Monday | Rāhina 17/03/2025
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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

David Bain Pop Kulture

Ready for this NZ? David Bain has gone Pop Kulture with his own range of T-Shirts...

Bain’s Jumpers: Once ill-fashioned, now top-fashion!

Think 1994 David Bain trial. What is the first image that comes to your head? Many New Zealander’s would conjure the image of Bain’s ill-fashioned, bright coloured 70’s jumpers that he wore during his trial. Mr Vintage, New Zealand’s premium online retailer of authentic vintage t-shirts, has chosen to turn this ill-fashion into top fashion in their latest range of t-shirts.

The two designs reflect the sweaters that David Bain famously wore to his murder trial in 1994. The sweaters have become an iconic part of New Zealand society, and Mr Vintage has chosen to portray them in a more modern, fashionable way.

Mr Vintage’s Managing Director, Robert Ewan, says the t-shirts reflect the cheeky brand personality of his company. “Mr Vintage has always provided quality t-shirts that commentate on New Zealand’s society, this is just one significant event in the last two decades that New Zealanders will remember for many years”.

As for the controversy these designs may cause, Mr. Ewan emphasizes that Mr Vintage is not “taking sides” in this controversial trial. Rather, they are “focusing on the style of clothes that Bain wore, rather than the murders themselves”.

The T-shirts will be released on the 18th and 19th of March, and available at the Mr Vintage online store
Mr Vintage prides itself in being New Zealand's premium online t-shirt brand, stocking Australasia’s best range of authentic 80's themed and pop culture clothing.


At 17/3/09 2:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to be picky - its Bain not Bane...

At 17/3/09 3:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kinda looks like swastikas on it!

At 17/3/09 3:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get your convicted murderer-wear while its hot!

At 17/3/09 4:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw a bloke wearing a tee shrit with a picture of Anton whats-his-name (the one who chopped that woman's hands off with a sword and topped himself a few weeks ago) doing that bug-eyed thing that he did in court when he was going for an insanity plea.

All done in the best possible tasts of course.

At 17/3/09 4:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the more i see of the court case, the more i think david bain is guilty...


At 17/3/09 8:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey ns.

That's what they want you to think, they are the prosecutors.
There has been no case for the defence yet. All the holes that have been exposed so far are with the strongest witnesses for the crown ..if these are their best witnesses then they are in some serious trouble. The Crown is handling this appallingly.

And the jerseys ..they did not belong to David Bain. He was given them by the sallies or the Red Cross because the Police took all his clothes....

combien du temps!

At 17/3/09 9:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anon 4.48 show some respect for the process you dumbass. I've got a better idea- how about you just watch some tv?

At 18/3/09 8:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how is voicing my opinion disrespecting the process you dumbass

Grant - yes, will continue to follow the case when the defence comes up ... sort of hope they change my mind, would like to think david is innocent...


At 18/3/09 1:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When's that goggle eyed freak going to man up and admit he killed his family,He definately did it!

At 18/3/09 9:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 8.50 'how is voicing my opinion disrespecting the process you dumbass'
Because its a appeal in the highest court of this land lamebrain! Your 'opinion' doesn't matter bro- this ain't the talkback; you need to defer here it's a no-brainer. News Flash- you & your ideas aren't that important- despite what your teacher told you!

At 19/3/09 8:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because its a appeal in the highest court of this land lamebrain! Your 'opinion' doesn't matter bro- this ain't the talkback; you need to defer here it's a no-brainer. News Flash- you & your ideas aren't that important- despite what your teacher told you!

Dueprocess should read his own post, then disappear up his own fundament.

At 19/3/09 2:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh, heh, thanks anon 8:25.

By the way, whoever is marketing these t-shirts should get a medal for getting all that free advertising on TV3 last night!


At 6/4/09 1:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the T-shirts! My question is this: HOW did the Bain team end up with a roght royal f-wit of a 'QC" that is Michael Reed??/ Holy hell, the guy is a joke. Judge the other day to Reed: "Then WHY do it?" (be an idiot in court) My answer: BECAUSE HE HAS NOTHING ELSE! Bain is guilty as- the evidence all point to his guilt. Would love to wear a Hang Bain tshirt when he goes bye-byes for the third and final time.

At 15/6/09 10:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually the High Court is not the highest court in the land - not even the second highest - the second highest is the court of appeal, and the highest is of course the supreme court - so you are both idiots - get a life - and yes i would buy a bain shirt, and bain is clearly guilty.

At 11/7/09 11:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are all wrong. You need to read the book about the trial which clearly shows David was set up. I am a person who had my doubts and thought he was probably guilty, however after reading the book, the evidence against David is so shallow and there is absolutely no way he should have even been considered for the murders. The evidence clearly points to a murder suicide. Good on you David for hanging in there for so long and eventually getting the freedom you fully deserve and well done to Joe Karam for having the guts to put his life and money on hold to help an innocent man become free. Don't judge people by the way they look!

At 11/7/09 12:21 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

Amen Anon


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