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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Police remove secret evidence from crime scene and justify it

Contents of dying officer's bag 'secret'
A senior police officer stashed the bag of a dying colleague in his car because the equipment inside was so sensitive he could not risk other police discovering it. The officer, with more than 40 years in police work, said if the contents of the bag had been uncovered there could have been "national and international" consequences. The man, who can be known only as Officer W, was watching a suspected drug manufacturer's house while Sergeant Don Wilkinson and Officer M tried to install a surveillance device. After the shooting, Officer W took the two blood-stained bags belonging to the officers and put them in his car before a scene examination could be carried out.

Ummmmmm - is anyone else watching this case with open mouthed shock? A senior officer can remove evidence from a crime scene, and attempt to justify it as National Security? WTF?

And this is interesting...

Officer W said: "If the contents of those bags became known to others ... it could have had national or even international ramifications."

...International ramifications? What International ramifications? Are the NZ Police domestically using spying equipment from military agencies of other countries? What networks are they beaming this over?

Let's get this straight, a Police Officer can remove evidence from a crime scene and make the decision that it is justified on his own? Who gave him the clearance to do that?

Do we ever want Police Officers having the power to remove evidence from a crime scene and hide that evidence???

If the mainstream media could pause in humping John Key's leg to tell him what a socially just budget he just passed, could we get some scrutiny on what the Police are doing with evidence from crime scenes?


At 22/5/10 11:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No where in this post do you actually refer to the dead police officer. Its an indication of the pathological contempt that you hold them in that you're more concerned with the 'evidence' than the fact that someone has died.

At 22/5/10 12:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bomber..the tagedy is that there will be very few that actually care about this sort of shit....preferring to put their blind faith in anything that has the stamp of "The Police" on it.
Ask one or two "undercover" policemen of years gone by - who acted in good faith then got shat on by this same "The Police".
Ask one or two retirees and others.
But as long as the justification is "well if you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to fear" argument, then the phrase "pushing shit uphill" springs to mind.
I haven't done anything wrong for decades - and more recently out of respect for relatives that are actually engaged in this sort of shit.
As I said once before...."The Police's" worst enemy is probably the apologist Greg O'Connor, who has a certain past of his own, that will eventually do them a disservice. (Alongside a few others that had the benefit of perfing, and now conduct their business with a profit motive in mind).
OF COURSE there are people in "That Police" who, if their activities were to become known, would cause embarassment. It is ONLY when embarassment occurs that anything constructive happens. Whether its a ginga haired racist protection squad member abusing some Asian lady in a Karori carpark, or any other member that start to think they are the masters of the universe.
What is needed is a Commissioner with ABSOLUTE INTEGRITY and an appreciation of the democratic structures of state - and strong enough to tell anyone (including politicians, senior Public Servants, and others) to fuck off when they think they're above all that. Unfortunately we don't have such a person.

At 22/5/10 12:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ANONYMOUS above .... that's because this isn't actually about the dead Police Officer. ANYONE with any sort of compassion shares that grief. But if you want to make it an issue about him, then perhaps you should ask yourself whether the outcome was actually worthwhile.

At 22/5/10 12:58 pm, Blogger Barnsley Bill said...

It sickens me how much I agree with you on civil liberties and justice. If you could just rid yourself of the lunatic left wing dogma things would be much better around here.

Anonymong. The post was not about the dead cop. it was about some senior cop claiming the dog ate his homework or some such other bullshit excuse for tampering with a crime scene.
Bomber my guess is he was using some state of the art military surveillance gear souvenired from when he was military. On the other hand it may well have been a sandwich made from unpasteurised cheese. Unlikely we will ever know and it should not really have any effect on what seems to be a fairly straight forward prosecution.
What defense can he possibly have? "I did not know he was a cop"?

At 22/5/10 1:38 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

GRIN - Bill you have no idea how often I think the exact same thing about your posts, you are so bright for a right wing blogger, yet you hold onto this crazy Milton Friedman, 'all the worlds a free market and we are but rational choice individuals' crap. You will be a great win for the left when we turn you young jedi.

Look as for the case, my problem with that scenario is how on earth would the senior officer know that the shot Officer may have had some naughty special toy he had swiped from his army days? That doesn't sound right, could it be that the entire surveillance program may be using this system/equipment because it was so specific in his pick up of the two bags of equipment?

At 22/5/10 4:02 pm, Blogger CHRIS said...

Anonymous said...

22/5/10 3:34 PM

hey phantom anonymous you must be one of those false chrises off talkhate radio right one of the conspiracy theorists who thinks helen clark couldn't wait to run her head under a nice long hot shower and read a good book under a 100 watt screw in light bulb right and that she could n't wait to leave us in the lurch and go and breathe in some CO2 or wahtever right?

At 22/5/10 4:03 pm, Blogger CHRIS said...

deliberate typos are so yesterday unless you don't get the key point of this argument...

At 22/5/10 6:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Bomber really believe that the movements of some local p cook are of such global relevance that they are going to be "beamed over" to the "military agenicies" of other countries? Heh.

At 22/5/10 9:10 pm, Blogger peterquixote said...

like Barnsley Bill said...

t sickens me how much I agree with you on civil liberties and justice. If you could just rid yourself of the lunatic left wing dogma things would be much better around here.
Bomber my guess is he was using some state of the art military surveillance gear souvenired from when he was military.

At 22/5/10 10:45 pm, Anonymous Tim2 said...

@ ANonymous 6:18: Where do you draw that conclusion from? Who is suggesting they're beaming them to foreign agencies? It doen't preclude them from trying to get and use all the latest toys or justify the use of a sledge hammer to crack a nut, then try and hide the fact.

At 22/5/10 11:09 pm, Anonymous aj said...

Planting drugs.

At 23/5/10 12:32 am, Blogger Rangi said...

I have a hunch that the bag contained a kilo of meth or something like that. Just a hunch...

At 23/5/10 12:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you could just rid yourself of the lunatic left wing dogma things would be much better around here."

It's part of Bombers charm to espouse an ideology that maybe 5% of the voting public support. We need these lunatic voices from the political wilderness to shepard voters to moderate centre.

At 23/5/10 2:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever the amount of drugs in that bag, was terribly damaging for police, so they were required to tamper with the crime scene

At 24/5/10 8:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever the amount of drugs in that bag, was terribly damaging for police, so they were required to tamper with the crime scene

What drugs in the bag fool?
The hatred of police is so palpable on this blogsite, you are willing to point the finger at the police when they are killed doing their jobs?

At 24/5/10 3:55 pm, Blogger Rangi said...

OK, what was in the bag then? It must have been something illegal if they didn't want anyone seeing it.

At 3/6/10 11:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The senior officer returned to the scene following a distressed radio call. It's not in dispute that keeping the contents of the bags secret was of significant priority. I'm sure the two undercover officers shared this value until their injuries overcome them. That being the case, I'm sure the senior officer found the bags and the two officers within a couple of meters of each other. He claims not to have seen the men in the dark. One officer was 'gurggling' and the other had his retina detatched. It would have been hard not to hear them. It's no secret the Police has advanced surveillance equipment. If the bags contained such items, they certainly didn't help them that night and therefore I doubt that's what the bags contained. I'd like to know what internationally important items needs to be carried in a back pack in Mangere in the middle of the night? For the bags to hold such priority that the senior officer leaves two fellow officers in serious need of assistance and break common protocol by removing items from the crime scene, points to something very sinister. He broke the law by removing the bags. He knew before he removed them that to do so would be against the law. The Police suspected the two guys to be manufacturing methamphetamine, yet had no evidence on them. The Police claim the tracker they were attempting to install would provide the evidence they needed. They didn't have time to stop and put the tracker in the bag and the tracker is not a secret. The bags contained the evidence, the Police never got the chance to plant it. International ramifications my ass! These two guys will walk. You can't commit crime to solve crime.


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