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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kids covered in real blood are the concern, not those covered in fake blood

Protesters defend kids in fake blood
Protesters are defending a demonstration in which children lay in "bloodstained" clothing in Wellington's Civic Square.
Two hundred people protested yesterday against Israel's actions in Gaza and the New Zealand Government's stance on the conflict. About 100 people wrapped in fake bloodstained bandages and clothing, including young children, lay down in the square while a drum beat 844 times to symbolise the 831 Palestinians and 13 Israelis killed in the month-long conflict. Wellington Regional Jewish Council chairman David Zwartz said the use of children in political protests was wrong. "What do these children know of the politics involved?" The children's presence was manipulative and an infringement of their rights.

You’ve gotta hand it to Zwartz, as a propagandist for Israel he’s amazing. Here he is complaining about children being in protests, not one word from his mouth about the hundreds of dead children that Israel have killed over the last 2 weeks and continue to kill today, oh no, his issue is with children covered in fake blood, well David, we’re concerned with the children covered in real blood. The audacity of these pro-Israel supporters is so biased and self-deluded it makes their aggressive paranoia seem like a redeeming characteristic.


At 14/1/09 7:53 am, Blogger Brewerstroupe said...

Israel Is Losing This War

By Uri Avnery

NEARLY SEVENTY YEARS ago, in the course of World War II, a heinous crime was committed in the city of Leningrad. For more than a thousand days, a gang of extremists called “the Red Army” held the millions of the town’s inhabitants hostage and provoked retaliation from the German Wehrmacht from inside the population centers. The Germans had no alternative but to bomb and shell the population and to impose a total blockade, which caused the death of hundreds of thousands.

Avnery is an Israeli writer. He was a fighter with the Irgun and has been a member of Israel's Parliament.


At 14/1/09 7:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the hundreds of dead children"

If you are going to exaggerate why not make it "thousands"? That will make the Israeli's sound much more eviler.

If you really want to make your protests realistic what not have half a dozen or so "millitants" lying around covered in fake blood and guns for every child you use in your protest? Shouldn't be too hard to get the costumes together, even Just Jeans sells those trendy Palistinian scarves these days....

At 14/1/09 8:12 am, Blogger Bomber said...

If you are going to exaggerate why not make it "thousands"? That will make the Israeli's sound much more eviler.

Anon, please don't you dare go all quiet after making a post like that, the number of children the Guardian is holding up is 265 dead children, here is the link, make your response please...


...I'd hate to let an apologist go quiet like you all did after Lebanon, please explain how the hundreds of dead children comment wasn't correct anon? Is the Guardian lying?

At 14/1/09 8:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn cheek of David. You're right Bomber. WHAT ABOUT THOSE DEAD CHILDREN!
Of course, our lovely friend David Wanker Zwartz is right on one big thing....
"What do these children know of the politics involved?" he says!
They DON"T know.... but bomb them as well!

At 14/1/09 8:21 am, Blogger Carol said...

From what I saw of this protest on TV One and 3 news, I thought it was a very effective demonstration. This was a successfully graphic and nonviolent representation of the effects of brutality of the Israeli assault on Gaza.

At 14/1/09 8:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the big protest about what is happening in Sudan? Is it only when the perpetrators are white that all the rent-a-crowd lefties have their little marches?

At 14/1/09 8:34 am, Blogger Bomber said...

Where's the big protest about what is happening in Sudan? Is it only when the perpetrators are white that all the rent-a-crowd lefties have their little marches?

Sudan is difficult isn't it - China props Sudan up for oil and resources with military aid that allows the Sudanese to commit their genocide. The reason we protest at America for giving Israel the military power to continue their repression is so that we can then demand other regimes to stop doing exactly what China is doing in Sudan. If we can't force the great defender of freedom and democracy to stop propping up repressive regimes with military aid, what moral highground does the West have to lecture China?

At 14/1/09 9:01 am, Blogger Brewerstroupe said...

Who will save Israel from itself?
By Mark LeVine

One by one the justifications given by Israel for its latest war in Gaza are unravelling.

The argument that this is a purely defensive war, launched only after Hamas broke a six-month ceasefire has been challenged, not just by observers in the know such as Jimmy Carter, the former US president who helped facilitate the truce, but by centre-right Israeli intelligence think tanks.

The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, whose December 31 report titled "Six Months of the Lull Arrangement Intelligence Report," confirmed that the June 19 truce was only "sporadically violated, and then not by Hamas but instead by ... "rogue terrorist organisations".

Instead, "the escalation and erosion of the lull arrangement" occurred after Israel killed six Hamas members on November 4 without provocation and then placed the entire Strip under an even more intensive siege the next day.

According to a joint Tel Aviv University-European University study, this fits a larger pattern in which Israeli violence has been responsible for ending 79 per cent of all lulls in violence since the outbreak of the second intifada, compared with only 8 per cent for Hamas and other Palestinian factions.


At 14/1/09 9:11 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to a joint Tel Aviv University-European University study, this fits a larger pattern in which Israeli violence has been responsible for ending 79 per cent of all lulls in violence since the outbreak of the second intifada, compared with only 8 per cent for Hamas and other Palestinian factions.

And the other 3%?

Please let's drop the pretence that Jimmy Carter is some neutral observer just because he is a former Us President.

At 14/1/09 9:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the article Bomber linked to...
Israel's military also insists that the majority of deaths have been Hamas members. Yet Al-Mezan, a Palestinian human rights groups, which is trying to verify the UN's casualty numbers which come from the Palestinian Ministry of Health, says the military is attacking unarmed civilians.

At 14/1/09 9:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Brewer referred to this sort of nonsense as a false flag Carol, it is pretty lame and transparent.

And nothing gets said about the Orientalism, Islamapbobia and/or anti-Arabic sentiments explicitly expressed by some pro-Israel supporters

Yeah that's right Carol: no one says a word, I have never heard Bomber call any one an Islamaphobe before, maybe you should try and reading a few other peoples posts as well as your own.

At 14/1/09 10:05 am, Blogger Carol said...

Anon@9.42am. If I only read my own posts, how would I know that there's regular claims of anti-semitism. I haven't seen any references to Islamophobia of late, unlike the large amount of broken-record claims of anti-semitism, even though no such anti-semtism is in evidence.

Islamophobia is called when it is blatantly obvious.

At 14/1/09 1:14 pm, Blogger Paul said...

"What do these children know of the politics involved?"

People are getting killed and I don't like it?

Children might not get all the nuance, but they aren't as stupid as some people make out. If you discuss and explain things with them instead of: hyping them up on sugar/ smacking them round the head/ or bombing them; then they might just understand something.

At 14/1/09 3:42 pm, Blogger Luke said...

Why isn't the issue of religion brainwashing good people into doing bad things addressed??

religion...the root of all evil

At 14/1/09 3:55 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"religion...the root of all evil

Ever heard of communism luke? No, didn't think so. Well last century it was the cause wars and man made famines, executions and deprivations that results in tens of millions of deaths all over the world. Communist reject religion, yet they managed to cause the deaths of more than all of the world's religions last century.

Back to school lukey.

At 14/1/09 3:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody got David Zwartz's email?

Send him this:


At 14/1/09 4:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those girls are the daughters of the Israeli soldiers that were kidnapped by Hizbollah who were then later dismembered. I think anyone can understand their desire for retribution.

At 14/1/09 4:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I am the daughter of the Queen of England.

At 14/1/09 4:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Zwartz email:


At 14/1/09 4:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That little girl in your photo looks like she has spilled beetroot juice all over her top. How with they get the stains out? I hope their ineffectual protest was worth it.

At 14/1/09 5:30 pm, Blogger Swimming said...

the little girl is a boy...

At 14/1/09 6:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how u know that?

At 14/1/09 6:52 pm, Blogger Swimming said...

I know his dad.

At 14/1/09 9:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They disguise their sons as girls too?! When will the horrors end!

At 14/1/09 10:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like to eat cheee on crackers. it is nice.

At 14/1/09 11:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm, i think leave kids out of protests until they are actually old enough to decide what they think not what their parents want them to think.

At 15/1/09 10:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The kid in the photo is the son of one of the guys who cut up that spy radar dome thing with a sickle.


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