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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Israel does not want peace

Clinton rebukes Israel over East Jerusalem homes
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has sharply rebuked Israel over its recent decision to build new settlements in East Jerusalem. She told Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu by telephone that the move was "deeply negative" for US-Israeli relations. The BBC's Washington correspondent, Kim Ghattas, says it was a rare and sharp rebuke from Washington. Israel's announcement overshadowed a visit by US Vice-President Joe Biden aimed at restarting peace talks. Since then the Palestinians have indicated they will not return to the negotiating table unless the Israeli decision is revoked.

Israel DOES NOT want peace, America has given them via their immoral military aid the might to continue an apartheid based regime whose only focus as the above map points out is the cultural genocide and outright land theft of the Palestinian people. With American weapons, they can keep their brutal occupation up indefinitely, if Clinton's words are to mean anything America must cut their immoral and corporate self interested military aid.

Close to 500,000 Jews live in more than 100 settlements built since Israel's 1967 occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. They are illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this.

The latest announcement by the Jerusalem municipality approves 1,600 new housing units in the East Jerusalem settlement of Ramat Shlomo.

JPost: 'Settler population rose 4.9% in 2009'

It is astounding that right when Israel is stealing more Palestinian land and building another 1600 houses that OUR Government decides to allow Israel to build an embassy here. This is the same Israel who sent Mosad agents here to steal our passports! But seeing as National have dropped any attempt at an independent foreign policy, we have to suck up to our 'allies' now, even when they are as out of line as Israel is.

And as 'punishment' for daring to resist Israel over this latest theft of Palestinian land, the IDF have beaten women protesters in Gaza who protested against the lockdown of Gaza in the wake of this latest insult to international law.

The new Israeli embassy must bee seen as a place of protest for any NZers concerned with human rights in the exact same way someone would have protested against the apartheid South African embassy.


At 14/3/10 2:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is the sort of criminals out national government supports, makes you wonder where the money our government gets in loans comes from,
keep up the good work bomber

At 14/3/10 3:23 pm, Anonymous Sam Clemenz said...

National = Zionist to the core. Next we'll be sending SAS troops to fight Palestinians for Israel's security.

At 14/3/10 7:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

National = Zionist to the core.

Any proof to back your assertion Sam?
Or is it make shit up day.

At 14/3/10 11:45 pm, Anonymous deano said...

Israel want peace about as much as Hamas do.

Ever seen an anti-Hamas article on Tumeke?

At 15/3/10 9:04 am, Blogger Brewerstroupe said...

The Lawfare movement in the U.S. seeks to overturn International Law because, as John Bolton puts it:
"It is a big mistake for us to grant any validity to international law even when it may seem in our short-term interest to do so–because over the long term… those who think that international law really means anything are those who want to constrict the United States."

Here is the Dean of Columbia Law School introducing the conference:

He contends that International Law needs to change because Israel keeps breaking it and civilians are not nearly killable enough under current Law.

Alan Dershowitz explains :

"We need a new vocabulary to reflect the realities of modern warfare. A new phrase should be introduced into the reporting and analysis of current events in the Middle East: “the continuum of civilianality.” Though cumbersome, this concept aptly captures the reality and nuance of warfare today and provides a more fair way to describe those who are killed, wounded and punished."

Glass Maze explains Dershowitz :
"Dershowitz doesn’t make an effort to define the various points of his continuum, but we imagine that it would look something like this:

1. Innocent Civilians
2. Innocent But Slighty Tainted Civilians
3. Not Very Innocent At All Civilians
4. Not Innocent Civilians
5. Very Bad Civilians
6. Osama-Loving Civilians
7. Indistinguishable From Filthy Terrorists Civilians

So the five-year old boys would probably be Innocent Civilians, unless, of course, a terrorist strolls by when they’re playing soccer, and they don’t notify the nearest American authorities: then they’d become Innocent But Slighty Tainted Civilians. If they actually talk to the terrorist, they’re immediately demoted to Not Very Innocent At All Civilians. If they let the terrorist join their soccer game, then they are Not Innocent Civilians, at which point they become eligible for murder by bombs."


At 15/3/10 11:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam Clemenz = supporter of suicide bombings against civilian targets

At 15/3/10 10:42 pm, Anonymous Nick said...

Kerry does your history only go back as far as the 20th century?

Before you start labelling people simple, perhaps you should acknowledge the thousands of years of history before WW2.

At 16/3/10 10:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nick bible stories don't count as real history

At 16/3/10 11:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nick bible stories don't count as real history"

Trying going to the Gaza strip and saying that the Koran doesn't count as real to Hamas.

At 13/11/10 10:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are the simple ones. There was no such concept as a "Palestinian" or "Palestine" until Yasser Arafat decided it was a good political strategy to invent them in 1967, and he has openly admitted that, just google it you idiots. The only real aim of the bloodthirsty violent fucks in Hamas and Hezbollah is to create a pan-Arab fundamaentalist Islamic Middle East - anti women, anti homosexuals, anti minorities, anti human rights.

Israel is the historic homeland of the Jews and always will be, no matter how much you might wish it wasn't so. The ONLY reason there is an ongoing conflict in the Middle East is because Hamas' charter is sworn to the total destruction of Israel, and the refusal of Pallies to recognise the legitimacy of Israel as a sovereign state - something that even the United Nations agrees on. Israel is a progressive and admirable nation that gives equal rights to all citizens, including having Arab MPs in the Knesset. Israel enjoys lively political debates and great freedom of speech - in complete contrast to anything you would find anywhere else in the Middle East. Israel has tried numerous times to swap land for peace, such as withdrawing from Gaza, but Hamas would rather continue the hostilities. It is Hamas who is responsible for the deaths of their own people by deliberating firing rockets from schools and homes, forcing people to become fighters, using civilians as human shields, throwing their political rivals in Fatah off the top of buildings, and massive corruption. They receive thousands of tonnes worth of free aid from Israel every week, they have swimming pools and shopping malls in Gaza, yet they try to pretend they are all starving.

You people make me sick taking the side of murderous Palestinian terrorists! Try reading a wider range of literature and get your facts straight for a change.

Long live Israel

At 13/11/10 10:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bible is a religious document, but it also reflects certain historical facts you dumb idiots, one of which is that the Jewish people discovered and settled the Kingdom of Israel.


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