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Friday, November 06, 2009

Hone, at least we’ll always have Paris

Harawira's sightseeing trip not in Speaker's travel guide
Parliament's Speaker has indicated Maori Party MP Hone Harawira will not be let off lightly for his decision to go daytripping in Paris instead of attending an official meeting, saying he would expect some of the taxpayers' money to be repaid in such cases.

Look I consider myself a huge fan of Hone Hawawira, I think he’s one of the few politicians who really calls it the way it is. I agreed with his desire to leave the Australian conference and go see how Aboriginals were really being treated, I think his blunt language is refreshing and I admire his passion.

That said. WTF? You buggered off to Paris because you won’t get a chance to see it again? Unless he has a terminal illness, this has got to be one of the worst excuses for pissing away the public purse we’ve heard since Rodney Hide’s “I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that” excuse.

I think it must show something deeper. The manner in which the Maori Party have snuggled up to National for little more than the repeal of the foreshore and seabed confiscation and making MTV the new public broadcaster post 2011 is nothing compared to the dead rats they’ve had to swallow and that taste is something Hone can’t get used to. Is this Paris fling his last? Is Hone sick of dead rat and is using public trips as quick-eeze to sooth his reflux ethics?

At least he’ll always have Paris.


At 6/11/09 10:20 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it must show something deeper.

It shows that the wealthy Pakeha elite and the wealthy Maori elite have a lot in common.

I really can't see the difference between a priveleged Conservative running a Corporation, and a priveldged Conservative running an Iwi.

Meanwhile, the average working class stiff, and the average urbanised Maori get screwed.

At 6/11/09 11:02 am, Anonymous jr said...

"I think it must show something deeper. The manner in which the Maori Party have snuggled up to National for little more than the repeal of the foreshore and seabed confiscation and making MTV the new public broadcaster post 2011 is nothing compared to the dead rats they’ve had to swallow and that taste is something Hone can’t get used to. Is this Paris fling his last? Is Hone sick of dead rat and is using public trips as quick-eeze to sooth his reflux ethics?"

Bomber, seriously come on. That's clutching at straws.

Going walk about in Aussie was one thing. That added to the debate by further highlighting the plight of the aborigines. But this is BS, pure and simple. I'm surprised and disappointed, and its worse than Rodney's recent hypocritical crap.

He dodged part of the itinerary of a tax payer trip, and covered it with a lie to his party leader, to take a sightseeing trip...seriously WTF??? At least Rodders did the work expected of him in the first instance...and then shagged the state coffers.

He comes across as someone with some serious passion and integrity in the job...if its a slimeball time servant like Richard Worth who is pulling a fast one then that's one thing, seems Hone is just as keen to get his nose in the trough..but skipping work to do so...ouch!

Making excuses based on perceived rats that had to be swallowed is ignoring the personal responsilibty angle of it. And he's hardly repentant by the looks of it.

At 6/11/09 12:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow bomber, you actually have no problem having a someone call your ancestors rapists and fraudsters?

While it may certainly be true in your case it is clearly not in mine which is probably why I take offence and you do not.

It's nice to know that you support having people responsible for crimes their ancestors committed.

At 7/11/09 3:09 pm, Anonymous bc said...

Ok this is seriously weird - I'm in complete agreement with Kerry!
Hone shows nothing but comtempt for parliament and being an MP. God knows why Northland Maori voted for him (too much smoking of Northland's horticultural produce perhaps).
If anyone dares disagree with Hone his response is always the same - abusive language and you're a racist. Tedious.
Of course with his latest outvurst he has shown that he is nothing but a racist himself (as if we didn't know that already).
If he hates parliament so much then show some dignity then leave.


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