Saturday | Rāhoroi 15/03/2025
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Friday, August 03, 2007

Cops that work together, fuck together (playing piggy in the middle)

Alt Tv/Fleet FM Breakfast News
Cops that work together, fuck together (playing piggy in the middle)
A woman yesterday told a court she had group sex with former Rotorua policemen John Dewar and Brad Shipton, contradicting claims by Dewar that he never had more than a working relationship with Shipton. Yesterday, a woman, whose name is suppressed, spoke of how she was "angry and shocked" to see Dewar claim in a 2004 television interview that he knew Shipton and Rickards only in a professional capacity. Maybe it is the stress of the job, maybe it is having to wear blue all day, but Police just seem to love rooting eachother - now other than being a little weird, I don’t personally care if Police need to have ritualistic group sex to bond, however lying and manipulating evidence so your sex romp buddies can get off rape charges is – what’s the word I’m lookin for folks – uncouth? The trial of Dewar and the damning evidence against him continues today.


At 3/8/07 12:22 pm, Blogger Jack said...

Bent? lol

At 3/8/07 2:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay so there are few bad eggs in there but when the shit hits the fan who are you going to running to?

Its a shit job when yuu have to up hold the law at times without allowing your conscience get i the way of what the taxpayer is paying you to do. Which is why it's really bad when you've got guys callin g the shots within the organisation who are of questionable moral fibre.

Has anyone noticed how much of a criminal shipton looks like?


At 3/8/07 6:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once Were Warriors was set there.
... that was in Otara bud...

I worked on that movie...

At 3/8/07 8:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bomber check out this take on the Chinese food label debate going on at the moment, it's a bit of a different angle I heard him talkin about it on radio live last night, or it might have been pacific


At 4/8/07 11:56 am, Blogger Jack said...

Bomber, Scud turned out to be Constable Kim Kuiper of Papakura.

At 4/8/07 9:25 pm, Blogger peterquixote said...

like sometimes late at night bomber when i dreaming about them blond girl with stick, and them stars and arm link, with them black short, jeex bomber you got any mopre picture of girls, no wonder people like to sleep,

At 5/8/07 12:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once Were Warriors the novel was set in Rotorua actually, I wasn't talking about the movie, as if anyone cares that you worked on it.


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