accepted the logic? I want the rape club arrested now not after their next victim presents at rape crisis

Sunset and still another day of rape club, only now with addition of pork roast... This is incomprehensible. I feel ill.

Operation: Pig Roast

@1:30pm NZDT Operation: Pig roast commences at end of business tonight, pending the denunciation and arrest of the 'roast busters' rape club. Their acts are criminal and the acts of the Waitemata police command, Det Insp Bruce Scott and Sup Bill Searle are a conspiracy to defeat the course of justice. Commissioner Marshall is party to this. Five days after this gang was uncovered on TV3 and the police still can't bring themselves to arrest and charge the son of a cop and his mates for stupefying and pack raping at least 4 under-age girls. Maybe Dad gave them booze, or partook, who knows? And that's just the horrifying start of it. Police covered it up and are still trying to cover it up by intimidating the victims and heavying the parents. Police claim on-going investigation and permitting website to function, but no action. Inconsistent and untenable. Police had no intention, no plan, to ever arrest, charge or prosecute - this has been proven beyond reasonable doubt after five days. All offenders, at high risk of flight and re-offending remain at-large on authority of Searle and Scott - and now the Commissioner. Rape club is fully functioning except TV3 had their facebook page taken down, apart from that there is no action to actually stop the gang.

Police Minister Tolley lodges a complaint against her own police force but retains confidence in what is the third leg of a criminal conspiracy. Tolley told parliament the police were 'enthusiastically' investigating. This is after Marshall made it clear that the officers who oversaw rape club were still in charge of investigating rape club. Searle and Scott's computers must be seized now to establish what they knew and when.

If there is no denunciation forthcoming from the NZ Police of the 'roast busters' rape club as the criminal gang it is and arrest of the offenders then, logically, the police think groups of men stupefying and raping and kidnapping and assaulting and humiliating and internet shaming are all lawful, all good. They even vetted the website to make sure they at least looked 16 from what is implied by statements on Monday. It was Scott or Searle who described the rape club website as 'bragging' and accused the child victims as not being 'brave'. The problem is that if this is the standard of lawfulness and only 'morally' wrong as Searle characterised it, then that standard must be assumed for all police, all policemen at least, as being lawful too. If those standards were applied to policemen from tonight onwards by everyone in a pub for example and they were taken out the back for a 'roast' that is nothing more and nothing less than that which they have permitted their gang to get away with and boast on the internet about then that too must be lawful according to the police. We know they are all into it too because they condone it and don't think it criminal, so the roast will be in good faith and according to police-sanctioned guidelines. Running out of a pub with torn clothes, blood, tears etc. is just a slut's regret - every cop in the Waitemata District knows that, so why not apply that exact same standard to the policemen themselves? They are the only ones to accept it, but so what, that's consent. If NZ Police Commissioner Marshall and Sup Searle and Det Insp Scott say rape club is legal then let's have a pork roast tonight. If this prospect is the only thing to end rape club then who is any of us to stop it? Like the rape club out tonight on authority of the NZ Police that no-one in any position of authority seems unable to stop.

It is now Friday 2pm. I have communicated - via twitter at least - to Att-Gen Finlayson, Justice Min. Collins and the PM, and also Tolley, (who posted a pic of herself and Marshall with Penny Hulse at an award ceremony for 'police bravery' about 30 minutes ago) to advise that Tolley is best to resign, a new Minister should dismiss Marshall and replace with new Commissioner whose first priority is the arrest and charge of the rape club in 24 hours. If this expectation is not met it must be made clear that the new Commissioner will be dismissed if this is not undertaken and so forth until there is a Commissioner who will denounce and arrest rape club. If people aren't assured of their 13 year old daughter's safety because the police sanctioned a rape club then why should police be assured of their safety? So long as offenders are on the loose and top cops covering then these questions will grow.

The MPs in the Waitemata District are faffing around, the Auckland Mayor after his corrupt council-funded affair has no authority to speak on any sex matter, and the opposition are focussed on it like it was just a matter of process in an historical case. This is the real world. The cops are still ordaining rape club tonight and no-one does anything? Do the cops want to be roasted? Must be yes from every single utterance from every single cop I've heard in the media today - they seem rather relaxed about it.

The Police Commissioner isn't just going to resign he has to be dismissed by the PM essentially, not the Minister of Police. If the elected officials can't do anything others will. A sixth night of having an exposed rape club run loose on the say so of police is inconsistent with civilisation. If it takes a pig roast to end rape club - to give them exactly an equal measure of what the police have condoned and concealed - then there seems no legal reason not to according to police themselves. Rape club has these sorts of consequences.

To all members of John Key's Cabinet: Please dismiss the officials responsible for allowing and covering up this rape club. Please do this today to restore confidence in the NZ Police. There is great risk of disorder if this goes on.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

NZ Police: Rape Boasters

Done as much as I can today to stop the 'roast busters' #rapeclub but child rape offenders still at-large with full police authority. Tonight rape club is still OK according to NZ Police Commissioner Marshall - he refuses to call it unlawful. I have advised PM John Key and Justice Minister Judith Collins and Attorney-General Chris Finlayson to dismiss Anne Tolley as Police Minister and have new minister dismiss Marshall and appoint new Commissioner with priority task to arrest rape club offenders within 24 hours. If they cannot then dismiss that Commissioner and keep going down the list until someone stops rape club by arresting the members.

Det Insp Bruce Scott and Sup Bill Searle of the Waitemata police have sanctioned a rape club that one of their staff member's sons had set up. They operated under 'roast busters' and the police let them run a website and keep a web presence. They intimidated the first wave of 13-15 year old victims in 2011 and binned the evidence so it could continue, now under the say so of the police who monitored their pack rapes of stupified underaged girls for two years and took no action except to dissuade another underage victim from making a statement in 2012. The cops have been heavying parents of the victims to shut them up.

The danger here is if no-one in authority, elected officials, won't act then others must.

The danger is each day their rape club continues it becomes more likely that well-intentioned citizens will do no more and no less than what Sup Bill Searle has spoken of this morning publicly in radio and media interviews as being only 'morally' wrong and not actually unlawful rape. If gang raping a stupefied 13 year old and 'bragging' about it is the standard for lawful sex then it stands to reason police officers can be 'roasted' in that definition too with no consequences. And filmed for the purposes of humiliation. Also with no consequences. The Waitemata police describe this as 'bragging' so this will all be legal according to police. This is what the NZ Police risk when they green light rape club, that it is turned from the predatory sexual exploitation of underage girls into something where the victims are the police themselves. This is where the logic goes. If 13 year olds in school uniform are considered fair game then why not a 30 year old in a police uniform? This is the corollary of the extreme rape culture the police have indulged in and sponsored.

So get your roast on. It's pig tonight. And it's going to be pig every day and every night until the original 'roast busters' rape club of child rape offenders are arrested and charged. Is this what a reasonable person must articulate to make police understand running a rape club, intimidating victims, heavying parents and covering up for the son of a cop are all criminal offences? What becomes reasonable when everyone is watching this pack rape unfold before us without intervening?

Tolley cannot both lodge complaint with IPCA and retain confidence of Comm. Marshall. Simple. She must go, he must go and Searle and Scott need their work computers seized and searched as party to offences. The consequence of doing nothing is that innocent people get hurt. These goons are free tonight despite being both very high flight risks and at risk of re-offending.

How long do good people wait before they become bad people too?

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Andrew Fagan: rape apologist extraordinaire

The anger and despair at the 'roast busters' rape club scandal is not just the actions of the rapists, the rage comes because the NZ Police gave it the green light.  The feelings of rage have gone on - and will continue - until it is resolved. The tension from the lack of resolution is because the NZ Police are covering for these young rapists.  The reason for that is because the NZ Police are largely composed of arrogant, unintelligent, bullying types of men and these young rapists are the sons of policemen or are aspiring policemen.

What distresses people so much is not that the police say they are powerless to intervene, but that they refuse to.  What distresses people is that every day this goes unresolved is another day of empowering and comforting and encouraging other young men to form their own rape clubs.  What distresses people is that the police have told the young rapists it is OK to rape and that it isn't really rape anyway.  This is what is so terribly upsetting.   All the rape apologists have slithered out into the open now they are armed with what they presume is an official sanction for their mentality by the NZ Police.

There has been a shit-storm of controversy over the way Willie and JT at Radio Live handled a caller to their show who identified herself as a friend of one of the victims.  Listening to Radio Live last night however I heard the most creepy, disturbing things from Karen Hay's co-host, Andrew Fagan.
Listen for yourself (go to Tuesday November 5th, from 20:15 onwards) it gets truly ghastly - a radio nasty.  Listening last night was like being trapped in the mind of a rapist.    I certainly hope Mr Peacock from RNZ's Mediawatch programme spares a few minutes to listen to this.  I hope the BSA does too if it gets that far.

Fagan just did not relent, he didn't get it - not at all - when a rape victim rang up with her tragic story of being raped as a 14 year old.  All he was interested in was if she had alcohol - and if she did then too bad for her.  "Was it consensual?" he retorted.  "Didn't you hear me?" she said in flummoxed exasperation and shock.  And so it went on like this: a re-traumatisation of a rape victim live on air.  What a pig.  The dead air of several incredibly long seconds where any normal person would have expressed empathy was stomach-churning.  ... "right?" she said to break the silence, expecting - as any rape victim would - for a word or murmur of compassion... dead air.  Creepiest thing I've heard on radio was that silence.  At one stage she pleaded just to talk to Karen he was so appalling. 

At the end of the show he was made to agree (by way of a concession more than anything else) with the statement that this sort of rape - of older, sober men by way of stupefying younger, underage girls - is "morally wrong".  "Morally" being the word he emphasised, like it was the same class of "morally" as having an affair or something a bit naughty, but not really a big issue.  The only thought at this point was how many young girls has Andrew Fagan raped in his time?


Once again in parliamentary question time this afternoon it was left to a well-meaning Green MP to attempt to hold the government to account. Labour wasn't going to.  And, again, unfortunately Jan Logie was debating technicalities of law reform with the Minister of Justice instead of dealing with the actual issue here - asking the Minister of Police what the fuck the Waitemata police under Det Insp Bruce Scott was doing acting as the patrons of rape club by allowing them to continue and keeping their victimisations online.  Opportunity wasted.   One layer of gutless cowards after another are protecting gang rapists.  The system is broken and the people in charge don't want to fix it, or don't think they can fix it.  The rest of them don't even think it's broken.  This is a very sad time.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

NZ Police: Rape club patrons since 2011

One of the members of rape club lists his dreams as "To become a Police officer".  In other words an arrogant, swaggering bully used to getting their own way.
Boys aged 15-18 are prone to Lord of the Flies bestial behaviour when there is no older men to moderate and set an example.  This is most pronounced in the 'A-list' kids because they have higher expectations of sexual conquest than the B and C listers in the school hierarchy and they are not used to being refused.  If they are in the First XV and the rugby scene they are already taking advantage of being feted by the whole school.  These are the boys who have powerful parents, fathers in top positions, and have a growing sense of immunity. These rapists are also too individually thick to get anywhere without their thick mates, so we are not dealing with intellectuals here - we are dealing with thugs. It is no surprise that offenders like these are sons of police officers.  Like father like son? Doesn't really need a question mark.

Like the case of the Hawkes Bay school boys who raped one of their own with a broomstick:
Justice Goddard has granted three former Taradale High School students, convicted of sexually violating a fellow male student with a broomstick, leave to apply for home detention.
In a retrial last month, the five boys were convicted of sexually violating the victim with a broomstick at a party in October 2001.
Former head boy Mark Hagen, former head of sport Reewee Gemmell, Anthony Lloyd, Kent Burns, Gabriel Williams and Daniel Cutbill were convicted of sexually violating their fellow student with a broomstick.
The ringleader who held the broomstick during the attack, Andrew Castles, pleaded guilty to attempted sexual violation and sexual violation in the first trial and continues to serve a two-and-a-half year jail sentence.
Castles maintains all of the boys were involved in a discussion prior to the attack and knew what was to be done with the broomstick handle which was covered in a heat-inducing cream.

And their excuse at the time - why they shouldn't be charged - was they wanted to be policemen!  There is a very strong correlation between policemen and rapists and vice versa.  They minimise the hurt they have caused and blame the victim.  The thinking is: a policeman is never wrong and a rapist is just a man who fucked an ungrateful slut.

Like all organised degenerate activities by groups of young men - like war parties on an expedition - if left to their own devices they will turn on each other in the end.  History is full of examples of war parties that left to run long enough will become a death cult and will kill its way through friendly and allied districts, raping looting, killing and destroying as if everyone was the enemy and ultimately begin killing themselves once they have the spare time.  So too with these rape groups.  Leave them long enough and they will rape each other such is the mentality.

 Unlike the Hawkes Bay case this 'roast busters' rape club was sanctioned by the NZ Police who told them it's not rape and allowed them to continue.  Det. Insp. Bruce Scott should be charged with being a party to many of these offences. My question for the NZ Police is: how many women were on this case and what was their involvement?  I ask that because I cannot fathom how a woman would let this rape club continue.  I can imagine a typical rapist male cop turning a blind eye and discouraging victims from making a statement, but not a woman.

There must be an investigation into the police inaction - and not by the laughably misnamed 'Independent' Police Conduct Authority.  These pigs - and that is what Det. Insp. Bruce Scott and his rape-friendly colleagues are - need to be prosecuted for what they have done and what they haven't done but should have done.  Leaving the rape club website up to victimise the girls must be an offence - there is no good faith defence sustainable in this situation. Compare this awful case to how the NZ Police pursue other offenders where there is similar lack of supposed evidence or lack of a willing accuser.  Only last week they put a woman who had lost her child from an accidental drowning in a bath on trial for manslaughter!  It is a form of malicious prosecution.  And yet these rapists can boast of their crimes under the protection of the NZ Police.

It triggers such visceral anger when we see the abuse going down and the over-paid wankers who refuse to intervene.  This is hugely depressing.

So... 3pm: NZ parliamentary question time.

Q. No.9 Jan Logie to Min of Justice (Judith Collins) about the rape club scandal.   Collins is saying girls need to come forward.  Logie isn't picking up on the PM's comments though.  Q. should be to Police Minister about the NZ Police inaction/patronage of rape club.  The issue here is the police not the court system.

Monday, November 04, 2013

PM John Key discourages rape victims from testifying, excuses police son's rape club

The PM commented on the roast busters rape club case. He said the young gang rapists who ran an online humiliation website to showcase their footage and did so all this time with the knowledge of police should just 'grow up'. Like it was a minor incident of no consequence. He then commented on the victims. He didn't encourage them to come forward to help the police or say they would be protected - he did the opposite. He very definitely dissuaded and discouraged them from coming forward and testifying. It is quite astounding to hear this from a PM of any gender.

John Key said:
'It's a very challenging situation for a young woman to put herself in that position. She would be subject to a full and open process and that's very challenging.'

He's the boss of the NZ Police under the Policing Act 2008, not really the Police Minister. He is trying to help dismiss this case involving multiple victims of rape... to cover for what? To cover the cops. To cover the offenders. You have to ask when TV3 tonight revealed the captain of rape club is the son of an international celeb and the seargeant-at-arms is the son of a cop. No wonder the Waitemata police hesitated, but nothing can excuse letting it go on for two years. The police logic of keeping the website open so they will eventually leave evidence when there was already more than enough for search warrants etc. And when each hour it is on is another hour of victimisation amounts to criminal misconduct by the NZ Police. Who will charge the patrons of rape club?

Why is the PM sticking up for rapists? So as not to damage their chances of becoming policemen? Is that what country we live in now?

The first rule about rape club...

The first rule about rape club... one would have thought...  is you don't talk about rape club, let alone put it all up on Facebook. 

Young men who film themselves having sex with intoxicated underage girls and then post the footage online are committing rape, a rape prevention expert says.
The group of Auckland men, who call themselves the Roast Busters, name and shame the girls on the social networking website Facebook.
Police say they are powerless to stop the group until one of the young women comes forward with a formal complaint about the behaviour.

The first rule about cops is they are on a par with gang members as being most likely to be rapists.  So it is not that surprising the policeman who has known about rape club for two years now has done next to nothing to stop them.  If it had been his daughter would he have shown such a relaxed, cavalier attitude to the existence of rape club?

Detective Inspector Bruce Scott told 3News yesterday police had known about the group and its activities since 2011.He said it was not yet a crime for the men - most 18 years old from Waitemata - to film the sex with often drunk and underage girls and put that footage online.
"None of the girls have been brave enough to make formal statements to us so we can take it to a prosecution stage...clearly they're traumatised by it," Mr Scott said.
He said the group's actions were hugely disturbing. "But without actual evidence, my hands are tied."
Police had warned the men their actions were bordering on illegal and had asked them to stop.

So the boys in blue say: Keep calm and rape on.

Det Insp Bruce Scott needs to be charged with failing to do his duty.  Blaming the victims for not being "brave enough" is classic bully behaviour from a classic bully - the sort of classic bullying and selfish arrogance that goes hand in hand with rape.  How about we blame Bruce Scott for not being brave enough to prosecute?  How about he be charged? After all the TV3 journalist had the offending Facebook page off the web in a matter of hours.  Bruce Scott let this go on for... two years!  If it was his daughter it would be over for these punks in about two minutes flat and we all know it.

There are many criminal acts that could be charged - from stupefying, making an intimate visual recording, through to kidnapping, unlawful sexual connection and rape.  He has their Facebook exploits, he has interviewed these victims, he has interviewed the offenders and therefore has ample enough to gain search warrants for the houses and phones and computers of the offenders - so this supposed evidence defficiency is bullshit. 

Det Insp Bruce Scott is enabling rape when he lets people off with a warning and tells them it's not really rape - he is the de facto patron of Rape Club.  He is one of the many reasons there is so little confidence in the NZ Police.

TV review: The Wireless

My TV review for this week has been posted up at The Daily Blog

Don't be put off by the audience rating - which must be the lowest rated review ever on the site - because they were all the wanky Wellingtonians from the Salient reunion on Saturday morning having had a look and cry.  It's about Radio Rhodesia's youth website, The Wireless - still Europeans only from what I can tell: no non-white people allowed.   Doesn't matter either that going on a majority of the youth in the country aren't white - RNZ's ban on non-whites persists.  It is institutional racism at its most obvious.  Maori and Pacific youth - no matter how good they are - still can't get a job at RNZ because they are not the right race.  

Q. What do you call a Maori who works for RNZ?
A. The cleaner.

It's disgusting and the remedy to non-racist, inclusive, state broadcasting is the disestablishment of RNZ.  It certainly won't be assisted by a whites-only youth website to go along with the other two whites-only networks they operate.

From the review:
It’s part of the wanky Wellington money-go-round actually and Wrightson knows it because she’s riding on one of the little unicorns like everyone else in the club.

From today's front page:
The caption going with the unicorn image reads: "How one woman paid off thousands" - a reference to Wrightson and The Wireless funding?

[UPDATE 04/11/2013 3pm:

The usual wanky white people have co-opted themselves as part of the RNZ publicity machine. The Public Address infomercial is so lame (she admits what I only surmised in the review: that the content etc. is a result of consultants and focus groups - no wonder it is so unimaginative).  The fawning comments left by Russell's acolytes are lamer still.

The NZ Listener hyping, though with an acerbic flavour, is hardly critical and something of a re-hashing of the informercial.

Lamest of them all though must be David Farrar's effort on Kiwiblog,:
The site looks really well designed and the articles well aimed for their target audience of under 30s. Radio NZ has a fixed budget so this initiative is not costing us any extra money,

No to design, no to the articles and definitely no to the budget - it's an extra $197,000 it is costing - paid for via NZ On Air.

Friday, November 01, 2013

Sir Hamgra Lasdoug Rosemont

Sir Doug Graham: keeps his knighthood for short-changing all Maori, but he faces Jail for misleading 4000 greedy old Pakeha. Those Lombard punters proved even easier bait than the 40 or so greedy old Maori who made their self-serving billion dollar ratchet clause the basis of the biggest colonial rip-off of all time. NZ is terminal.