Friday | Rāmere 28/03/2025
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Guess who is back - back again, Tim is back - tell a friend

Mr Selwyn will be back writing sometime after the 1st October as he will be out of prison after being granted Home Detention. We have missed him and I'm pleased to see him out and he will be stepping up and taking back his writing responsibilties for this blogsite, with me continuing to post daily.


At 26/9/07 4:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully he's learnt his lesson and won't do it again.

At 26/9/07 6:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh the self righteous, it will be sweet, gives you a rest huh bomber..

At 26/9/07 7:24 pm, Blogger camelfat said...

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At 26/9/07 9:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

blah blah we love bomber, he's so cool and is a pillar of society. you lot are sappy losers. get in the real world. oh and timmy...bets on how long he last before he breaks the law again??? i give him under a year.

At 26/9/07 9:58 pm, Blogger dad4justice said...

Lets hope he has some lumberjack skills after a stint in the can , a sharp axe is always handy .

At 27/9/07 5:19 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s a pity that Tim isn’t spending another Christmas in Prison so he can enjoy the generosity of New Zealand Tax payers by supplying him with Tasty Chicken Wing for Christmas Treat.

I personally feel disgusted that this criminal has been grant Home Detention, should have lock him up for life and thrown the key away.

At 27/9/07 8:44 am, Blogger karlos said...

Are you going to carry on blogging elsewhere bomber?

At 27/9/07 8:48 am, Blogger Bomber said...

Hey Karlos, I'll continue to post here daily with Tim, but I'm busy setting up a news service on Alt, so I'm really bloody glad Tim will be able to run this site a lot more, he's been slacking inside prison for far too long!

At 27/9/07 5:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a news channel...i hardly think you are qaulified bomber. all the news will be slanted to suit your view of the world and hell, just imagine any story concerning the police!!

At 27/9/07 6:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah the police get up to some shocking stuff and their not so good at hushing it up like they used to ...........

and I take it they cant impose any silly bail conditions like not blogging for selwyn seditious ?

At 27/9/07 6:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have a thing for lumberjacks Daddy4Justice?

At 28/9/07 11:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police stations better double their security. Timmy is an expert at breaking in.


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