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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

BLUEWASH – making the Police force look clean

Absolute Bluewash – what a surprise that Police culture that has been described as disgraceful is quickly assured to us all as something something that happened in the ‘olden days’. Bullshit, what has changed within the Police Force that would stamp out a culture of abuse fuelled on power? We need an Independent Police Complaints Authority NOW – at what point will people finally agree that Police investigating Police is unacceptable, especially now with proof that cops in the ‘olden days’ deliberately attempted to protect bad cops? Instead of demanding changes, we are told that it’s all gotten much better and that it isn’t happening anymore and that we should all just run along and just trust Mr Cop. Why? Why should we trust a system that if we complain against it, will be handled by a Police force who now have a history of mishandling complaints in a process that is totally censored and nontransparent.

As the disgusting details start to leak (you’re gonna love the one about the cop sexually abusing the kid who came to him because he was getting sexually abused) we can’t allow our anger and disgust to paint every cop, but we must use that anger to force a more transparent and credible process of complaint against a force that now doesn’t have the trust of a wide section of the community.

Report slams 'disgraceful' police conduct
The Police Commission of Inquiry sparked by the Louise Nicholas case has found 141 incidents in which there was enough evidence for police to be disciplined or face charges. The report by Dame Margaret Bazley slammed "disgraceful conduct" by serving police officers and says there were times in which police protected their own. Dame Margaret found police management lacked the policies, procedures and practices to deal effectively with incidents of sexual misconduct by police officers. In her commission of inquiry into police conduct released today, Dame Margaret said she had reviewed 313 complaints of sexual assault against 222 police officers between 1979 and 2005. She said she saw evidence of some "disgraceful" conduct by police officers and associates, involving the exploitation of vulnerable people. She said there were also incidents of officers attempting to protect alleged perpetrators. "These incidents, which occurred mainly in the 1980s, include evidence of officers condoning or turning a blind eye to sexual activity of an inappropriate nature; a wall of silence from colleagues protecting those officers complained about; negative, stereotyped view of complainants, and a culture of scepticism in dealing with complaints of sexual assault," she said. "However, there was no evidence of any concerted attempt across the organisation as a whole to cover up unacceptable behaviour."


At 3/4/07 7:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's all this bull I hear about the cops not having a 'code' of conduct?

NZ Police 'standards' of conduct.

The following standards of conduct are expected of all police officers:

Honesty and integrity
Fairness and impartiality
Respect for people
Respect for confidentiality
Obedience to the law and lawful orders
Reasonable exercise of discretion
Efficient performance of duties
Not damaging the reputation or relationships of the Police.

What's the difference between code and standard?

At 4/4/07 7:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I will trust the police force over a gang member who sells P to children any day of the week.

At 4/4/07 9:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Before you get on your high horse you may want to comment on whether you are friends with guys such as Aaron Hiley, Graeme Te Awa, David Dunn, and Duncan King. Raping chicks back at 'the pad' obviously not something just the police seem to have a monopoly on...

Seem to remember Doug Jay and some others being 'acquitted' guess that must make them 'innocent' as well huh?

At 4/4/07 8:06 pm, Blogger Hated By Most said...

First to the gutless Anon dick smack whom I believe its ol buckshot soild buckshot, dreamer boy...Personally I don't give a flying fuck if you trust these pigs or not, thats your business, it does sound like your the only one, there crimes are catching up with them and thats something that fucking long overdue. who know maybe you kids or grand daughter might be a victim to there sick shit, you can come back here and can me "methhead: again then go look after the mess the pig left ya.

Now to Peter Vitali, how does it go, innocent by the peers of your legal systems choosing. If the legal system is corrupt what the fuck has that got to do with us Motorcycle club members, shit was it just suppose to work if your a pig, like Richards... don't cry at us just because we found out how to work the system.... we didn't write the the shit now did we.....

But the issue is about mega pigs getting caught, shit so if your 15year old daughter gets drunk and pick up by the police lets hope she doesn't get molested by the ones you trust so fucking much..

By the way my horse is Iron and not that high at all, I know where I came from.


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