Friday | Rāmere 28/02/2025
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Friday, November 05, 2010

Vast new Police Powers allow for warrantless spying for 3 days - hows that change feeling?

Guess, what's back? Back again? The Search and Surveillance Bill is back - tell a fucking friend...
Bill retains end to right of silence
People being investigated by police over serious fraud-related offences or gang crimes will no longer have the right to remain silent, under a Government bill.

And refusing to give information on a gang murder or fraud-related extortion, could earn a jail sentence of up to one year.

The Search and Surveillance Bill was reported back to Parliament yesterday with significant changes, after an outcry over the sweeping powers it would have given to up to 70 Government agencies.

But Parliament's justice and electoral committee has kept provisions overriding the right to silence, and giving police, Customs and Internal Affairs the right to break into homes to bug and secretly film suspects.

But the agencies can use these powers only if they are investigating offences punishable by prison terms of seven years or more, or for particular Arms Act offences.

...we've been following the attempt by the Police to vastly expand their powers on Tumeke from the very beginning of this poisonous attack on NZers civil rights.

The Government claim to have tightened up on the rules, but making warrants subject to ministerial approval doesn't exclude any agency so these powers are open to the 70 other Government departments and it's easy to add charges to an investigation to get to the the 7 year jail sentence threshold!

It also legalizes covert recording by one person so domestic spies are now allowed in NZ and the Police can now spy on anyone for 3 days with no warrant whatsoever!

NZ - you were scammed and played like little chumps over the manufactured crises at the Hobbit and if you allow this Government to ram these vicious attacks on our collective civil liberties under the banner of the Police 'protecting us', you will have been played once again - DO NOT LET THE STATE HAVE THESE POWERS - it's not for your fucking safety you sheep, it's their vast expansion of power they are protecting, not your rights.

This Search and Surveillance Bill is the largest erosion of our civil liberties this country will have ever passed and the amount of real debate in the media has been minuscule, it doesn't matter of you are right wing, left wing, in the middle, white, brown, yellow or Green - this Bill is disgusting and impacts on every single one of us.

The Police CAN NOT be given this level of unchecked power, if you allow it happen NZ, you have no one to blame but yourself.


At 5/11/10 10:32 am, Anonymous johndoe said...

It is a shame the concept of 'serve and protect' became so unfashionable in police policy ... when it used to be an oath! Sigh. We will let these rascals get away with this sort of thing wont we ..... when's dancing with the stars on next?!

At 5/11/10 10:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to wonder where the opposition in parliament has fucked off to when this government even considers such bullshit.
I mean seriously, secretly placed cameras without a warrant?
The word Pervert springs immediately to mind.
Guilty until proven innocent?
Hope the police force has purged itself of the Gang-Rapey, sexual-assaulty types that use to number among its ranks cos if its these types placing the cameras....

At 5/11/10 11:17 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for you Bomber, the majority of New Zealand supports the police and this bill.

At 5/11/10 12:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha how bout you settle down! join the civil libertarians; go have an orgy as you love getting wound up so much

At 5/11/10 3:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your right johndoe. This erosion of civil rights is happening in many countries. People need to turn off their TV's and source independent news outlets. The sheeple need to awaken. Its so sad to see many are sooo distracted by MSM and cannot see these things happening

At 5/11/10 5:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have information on murder or serious fraud and refuse to give it to Police, you need to be held responsible.

Why should the people that commit these crimes get a second chance because a colleague who was in the know keeps their mouth shut?

At 5/11/10 8:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

when's dancing with the stars on next?!
its right afta i'm gonna git u sucka
and da brotha from anotha planet

At 5/11/10 9:41 pm, Anonymous Tim2 said...

At JohnDoe....exactly! Bahhhhh....Bahhhhh.

What's worse is that most of the people we're handing over this vast power to are basically thick shits.

Still....Labour should see it as an opportunity, and if Goff has actually had the epiphany he says he should all be relatively short lived.

Is anyone still keeping a tab on the antics of this gubbermint since taking power? all those changes that snuck through whilst the msm were napping?

I hope Labour realise this time round too that they have one LAST chance.
Fuck it up next time round and they'll become irrelevant.

At 5/11/10 9:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where the fuck are mainstream media on this, it even seems RNZ would rather read stories and play songs than talk about the real issues, why will no media outlet take it on it shows how thick we really are as a nation.

At 5/11/10 10:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6/11/10 2:50 am, Blogger Lucid Glow said...

This is happening all over the world. The few rights remaining are eroding both slowly and fast, and most people accept it with a shrug, desperate for "safety" before true freedom.

It should lead to vast riots in the streets.

At 6/11/10 8:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Unfortunately for you Bomber, the majority of New Zealand supports the police and this bill."

Bullshit most NZERS dont even know about the bill and i mean most, o but they know a rugby test is on this weekend shows where our priority's are! We the sheeple of new zealand do solemnly declare our dictator ship legal and binding.

At 7/11/10 12:43 am, Anonymous kiki said...

This is the beginning of the end. By the time people realise what has happened it will be to late.

The argument that only those who do wrong need worry is crap as right and wrong become a play thing of those with power. The police will go on fishing trips and the idea that they will be restrained with their power is a dream.

Perhaps we should take a new look at 5/11

At 7/11/10 7:17 am, Anonymous franky said...

it comes as no surprise when you get letters saying most nzers support this bill,have you seen the amount of police propaganda tv shows lately?its as sickening as dancing with the stars

At 7/11/10 9:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"have you seen the amount of police propaganda tv shows lately"

So you take issue with the fact that tv programmes show the police at work, but you have no problem with all of the crime propaganda shows which saturate our media? Underbelly etc, not to mention 90% of movies which portray crime as sexy, fun and exciting?
I think it's good that some programmes show crime for what it really is: in the most case idiots being caught.
Not daring bank robberies, drug deals or dashing hitmen.

The fact is that the reason most people who cry on about the police in NZ is because they have something to hide, and are worried about being caught. Deny it all you like. You will go on about your rights being invaded, then go and smoke some pot, or worse. You can claim otherwise, but you know it's the truth.

At 7/11/10 9:47 am, Blogger Bomber said...

i have to speak out against this post above - firstly you clown, it isn't the pro Police tv shows that are the problem, it is the unquestioning subservience of the mainstream media that DOESN'T question the expansion of police power that is the pro police bias.

And as for this bullshit you posted...

The fact is that the reason most people who cry on about the police in NZ is because they have something to hide, and are worried about being caught. Deny it all you like. You will go on about your rights being invaded, then go and smoke some pot, or worse. You can claim otherwise, but you know it's the truth.

...being lectured about privacy from someone posting anonymously is hilarious in itself, HOW DARE YOU claim that the reason anyone has a concern on the expansion of police powers is because they have something to hide. As a member of the Auckland Council of Civil Liberties and the many fine legal minds and civil rights voices that joined the Auckland Council of Civil Liberties this year, not ONE of them are involved against this draconian search and surveillance because they are trying to hide pot use! What a moronic claim!

The reality is anonymous, that you are the problem. Your unquestioning advancement of police powers without understanding what that means makes you the worst of citizens, you are simply a sheep who baas the way you are told.

These are YOUR rights you are handing over clown.

At 9/11/10 1:08 pm, Anonymous Frank Macskasy said...

"Anonymous said...

"have you seen the amount of police propaganda tv shows lately"

So you take issue with the fact that tv programmes show the police at work, but you have no problem with all of the crime propaganda shows which saturate our media? Underbelly etc, not to mention 90% of movies which portray crime as sexy, fun and exciting?
I think it's good that some programmes show crime for what it really is: in the most case idiots being caught.
Not daring bank robberies, drug deals or dashing hitmen.

The fact is that the reason most people who cry on about the police in NZ is because they have something to hide, and are worried about being caught. Deny it all you like. You will go on about your rights being invaded, then go and smoke some pot, or worse. You can claim otherwise, but you know it's the truth."

It's ironic that "Anonymous" is inviting further state intrusion in our lives and seemingly disparaging of privacy...

... all the while making his post ANONYMOUS.

If he truly doesn't have "anything to hide" - why not put his name to his post?


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