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Friday, November 13, 2009

Global Warming Denial so passé

So a major plank of climate denial quack science just fell over with new research showing Antarctica is melting faster than anyone predicted….

Antarctic ice melting much faster than thought
Next month world leaders will meet to confront climate change in Copenhagen and they in turn will be confronted with new evidence about how urgently they need to act. The latest assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was released in 2007, but this week came new data to back it up. A new warning shows things are getting worse for the millions facing rising sea levels, drought and water shortage. The study was the most robust of its kind, compiled by 500 authors, condensing the work of tens of thousands of scientists - which was then reviewed by 2500 experts. Scientists now say not only was it correct, new data on the loss of Antarctic ice sheets shows they are melting at the fastest end of the scale predicted. New satellite data from Antarctica and Greenland have been added to IPCC projections and show that instead of a 59cm sea level rise in the next 100 years -we can expect 75 -190cm.

…all the while Kiwibloogh and Ian Wishart continue to pretend global warming isn’t happening because of man made pollution and Kiwibloogh continues to run propaganda lines for the climate denial circus despite what the scientists have to say…

Weather to get more extreme, say scientists
Weather forecast for 2100: more rain in winter and spring for the West Coast and Southland, getting drier for those in the east and north. Sea levels higher than average. Scientists gave an update yesterday on the state of the climate ahead of next month's world negotiations in Copenhagen at which countries will decide how much to curb greenhouse gas pollution by from 2012. Scientists believe some global warming is inevitable even if emissions were halted today - meaning an increase in westerly wind flows over New Zealand bringing more rain to the west and south.

…and pretending that NZ is only a small player in emissions is a lie…

Nasa: Methane effect worse than thought
Climate change specialists say New Zealand would face environmental challenges if the danger of methane gas is revised. Photo / Supplied New Zealand may be making a bigger contribution to global warming than scientists thought. A Nasa study says climate scientists have underestimated by 20 to 40 per cent how much methane warms the planet - even though it is already believed to be 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

…while our Australian neighbors face their own climate change meltdown and mass coastal erosion…

Soaring temperatures threaten another crisis
CANBERRA - Spring across the southeast of Australia has become a furnace, breaking records with heatwaves scorching Melbourne and Adelaide and turning vast tracts of bush and farmland into tinder.

…the fact is climate change from man made pollution is now out of control and fast becoming a run away event. Capitalism has a problem, I’m not talking about the inherent injustice of a few having all the money or the slavish ideological worship of the free market or even the IMF and worldbank genocide of poor people they commit every day with policies that promote Western mega corporations and their ability to dump heavily subsidized mass produced food on countries thus destroying the local markets – oh no, I’m talking about it’s impact on the environment. The reality is that the filth we pump into our planet has an impact on that planets health, a truth that the right wing desperately want to cover up.

We have had to put up with oil funded skeptics claiming the entire global warming idea is a hoax created by Greenpeace to make money for tree huggers for too long. The reality is that our pollution created by an unsustainable consumer greed capitalism is killing the planet and we push the environment to its very edges of being able to sustain our civilization with our denial of this fact. Right now we have a climate change denial Government in power, led by a man who initially didn’t believe in global warming supported by a political party that claim C02 is a misunderstood nutrient and that a 2 degree rise in temperatures would be “beneficial” for NZ. In their first week in power, nACTional have destroyed the Emission Trading Scheme and they are embarrassingly setting up a select committee to examine the 'science' behind global warming to provide pollution Industry funded quack science with a platform. It will be a global media embarrassment that will make NZ out to be a backwater Hicksville that seems unable to accept that the world isn’t flat.

This isn’t a debate about science because the science has been ‘settled’ in the same way evolution science has been ‘settled’, this is a culture war. Those in denial will not accept that their lifestyle is part of the problem and their ego’s are so inflated that to admit ‘tree huggers’ (a group they despise as much as their mythical ‘nanny state’ bullshit) are right and they are wrong would be such a devaluation of their status driven personalities that they fight with the venom of vanity. Would Paul Henry or any of his ilk ever admit they were wrong? We know the answer to that. They’re petty denial should be viewed with the contempt it deserves and their role in the debate should be as marginalized as much as one would marginalize someone trying to argue the planet is only 5000 years old at an evolution conference.

How will we explain all of this to the next generation? That we didn’t know? How will we explain the way we ignored the warning signs? We didn’t see this…

Iceberg 'halfway to Australia'
A large iceberg has been spotted off an island about halfway between Antarctica and Australia, a rare sight in waters so far north. Australian Antarctic Division researchers working on Macquarie Island, about 1500km southeast of Tasmania, first saw the iceberg last Thursday about 8km off the northwest coast of the island. The iceberg, about 50m high and 500m long, is probably part of one of several larger icebergs that broke off Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf between 2000 and 2002, Australian Antarctic Division glaciologist Neal Young said. Several icebergs have been drifting slowly northward with the ocean current toward the island over the past year, but it is uncommon for them to move so far into warmer northern waters, he said.

…chunks of fucking Antarctica are floating past us folks. This bullshit response by the Government to subsidize big polluters is not a solution, it’s a greenwash sell out.

If you are not angry, you haven't been paying attention.


At 13/11/09 2:56 pm, Anonymous bob said...

ahhhh, Wishart..the wonka who DEMANDS proof that climate change is happening and yet "believes" that Jesus rose from the dead, that his was a virgin birth, that "intelligent Design " is the real deal and a thousand other bizarro facts that Christians suck up unquestioningly .
The man is a waste of oxygen.


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