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Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Exclusive Brethren and Ribena

Here is my problem with the bloody Exclusive Brethren (God, why are your followers such fucking losers bro, I’m all down with the big –G-O-D, but Christ he has some right clowns praising his name doesn’t he people, can I get a hallelujah?)

1: Their impossible philosophical position of a) Not allowing their followers to vote, but then b) tell you and me how to vote. Philosophically speaking, that is a leap so far it seems backwards, “All who follow me CAN NOT participate in the democratic process, however we will raise $1.2million off the backs of our followers to convince you all how to vote” – hmmm, get fucked happy clappy.

2: Now the above is just an annoyance, the REAL issue I have with the Exclusive Brethren is that they are liars, liars in the sense that they attempt to hide their identity, which I fucking despise – if you are going to say something, say it while everyone knows who is saying it – how they can attempt to hide their connection is what I find criminal in terms of a democracy. I don’t care what wacky shit these clowns print, if they want to say Helen Clark is the anti-christ and is really an alien here to eat everyone’s soul, fine, no problems what-so-ever with that (when you catch Helen’s hooded eyes in a certain light, they maybe right), what I detest is Exclusive Brethren hiding the fact that they are saying it. That is so anti-democratic it makes me want to torch their hamlets, with fiery pitchforks no less. In a Democracy, we all have the right to know who is saying what, especially during an Election, so let the Exclusive Brethren print what they like, BUT they have to print the fact that it is them who are saying it. The reason why the Exclusive Brethren hide the fact that they are the ones putting out smear pamphlets is because the second you saw ‘Exclusive Brethren’ you would think, ‘dumb Christian happy clappers, don’t care’, and we all know that to be true.

Like Ribena, the Exclusive Brethren want to lie about their message without telling you the truth behind those sweet lies. For the record, the Exclusive Brethren have no Vitamin C content.

Brethren critics voice their anger at Labour's election spending plan
The seven members of the Exclusive Brethren who ran a campaign against National's opponents last election last night condemned Labour's election law reform plans as desperate. They issued a statement saying the proposal to make negative advertising count as campaign spending was ill-informed "and demonstrates how grossly desperate Helen Clark has become". They also accused the Prime Minister of "political thuggery". Before the last election, the seven men wrote to the Chief Electoral Officer saying they wanted to spend about $1.2 million in advertising but did not want it to be counted against National's spending limits. Their advertising did not endorse National but attacked its opponents and so did not count against National.


At 12/4/07 12:57 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

How can you critesize these the brethren hiding there names when you , you fuckwit hide behind Blogger, Get a life 1/2 wit

Ummm, a couple of things

1: I don’t hide behind ‘blogger’ – I post my thoughts and openly declare who I am – that isn’t what the Exclusive Brethren are doing at all – they consciously attempt to hide who they are – did you even read the blog before you posted?

2: I think the word you want is Criticize?

3: But you did get fuckwit right

At 12/4/07 1:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aahh Just as I thought, a retarded Tree hugging sandel wearer. Tha has probbly never worked a day in his misserable life, cannt even afford a razor. As I said prior you voted for Helen the Terrible so you live with it and dont cause grief for real people like the Brethren who tried to get a better ife in gods zone for us all. Including you my communist loving friend.

At 12/4/07 2:01 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

Aahh Just as I thought, a retarded Tree hugging sandel wearer. Tha has probbly never worked a day in his misserable life, cannt even afford a razor. As I said prior you voted for Helen the Terrible so you live with it and dont cause grief for real people like the Brethren who tried to get a better ife in gods zone for us all. Including you my communist loving friend.

Aahh, just as I thought, you are mentally handicapped. For the record, I didn’t vote for Helen.

At 12/4/07 2:03 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 12/4/07 4:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Bomber does hug trees that might explain the beard. Bark can be quite rough against the skin. Dont really get the sandal wearing dig. Jesus wore sandals. And so do some of the Brethren from what I have seen.
Just wondering if 1.52 could explain some examples of the 'better life' the Brethren were aiming for when they climbed into bed for a little under the sheets worship with the Nats.


At 13/4/07 5:24 am, Blogger Just my opinion said...

Bomber hates the brethren because they had the funds and time to try and put up their opposition to Labour and the Greems.

Their message was nothing hard hitting or controversial. But as they are christians Bomber can finally have an output to vent his anti christian views.

At 13/4/07 5:32 am, Blogger Bomber said...

YAWN - heine -please read before you post, Clint would

I don’t care what wacky shit these clowns print, if they want to say Helen Clark is the anti-christ and is really an alien here to eat everyone’s soul, fine, no problems what-so-ever with that (when you catch Helen’s hooded eyes in a certain light, they maybe right), what I detest is Exclusive Brethren hiding the fact that they are saying it. That is so anti-democratic it makes me want to torch their hamlets, with fiery pitchforks no less. In a Democracy, we all have the right to know who is saying what, especially during an Election, so let the Exclusive Brethren print what they like, BUT they have to print the fact that it is them who are saying it.

At 14/4/07 5:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Er, Bomber ain't that well known Thomas. Maybe in your circles, but to the general public it's Martyn who?

At 14/4/07 11:14 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Is it just me or do others see the irony in the first poster posting under anonymous?

At 15/4/07 3:02 pm, Blogger Luke said...

Lol yeh "How can you critesize these the brethren hiding there names when you , you fuckwit hide behind Blogger"

At 16/4/07 7:41 am, Blogger Just my opinion said...

?? I don't get what you are on about Bomber. Who said what you put in italics?

Time to take your medication.

At 16/4/07 6:22 pm, Blogger Luke said...

Read the post Clint, you'll see he's quoting himself.

In real simple english, read the post again and then comment.

Claiming that Bomber "hates" them because they are Christians has no backing evidence but your assumption, READ what he wrote and you'll see why Bomber doesn't like the Bretheran.



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