Cop angry! Cop crush car! COP SMASH!
Booze laws not working
Desperate police are proposing radical measures to curb an increase in drink-driving, including publicly shaming repeat offenders and crushing cars. Other hardline police proposals include drying out accused drink-drivers in cells, automatically fingerprinting drivers who fail breath tests, banning alcopop drinks, hiring more frontline officers and introducing random roadside drug testing.
WTF? What’s with all this ‘crushing cars’ bullshit all of a sudden? Since when did wanting to destroy someone else’s stuff suddenly become the punishment de rigueur? Look you have to feel for the cops, they have been dumped with a booze culture nation who since the mass deregulation of the alcohol market have had to cope with a nation of alcoholics in denial awash in cheap 24/7 booze availability. Drunk people piss me off, I ‘d hate to have to deal with any of them in the capacity of a cop – but the solution to this CAN NOT BE MORE FUCKING POLICE POWERS! While they may have my sympathy of having to deal with the lack of balls any Government has shown by standing up to the alcohol industry, Let’s see, crushing cars, fingerprinting (taking DNA?) and random roadside drug testing are not moves that will do a damned thing to the problem of boozers, all it will do is add more police powers to a department that in light of the new DNA and spying powers they are seeking is starting to look very oppressive. Let’s not follow the same path towards a surveillance big brother society the way England has.
For severe drink drivers they obviously need to have some type of help as they are clearly bloody alcoholics, and I’m not sure what crushing their car would achieve beyond them not being able to drive that particular car. I think it’s time to revisit the manner in which we have allowed alcohol outlets to seemingly be able to sell on every street corner. I’m no prohibitionist, but I do believe that regulated products should, you know, BE REGULATED! Police the limited number of venders to make sure they are complying with age restrictions, and start looking at the source rather than trying to deal with the consequences.
As the economy tanks people get depressed, more domestic violence springs up, more angry people drink and the social damage increases. If we don’t try and think up better solutions than letting the Police crush cars, start taking fingerprints and random drug testing then we miss the opportunity to set in place real solutions we’ll desperately need when the economy faces unemployment rates of between 7 -14% .
bobmber, im loving some of these posts at the moment ie dna teats and cop powers. they are right on the button
Its incredible , a barrage of laws to stomp on weed ( why exactly ? I don't see many stoned people bashing their wives, beating their kids or killing innocent drivers ),and for booze, the biggest problem of all , knighthoods for the people who run the businesses and NO regulation at all.
Open slather.
Kids are introduced to booze via 'gateway' drinks such as RTD's, driving about sucking on bottles of lolly water laced with alcohol. Drinking till they pass out on city streets.
I guess it is, as long as the brewery barons are making money anything goes.
14% unemployment LOL
First it was 6%, then 12% now 14%.
It's going to be like your $200 barrel of oil prediction all over again.
14% unemployment LOL
Sigh - 'Anon' - IF you have been reading the blog for such a long time, how come you missed my post on the first day of Parliament on Tuesday 10th? It was during that debate that Paula Benett, your new Minister of Social Development, said that Unemployment in NZ would be anywhere as high as 14% - HER WORDS NOT MINE! If you have a problem with the 14% Unemployment rate, PLEASE bring it up with the Minister of Social Development.
2009 economic stimulus = sell MORE booze (more outlets, not less). razor the spending on social services charged with the clean-up. empower cops to lock 'em up.
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