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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Let's be blunt, John Key's prescription increase will cost lives

There's no way to paint this latest blitzkrieg against the poor in any positive light. The whopping near doubling of prescription costs will force the weakest and poorest members of society to go without medicine and that will cost lives. The usual lives of course, poor or brown or poor and brown and it will take the heaviest toll on children and the elderly.

Meds price hike: 'Children will die'
Mana Party leader Hone Harawira says proposed increases to the cost of prescriptions "will lead to children dying".

Prescription charges will be raised from $3 to $5 next year in a move critics say will disproportionately affect lower-income groups, the elderly and the chronically ill.

So our most vulnerable will die because we won't raise taxes on the rich to subsidize medicine?

That's pretty ugly.

It's made weird by these cuts being green lighted by a multi-millionaire worth anywhere between $50million-$200million. Such ruthless economic darwinism from a leader as vacantly optimistic as John Key gives me the creeps. He's like a homicidal version of Johnny Depp's 'Willy Wonka' with the free market consultants playing the part of the oompa loompas.

The bleakness of policy like this, to almost double the cost of prescriptions for medicines just seems like State sanctioned cruelty.

Is this really what we've become just to save the rich from having to pay more tax?



At 16/5/12 9:01 am, Blogger countryboy said...

' Is this really what we've become just to save the rich from having to pay tax ? ' Answer ; Yes . What's more , I believe we're being softened up for more brutal changes to our society to come . I believe these relatively small outrages are designed to test the waters so to speak . Along with deliberately exporting our best to Australia they're now starting to kick workers in the guts , penalize students even further , get tougher on Bennies and believe me , being a beneficiary is tough enough as it is from what I can tell . For example , were those moving permanently to Australia the ones most likely kick up a fuss when the shit ends it's journey to the fan ? At the risk of being shot at , blown up , hunted down and beaten with an elaborate candelabra and I truly don't mean to be offensive but are we Kiwis being groomed to become the new state of Israel for example ? Because for the life of me , I can't think of any other reason for Key becoming ever more bizarre . It's as though he's begging to be hated . He keeps setting fire to his bridges , his policies are becoming more and more outrageous and seem to come from ideas born of the same script writer that made Bruce Willis famous for saying Yipee kai yay mother fucker ! Clearly , what the dumb-fuck Right Wing morons can't get their dark little brains around is that they will get nowhere being cruel , hard and tough . You stupid cunts ! Who do you think you are ? We're more human than you anyway . You can't lock us in cages of debt and feed us gruel then expect us to work for nothing ! How dare you ! For those who are truly confused , study mass psychology . You will discover some very basic psych' mechanisms deployed against us via the MSM . Check it out . For all you Jewish people who are now incensed at my audacity , have you seen a film called ' The reluctant Infidel ' ? Brilliant !

At 16/5/12 2:41 pm, Blogger Andy K said...

“It's made weird by these cuts being green lighted by a multi-millionaire worth anywhere between $50million-$200million. Such ruthless economic darwinism from a leader as vacantly optimistic as John Key gives me the creeps. He's like a homicidal version of Johnny Depp's 'Willy Wonka' with the free market consultants playing the part of the oompa loompas.”

Perhaps here’s a possible explanation to Key and National’s unempathetic series of policies:




Considering in 1998 former National president John Slater worked actively to recruit him upon learning he expressed an interest in pursuing a political career and Shipley describing him as someone she “deliberately sought out and put my head on the line–either privately or publicly–to get them in there”. All this in the same timeline as Key sacked dozens or hundreds of staff from Merrill Lynch and earned the name of “the smiling assassin” for maintaining his usual cheerfulness.

We see the same strategies employed today; instead of an investment bank we have a nation, instead of bankers we have public sector cuts, growing unemployment and declining worker’s rights. Unemployed, elderly or ill? Your benefit is cut and prescription costs (along with all life’s essentials) are hiked up while Key just keeps on smiling. :v)

Perhaps with the depressing state of this country, the government is hoping to reduce the unemployed and impoverished through depression and unaffordable medication into suicide?

John Key and his family background seem peculiar; his father spoke fluent Russian and is believed to have fought in the Spanish Civil War it’s believed his father was a Marxist, his paternal grandmother purchased Hermann Goering’s bed after the war and his mother was a Jewish refugee from Austria who fled before the start of the war. From this maelstrom we have a right-wing prime minister whose lack of empathy (and history of it) boarders the psychopathic.

@countryboy. Consider Bob Parker visiting Israel and South Korea which the Christchurch City Council claims is an opportunity to increase overseas investment in the central city. Even though he’s attending the International Mayor’s Conference in Israel, I wonder if the hard right-winged Israeli government or Zionists see an opportunity here? Considering in the past five years Israel has been one of the biggest purchasers of land here and this government has been cozying up to Israel unlike the rift that had existed with the previous Labour government.


One thing this country doesn’t need is religious zealotry whether they are Christians making unfounded remarks over the country’s women and promiscuity or homosexuals responsible for earthquakes and the end of humanity as we know it, nor bind support for a state that believes it has exclusive rights to the land and uses it to justify atrocities committed on others.

At 19/5/12 11:41 am, Blogger countryboy said...

@ No Smirkpox . Great post and thanks for the links . Astounding revelations ! So John Key is mentally unbalanced in such a way as to be virtually indictable thus he and his minions can go on , unchallenged and do greater harm ? Now , that's chilling . Key is the perfect employee and soldier of the Right . He will unswervingly obey his Masters , has a well oiled brain to pull it off and without human emotions to get in his way . Good God ! HELP !


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