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Friday, December 14, 2012

Citizen A TPP special with Professor Jane Kelsey & Selwyn Manning

Citizen A TPP special with Professor Jane Kelsey & Selwyn Manning

Issue 1 - what was most disappointing about the protest on Saturday - the way the mainstream media covered it or the abusive Police actions?

Issue 2 - which political parties are aiding the TPP and which ones are fighting it?

and Issue 3 - What is future of the Trans Pacific Partnership now it leaves town?

Citizen A broadcasts 7pm Thursday Triangle TV: Citizen A will move to Sky TV on their new public broadcasting style channel 'Face TV' February 1st 2013.



At 15/12/12 7:19 pm, Blogger Phil said...

Thanks BB. I particularly relish being able to watch the programme on YouTube as I ain't gettin' Sky. I notice that the program is supported by NZOA. Will I be able to watch, delayed online, after you go on Sky next Feb? New Zealand like " Spam in a sandwich?" More like " Faecal matter going down the river". Jane needs a medal or a crucifixion. Most academics in NZ are too scared to speak up. All power to the ignorant hobbits! haha


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