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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

John Key's Top 10 KPI's

What Key's farcical top 10 list actually means is...

10: We're broke and won't raise taxes against our rich supporters. You're on your own.
9: We're broke and won't raise taxes against our rich supporters. You're on your own.
8: We're broke and won't raise taxes against our rich supporters. You're on your own.
7: We're broke and won't raise taxes against our rich supporters. You're on your own.
6: We're broke and won't raise taxes against our rich supporters. You're on your own.
5: We're broke and won't raise taxes against our rich supporters. You're on your own.
4: We're broke and won't raise taxes against our rich supporters. You're on your own.
3: We're broke and won't raise taxes against our rich supporters. You're on your own.
2: We're broke and won't raise taxes against our rich supporters. You're on your own.
1: We're broke and won't raise taxes against our rich supporters. You're on your own.

Key's 10 points for NZ this week are not the same 10 points he released in March which followed Steven Joyce's six key areas for business growth which was a subset of the four main priorities Key outlined at the beginning of the year but they weren't the same four priorities outlined by the six point economic plan rolled out in 2010 which were different again from the six points of broader focus off the National party campaign billboards and which have little to do with the 120 point economic action plan announced at last years election.

Is it just me, or are we all being scammed by these attempts to look like we aren't the rudderless country devoid of economic direction beyond hocking our assets that we've become?

John Key - he has all the vision of a blind cyclops.



At 26/6/12 7:57 am, Blogger Nitrium said...

Don't you mean, "We're broke and won't raise taxes. The Government has got your back?"

That's sure what this chart is suggesting to me!


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