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Friday, June 12, 2009

Cops hearing whispers in the dark but getting arrested in the light

Southern officer first to pick up Bain sensation
The alleged confession hidden in David Bain's 111 ambulance call that was kept from his retrial jury was discovered by an Invercargill detective. Detective Donald Ward, of Invercargill CIB, was handed responsibility for the tape when the police inquiry team, dubbed Operation Huia, began preparing for Mr Bain's retrial in 2007. Mr Ward found the disputed admission in July that year when he took the 111 recording played to the jury at Mr Bain's first trial to Dunedin company Strawberry Sound. When the tape was played digitally in a sound studio Mr Ward heard the words "I shot the prick" or "I shot that prick".

Thank God cops hearing whispers in the dark isn’t considered an evidential threshold. This panting sound and revelations that he had a rape fantasy involving a 17-year-old hardly equate to gunning his entire family down. This is an insult to a 13 year imprisonment injury. And I certainly don’t think any of the jurors should be banned from talking to the Bain team after the result, in fact, I think it would be great to interview those who were on the Jury as they were privy to the entire collection of evidence.

A much more important Police-related story this week was the news that private prosecutions of cops are still an option to keep our boys and girls in blue on the right side of the law.

Policewoman guilty of assault after traffic stop
A policewoman who arrested a householder in his driveway after a traffic stop has been found guilty of assault but discharged without conviction after an unusual private prosecution in Christchurch District Court. Denis McLachlan, who brought the prosecution on behalf of the arrested man, his friend Mark Tonks, said the police would now face a civil claim for wrongful arrest. Mr Tonks told the court he was handcuffed and taken away in front of his wife and neighbours, and held for eight hours, some of the time in a damp, cold cell with the mattress removed. He said he had felt helpless as he was arrested. He was now disillusioned with the justice system and had been shocked by the "surreal situation".

Now of course the Police Cheerleader Association claims they fear Police will be ‘held back’ from doing their job if they think they can be privately prosecuted – which is nonsense. If Cops think that they will get privately prosecuted it will remind them to actually do their job properly. Currently they know that they still have a certain amount of cover from the Independent Police Complaints Authority, 70% of which are still cops ‘investigating’ cops, but with private prosecutions Police can’t hide or censor reports. Unfortunately with the cost of taking a private prosecution against the cops being over $6000, this protection is only for the wealthy.


At 12/6/09 9:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what about that cop in the states that tasered the 72 year old! and his bosses were saying he did the right thing.

only in america ... one would hope


At 12/6/09 11:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if bain had been found guilty and the jurors went and hugged the crown prosecutors/police, I know without doubt that you would be calling it disgusting, a travesty of justice and a conspiracy against poor old mr bain. you can't even deny that would be your stance. yet here you are saying it's ok because he was acquitted. Remember the jury did not say he was "innocent". The true picture of bain is emerging and I believe the majority of NZ believe he has got away with murder. And are you saying that a 17 year old talking of how he could get away with rape thru altering newspaper delivery times is not a concern? Does it not give an insight into this demented sould head? Startling the facts of the plan really : early morning, make a special point of seeing/speaking to those customers who normally see him, alter the timings...the real mr bain, please stand up.

At 12/6/09 11:06 am, Blogger Bomber said...

if bain had been found guilty and the jurors went and hugged the crown prosecutors/police, I know without doubt that you would be calling it disgusting, a travesty of justice and a conspiracy against poor old mr bain. you can't even deny that would be your stance. yet here you are saying it's ok because he was acquitted.
LOL - well I'm glad you weren't on the jury then aren't I anoymous troll? If you are the sort of person who can guarantee that I'd be guilty of what you are charging me with before I do it, it's of little surprise you side with the police position now is it?

At 12/6/09 11:37 am, Anonymous H M Dochartaigh said...

yeah too right bomber, typical that these self righteous so-called moralistic omniscient "Gods" are so sure that they are right they prefer to remain anonymous!!!!!!

At 12/6/09 12:59 pm, Anonymous Bosco said...

I think your missing the point Bomber, the rape fantasy doesn't equate to murder, the fact that he planned to use his paper round as an alibi whilst carrying out has a rather frightening resemblance to his actions on the morning of the killings.

I don't see why you want jurors so invested in emotion that they hug the Defendant afterwards, it shows that they were emotionally involved in the case and not looking at the evidence rationally and logically as a Judge might of. If David Bain had the personality and past of say David Tamihere would the jury have reached the same verdict?

At 12/6/09 1:09 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

Bosco - I get your point, but cooking up a rape fantasy with a paper round alibi doesn't mean you are guilty of murdering your family does it Bosco?

As for those on the Jury - what they do after the verdict is meaningless isn't it? It's that they judge the case on what is shown them as evidence in the trial that counts right? Do you want laws requiring any jury member never to have contact with the person they had on trial?

At 12/6/09 11:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is this 'mans' pride - gee even if I got beat up by a woman I think I'd keep quiet about it. I know plenty of women are faster and stronger than me but I would still think twice about crying about it.

As for being 72 so what, there are a good many 72++ year olds who could run 10k's a lot faster than bomber.

Only someone with deeply outdated and patronising attitudes towards woman and age would take the approach that woman over 70 should be treated as fragile little things - as one commentator said 'she was probably fighting in bars in her 30's'.

There may be good reasons why someone should not be tazed but age (for adults over 16 and under 90) and sex are not reasons.


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