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Friday, November 13, 2009

LOVE LITTLE GOAT BOY! LOVE HIM! Pharming with AgResearch

AgResearch wants GE cows
AgResearch plans to alter the make-up of cows, sheep and goats to produce a medicinal super-milk by mixing human and animal DNA. The Crown research institute is pushing ahead with the plans, despite being embroiled in a court battle with GE-Free New Zealand over similar proposals that the lobby group says show "callous disregard" for the environment and economy. The Environmental Risk Management Authority is calling for submissions on the AgResearch application, which involves creating goats, sheep and cows at Ruakara in Hamilton.

I love this game. AgResearch cliam that a gene they produce in their Frankenstein cows will ‘help’ someone do something, they call it ‘therapeutic proteins’. It’s never really specific about who these ‘therapeutic proteins’ will help, in the past a potpourri of disabled children have been wheeled out by AgResearch. They want in on the pharming speculative bubble under the smokescreen of helping disabled babies and they want in now, hence the need to promote goat boy.

AgResearch want to perfect the technology of mixing genes between species to see what neat crimes against God they can cook up, it has bugger all to do with helping little disabled babies, but the public aren’t going to love goat boy unless they think goat boy can help a really sick rich baby.

AgResearch were turned down in the High Court appeal earlier this year to have GE animal applications and months later are trying it on again with their ‘our mutant cows will save your sick baby’ line. It has NOTHING to do with sick babies and EVERYTHING to do with perfecting the transgenic technology for their American backers they seem so intent on flirting with.

Pharming with AgResearch – the prozac milk tickles


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