REVIEW: TVNZ first leaders debate

The right wing and mainstream media have relentlessly written Goff off, this is his chance to over shadow Key. Let's get ready to rumble.
If Mark Sainsbury is the Walrus of news, Guyon Espiner is the egg man.
Media panel is Fran O'Sullivan, Wallace Chapman and Shane Taurima, and that awful Claire Robinson and Jon Johanson are with Sainsbury.
Key up and running with his first 30seconds, he's claiming his economic plan is working.
Goff is talking about leadership - talks about egalitarianism and asset sales.
Goff claims retirement age has to come down, Key claims under National's plan he can pay retirement at 65. Goff fires up at John's claim that Labour will simply borrow. They clash.
Phil playing the statesman, Key looks like he's prozac relaxed. It comes across as smart arsed.
Asset sales are promoted by Key, he smokescreens where the money will go (education rather than South Island irrigation) Goff makes his heaviest hits telling Key that he doesn't own the assets.
Goff firing up.
Capital Gains Tax, Goff is selling this as fairness and revenue raising. Key claims tax slows the economy down.
First video question is about efficient public services - the way Key is going there won't be a public service. Waste of a question, but have to have one right wing question I suppose.
Key keeps claiming he will get the country back into surplus, Goff points out 100 00 NZers have left the country and that all Key is offering are tax cuts the rich.
Key keeps claiming he will create 170 000 jobs. Goff says he will tax the rich.
Another right wing question bitching about too much business regulation.
Key coming across like a dick with his bananas and retirement age line.
Goff points out Key is a liar over raising GST, Key laughingly tries to justify that lie. Keeps using drunken sailors as a metaphor.
Fran asks how they will half youth unemployment. Goff says he will up skill youth and pay their dole to an employer, Key says he will make young people work for sweatshop wages.
Onto Bennie bashing by Key and his weird nanny state desire to run beneficiaries lives, Goff points out that isn't the solution and $5000 tax free will help them.
The 3rd question is about a new NZ flag??? Where the fuck did they get these questions?
Finally a debate about the Environment, glaring green elephant in the room is that the Greens aren't involved in the debate. Key says Rena was annoying. Goff sticks it to Key over mining.
Another right wing question, this time pro mining??? Who selected these questions? Steven Joyce?
Great question from Wallace about what they would march for, Key says he would march for a competitive economy? The reincarnation of Milton Friedman? Goff lists what he has marched for, and that's the point, Goff has marched, Key would think about marching.
Key then attacks John Minto?
Christchurch rebuild, Goff offers solutions, Key offers platitudes.
Key is ultra relaxed, it's easy to look that way when you don't give a fuck.
Next question - about the Pike River Mine, first one that isn't a waste. Goff gets stuck in over the mining safety standards.
Shane Taurima asks how his family come back from Australia, Key gives some ridiculous excuse about better economy, Goff points out that tens of thousands have fled NZ and that National have failed to close the gap.
Key will close the wage gap with Australia by paying youth sweatshop wages? Who is buying this bullshit?
I'm confused, I didn't realize Claire Robinson was running for leader of the National Party?
Leadership being debated, Goff says he's making the hard calls - Key says something bland.
Key blames 'dynamic environment' for lying - I'm using that next time I'm in trouble with my girlfriend.
Great question about Afghanistan, Key claims we aren't killing Afghans, We have to be in a war propping up a corrupt narco state because we live in a global society? Unbelievable. Key won't say he will not re-deploy SAS - says it's 'unlikely' - this will be the first promise Key breaks if re-elected.
Key says the BMW fiasco was the greatest mistake? Really? The bloody BMWs? That was his greatest mistake? Goff says that selling Assets were his biggest mistake, and that is something Key hasn't learnt.
Great finish.
Surprised there wasn't a 3 way handshake.
So who won? Well, Goff has been written off all year yet he won the argument, Key looked relaxed, too relaxed. The question is will NZers buy Key's style or Goff's substance.
As a final thought, why the hell didn't Wallace Chapman host the TVNZ debate - come on, his question was the best moment of the entire debate!