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Thursday, March 08, 2012

PoA special on Citizen A 7pm tonight

Ports of Auckland special on Citizen A 7pm tonight on Triangle TV - live streamed on scoop.co.nz. Did the PoA lie all along over sacking workers? Should the left vote Len Brown out? Why is David Shearer still missing in action? With more vicious public sector job cuts looming, how will industrial relations suffer under Key until 2014? And why do the mainstream media label unions as militant when it's really 'militant bosses'?



At 8/3/12 11:48 am, Blogger Frank said...

What was the point of voting for Brown instead of Banks if Len Brown's "hands are tied"?

And would Banks' been willing to stand aside in this dispute - or would been in, boots'n'all?

If the Council are the shareholders of POAL, then it occurs to me that they can issue directives to the Board?


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