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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Kiwi Blogh gives Israel a birthday blowjob

I wrote a piece on the 60th Birthday of Israel on Tumeke, while I agree that the Holocaust was a moment of horror that needed to be acknowledged by the creation of Israel, I totally reject the 41 year brutal occupation of Palestine and my revulsion of it. That was hilariously too ‘right wing’ for a couple of posters but I would suggest my comments were nothing to the Kiwi Blogh birthday blowjob Farrar gave Zwartz on Monday. Zwartz wrote an awful apologist piece in the Herald that ‘celebrated’ Israel rather than admonish them for a list of human rights abuses that goes beyond most countries in 60 short years – while I accept the notion of Israel, I certainly don’t celebrate it and Farrar’s own comments leave me genuinely surprised – yes he’s a right wing, on the National Party pay list sycophant, but he’s usually much better than this…

What is really bad is that Israel has given up territory in Gaza, but instead of that leading to peace in that area, it becomes a venue from which to launch more rocket attacks. There are many people who in principle support Israel returning to 1967 boundaries in exchange for peace, but the fear is they will retreat to 1967 boundaries and then just have even more effective attacks on their civilians.

…so that justifies 41 years of occupation does it Farrar? I wonder what Kiwi BlogBlog has to say on the matter… (I went and looked) ….nothing – oi, if you are supposed top keep an eye on Farrar, step it up, he shouldn’t be allowed to get away with comments like that without a ribbing!


At 14/5/08 8:43 am, Blogger Bomber said...

PS - If David is unhappy with what the Labour Government has had to say about Israel, he'll freak out by what Phil Goff has to say on 'Lets Be Frank' on Alt Tv Tuesday next week.

At 14/5/08 8:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good post by Farrar. Israel are fighting for their very existence and should do whatever it takes to protect themselves.

At 14/5/08 10:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still waiting for you to blog about this article, Bomber: Death was the least that she deserved

At 14/5/08 11:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its interesting. Israel is one for the few democracies in Middle East, one of the only places you won't get killed for being a communist, homosexual, a trade unionist or a dissident. Yet many of those on the left (I consider myself a 'left-liberal' too) hate Israel and everything it stands for. Anti semitism DOES have a lot to do with it unfortunately. Listening to some supposedly liberal people talk about Israel can be a real eye opener.

Yes the Israeli occupation of Palestinean land is abhorrent, as are suicide attacks on civilian targets in Israel. Israel has a right to defend itself and exist, and Palestineans have a right to live in free, democratic society and not be treated so shabbily by the Israelis (or their own 'leaders'). A return to pre-1967 borders would seem like a good idea. The US and UN should put some gentle pressure on Israel to come up with a suitable settlement.

I don't buy the argument that the Israeli occupation is the root cause of all problems in the middle east, there are deeper problems than that. Listen to what hardcore Islamists are saying, they want the creation of a 'Super Caliphate' in which women, gays, communists, democrats, unionists - anyone that isn't a 'good muslim' will be oppressed and most likely murdered. For them Palestine is a side issue. They hate westerners and jews and the fact we live in free, democratic societies.

All parties involved need to take a step back, get round a table and thrash out some decent settlements.

At 14/5/08 11:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"PS - If David is unhappy with what the Labour Government has had to say about Israel, he'll freak out by what Phil Goff has to say on 'Lets Be Frank' on Alt Tv Tuesday next week."

If it's not too late please ask Phil what it was like to hold hands with that stinking terrorist Arafat. That mongrel had so much blood on his hands, I really hope Phil washed his afterwards

At 14/5/08 12:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That mongrel had so much blood on his hands,

I thought you were talking about Bush for a moment....

At 14/5/08 12:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean the arafat who won the nobel peace prize. Just shows what bullshit that prize is. He's not the worse to win it though Kissinger won it too.

At 14/5/08 1:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long live the Jewish state!

Surrounded by fundamentalist regimes, crazy despots and other Arab nutters it has survived 60 years despite the odds.

Israel deserves our admiration.

At 14/5/08 1:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least the Israelis don't torture and murder their OWN people like the arabs do on a regular basis

At 14/5/08 4:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's a real Jewtopia

At 14/5/08 8:38 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 15/5/08 9:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

“The declaration of the State of Israel in 1948 was at the expense of ethnically cleansing 513 Palestinian villages, creating over 700,000 Palestinian refugees and expropriating their lands, homes and businesses in 78 percent of Palestine…There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former population.”

- Israeli Gen. Moshe Dayan

At 19/5/08 8:47 am, Blogger Bomber said...

PS - Oh and someone told me in the weekend that David Farrar is also Jewsish - which makes sense for his inane support of Israel now.

At 20/5/08 6:17 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truth hurts yet again Bo ber.

Your habit of deleting posts you don't agree with is why you guys are sliding down the slippery rope of the rankings.

Typical Leftiet though - censor, censor, censor.

People don't like it Bo ber.

You'll get exactly what you deserve.


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