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Monday, December 18, 2006

Dirty State Tenants

There is a talkback hierarchy of enemies who are destroying the moral fibre of New Zealand. There’s upperty Maaaaaris, Atheist solo mothers and the Dirty State Tenants. The idea of cheap housing for the poor seems to dig deep into the soul of our righteous wing brothers and sisters, so Government let those who need help know how lucky they are, which reminds me, Charity without humility is worthless grandstanding. I love how the head toad at Housing NZ swears that letters reading…

"If you don't pay your rent on time or you breach repayment arrangements, we may be forced to evict you."

…are NOT a threat, they are a kind reminder. A kind reminder that reads like a threat to evict you at Christmas, how very, very, very, very, very, very, very kind of you NZ.

Apology to paid-up tenants for threatening Christmas eviction
Housing New Zealand has apologised to a tenant who was threatened with eviction if she fell behind on her rent over the Christmas holidays -- despite never having missed a payment.

Marie Dawson has lived with her husband at their home in Naenae, Lower Hutt, for the past nine years.

ACC has paid their rent since her husband had an accident several years ago.

They received a letter last week telling them they could be evicted if they failed to pay their rent promptly, Mrs Dawson said today.

"Over the past two years, your rent payments have fallen behind over the Christmas and New Year holidays," the letter said.

"If you don't pay your rent on time or you breach repayment arrangements, we may be forced to evict you."

Mrs Dawson said the personally addressed letter was marked "Standard to all tenants".

"I feel like any other person would feel like. If your rent's always there, you feel angry, it's very disappointing at this time of the year," she said.

Housing NZ general manager of housing services Ian Bourke said tenant debt historically spiked over the holiday period.

The letters were meant as a reminder to plan ahead, for those tenants who had got into difficulty managing their finances over previous Christmases.

Housing NZ regretted that letters had been sent to some tenants incorrectly, Mr Bourke said.

"We apologise to any people who have been upset by this letter," he said.

"The main purpose of the letter was to remind tenants of the need to plan ahead to ensure that their rent was paid on time and to offer them the assistance of a budget adviser to help them from falling behind in their rent," Mr Bourke said.

Housing NZ spokesman Quentin Doig said it appeared an internal error had led to the letter being sent out to tenants who had never been behind on their rent.

The agency was investigating the error, he said.

"It certainly wasn't meant as a threat, at this time of year. That was the last thing that was intended," Mr Doig said.

He means to say, that was the last thing he ever intended the media to get hold of.


At 18/12/06 4:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The villain here is a public servant working under a third term socialist government who sent the threatening letter to these tenants (NB nothing in the article to suggest these people are "dirty" or somehow unworthy of government assistance).

But hey don't let that get in the way of a sad attempt at painting "the right" as heartless Dickensian bigots.

At 18/12/06 6:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no problem with state rental assistance, but state housing should only be given to those that need special housing. i.e the disabled.

My grandmother lives next to 3 state houses (for 60 years)and the people in houses were at some point in need. Now they are no worse off than me! I rent.

House 1. single mum 2 grown up kids still at home 2 work, been in house for over 16 years. Why are they there?

House 2. Single mum, adult son. Been there for over 20years.

House 3. New family, Had a family for 10 years who managed to save enough to move to Australia, thanks NZ tax payer.

I see no reason why we can't offer rent support for a private rental to these people. Our economy is sophisticated enough to cope.

I suppose I get annoyed as I work hard and struggle to pay my way and people get a state house and never leave. This creates an endless demand.

Back to the story, what a dick. But why should a state house tennant not be given the boot if they don't pay.

If I don't pay my rent at christmas I get kicked out why not a state tennant?


At 18/12/06 8:37 pm, Blogger Lawrence of Otago said...

Personaly I would replace the words "may be forced to evict" with "will evict."

HNZ provide houses they are not therapists!

If tenant do not like the letter they should get another landlord.


At 18/12/06 11:26 pm, Blogger Blair said...

Andy's excellent comment, with which I agree wholeheartedly, was unworthy of the vitriol the rabid millsy responded to it with.

Take your medication, you tosser.

At 19/12/06 9:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd say - what was that about, you maniac?

At 19/12/06 4:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was a landlord I would sit down with all new tenants and tell them exactly what would happen if the rent did not come through on the expected date.

(Incidentally, many of these tenants were in receipt of a WINZ rental subsidy so if rent was not paid surely that is fraud of a government benefit.)

They were told quite clearly that, within 24 hours they would get a phone call from me asking where the rent was - the same say I would be at their door expecting to be handed the rent - if they did not pay I would hand them a 21 day notice and eviction proceedings would follow, part payment or excuses would not be accepted.

It was a threat if you wish to call it that, it’s a hard cruel world, or maybe it is just fair to pay your rent.

I also informed them that if there was a repair that was needed it would be done on time - just as I do not want to hear about their problems it is not their place to hear about the owners problems, if the owner is broke tuff luck, they still have to find the money to provide and maintain a proper home.

People often used to tell me 'I know my rights' but when I replied with 'but do your know your responsibilities’ I was usually met with silence and confusion.

If you love the poor, homeless et al - good for you, you are free to buy houses and let them rent-free if you wish. Put you money where your mouth is – talk is cheap and you certainly prove that.

At 20/12/06 10:11 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, if ya cant pay you dont get. SIMPLE millsy and mosth8d. thats how life is. deal with it.

At 20/12/06 10:17 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the flip side msth8d, what is your normal recourse in the event someone owes you, or your firends at East 88 or Brentwood a bit of cash? I recall Hymie saying to me last year "There's nothing like a ride in the boot of a car to make someone want to pay their debts"...

At 20/12/06 1:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

People who don't understand money and business really are useless drains on society.

I know many who have saved, WORKED and invested in rental property.

How that is taking advantage of people is a mystery to me, however many many tenants take advantage of owners - it happened to me but I am a quick learner and was able to stop most of that.

A friend of mine works on contract – he earns good money but he rents because he has to move to WORK – as far as I know he isn’t crying and whining, it is his choice and it suits him.

If you are planning to buy property to provide for your future go for it but be very very careful.

As for losers who live their lives off other people - keep on sponging and being a drain on everyone else - the world owes you a living of course. Keep your RIGHTS but avoid your responsibilities at all costs.

"""""what goes around comes around '"""" gosh we have a NZ scientist amongst us.

At 20/12/06 5:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just read my comment again, Slowly! What I am getting at is that the state could save $$$$ by helping people into private rentals, who are able bodied but need help.

If your in a wheel chair, you get the state house, with all the gadgets. I do not advocate putting anuone on the street at all.

Is a state house cheaper to manage than a private rental, I doubt it.

I understand your passion, but please take a deep breath befor using the 'C' word. I find that insulting to our intelligence.


At 21/12/06 8:57 am, Blogger Hated By Most said...

I dont disagree , that if you owe money or dont pay the rent you get the boot, but what you were saying was a breech of there right, if you dont want the trouble tenant get good ones....

At 21/12/06 10:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Msth8d, good idea in theory, but then there are always those who seem good, seem trustworthy, but for whatever reason then don't deliver. In turn this can leave one with a bit of a dilemma...to be nice and maybe face getting ripped off...or, to be a little more 'forceful'. Personally I find cash a better medium than tick to deal in...means that everyone stays happy and there's never any excuses, unnecessary resentment or need for recriminations.

At 21/12/06 3:30 pm, Blogger Hated By Most said...

well if you let them in you only have yourself to blame on that one.

making checks on tenants is important, than just getting someone in there quickly, just to pay the mortage..

But theres no reason to abuse the tenants rights, I happy tenant should be a paying tenant.

At 21/12/06 7:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Believe me I know the tenancy act and I NEVER broke any law – once people (and useless property managers) screw you it doesn’t take long to get up to speed with the rules.

What I told people was precisely what should happen in good management and what the law allows. Most decent people appreciate honesty and like to know exactly where they stand.

Even with strict procedures in place owners can still loose money but at least by being on to it quickly it is possible to limit them.

However the most important thing is to be very selective of who is let in, handing people a credit check form gets rid of a lot of riff-raff.

If you are going to make allegations check your facts and be precise.

In the unlikely event you are ever able to invest you will soon see things aren't always as easy as they look - traps for young players and all that.

At 21/12/06 8:01 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

Wow, didn’t that start a wee fire fight of land owning indignance? I note none of you even remarked about innocent tenants who had never been late with their rent receiving letters threatening eviction, I suppose the word Tenant just triggered an automatic response of landowning indignance (I loved using that phrase the first time I just had to throw it in again). Hilarious that State Housing was originally set up from an egalitarian society that held a compassionate ideal that all citizens deserved a dignified standard of living, to hear you all hiss reminds me why we don’t want to return to slumlord days.

At 22/12/06 1:02 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many properties do you rent ??

I have a belief that I have the right and responsibly to provide for myself and my family if I choose, I could go out drinking every night buy I chose to work overtime and save instead ..... superiors sneer here .....

Unlike the superior elite I have little education all I know is work ..... sneer here boober .... Started at 11, still remember buying my first pair of shoes, before that I had to wear stuff people gave to my mother, sneer here all those who have never been laughed at for wearing second have crap.

Started full time work at 15 ..... sneer again ..... its taken years of work and sacrifice, being stolen from by all types (lawyers the worst by far) so many set backs along the way but finally financial independence is almost in my grasp.

Sneer all you like from your high horse of privilege if you like but I like owning property and there are a few people who are glad that I and others feel that way. I can still remember how pround I felt when I bought my first investment property, it hurt a lot when it got trashed but I got over it, I knew there were risks involved.

Innocent landlords and owners get screwed every day in NZ - life aint fair whaaaaaaaa ........

As for your bizarre reference to slumlords that’s exactly what I would expect from a coward like you. You, I am sure, are a model landlord and example to us all – please let me know where you properties are as I am sure I could learn a lot from you…… yeah right dreamer…. I have real evidence (not talk but action) that I am indeed a model landlord ….. insert sneer here ……. but I would never torture my innocent tenants with a visit from you.

Only slum tenants have to live in slums I believe - present a good home and, if the market is reasonably good, you may get a good tenant but I have be conned as most landlords have - its part of the deal, get em out and move on.

That fact that you consider yourself so much better than me says it all….. pity that you can’t feel good about yourself by your own achievements and actions rather that sneering at those of us who do rather than talk ……

At 22/12/06 10:08 am, Blogger Bomber said...

Wow Anon, dude you have got so many anger issues to work out there, this sneering stuff and your 'action not talk' chest beating all add up to some weird Inferiority complex which is something you might want to take up in therapy rather than on an unmoderated blog site. But seasons blessings to you and yours and thank you for participating.

At 22/12/06 10:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bomber said: I note none of you even remarked about innocent tenants who had never been late with their rent receiving letters threatening eviction...

Yes, well except for the very first response which points out that the article you are talking about has NOTHING to do with bad or "dirty" tennants as you call them - it was you who first mentioned dity tennants and made them the issue!

Is there anything sadder than a shit stirrer who gets all righteous and indignant when that get the exact rection they were after?

Merry Christmas Bomber, I look forward to more of this sort of transparent bullshit next year.

At 22/12/06 12:07 pm, Blogger Bomber said...

Um, Yes, well except for the very first response which points out that the article you are talking about has NOTHING to do with bad or "dirty" tennants as you call them - it was you who first mentioned dity tennants and made them the issue!

Um, there is a large article all about Tennants getting letters from Housing NZ right under my comments, did you not read it? Great use of the self rightous thing though, you are at least trying, chin up mate, is there something sadder than a shit stirrer who gets the response he was after? Yes, a person like you who goes and proves me right, Merry Xmas Anon, I look forward to you posting with a name next year.

At 22/12/06 6:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, just had another read of the article, and no mention of "dirty" tennants anywhere, just tennants that had done nothing wrong who had been sent threatening letters by an agency of a third term Labour govt.

Theres a little fact you chose to ignore when you headed the thread up "dirty tennants", bemoaned evil right-wingers treatment of them, and lumped the "righteous wing brothers and sisters" in with the government as if they are working in unison to make life hard for poor tennants or something.

Again in case you missed it - your thread title and introductory rant about a talk back hierachy of enemies had NOTHING to do with the article.

Then when people responded not to the article about good tennants and a shit heel socialist government, but to your little jibe about "dirty tennants", you use that to say "see!? you're all just rightwing bigots!" How typically leftist of you.

Happy New Years Bombski

At 26/12/06 11:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So when challenged with facts and reality just go into patronising mode - your type thrive on putting yourself up by putting other people down. So much easier to put others down than look at yourself I am sure.

Just think you can go and buy a few house and really improve peoples lives any time you like - yeah right ......

You hate being asked about your actions rather than your words don’t you. Very threatening for you isn't it - what a lark I just love cheap talkers. Lets be thankful talk is all they do, imagine there foul mouthed, boring superiority in real life, not sure if I would cut my throat or his.

Sneer at the working classes all you like – those of us who prospered know what we have achieved and people like you can’t take that away, sure its funny to people like you that we worked hard for what we have buy maybe the last laugh we be ours, I love it when some smart-ass type comes looking for a house and they have to grovel to me.

Other anon - Please confirm you are not me.

Anyway boomer is always right and when he don't have a smart ass answer he goes for his pop psc put down - he has a masters in high horse patronising I believe.

PROJECTION is the name of some of his crap I think.

At 30/12/06 3:51 am, Blogger Bomber said...

Ooops, sorry for not responsing for some time, I had no idea that you had just kept on at this like a dog with a bone. My God the chip on your shoulder is so huge bro, where in any of this attack on me do you even put forward an idea? I've told you a hundred times about the work I do for organisations I support, on the Board of Trustees for Youthline, Rainbow Youth, Youth Law, Family Planning, World Vision, Greenpeace - but you refuse to accept any of those, you cry out they are all cheap etc etc. Look man, I just kinda think the spite in your words has something to do with some weird Inferiority complex you've got.

Oh and I think the word you were looking for is PROJECTING, as in "You are projecting some weird internal issues you need to deal with".

(I'm still not even sure what point Anon had to make about Housing NZ, but then again I'm not sure Anon knows either).

At least you aren't threatening physical violence towards me in your posts, I suppose that's a start towards rational debate.


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