Monday | Rāhina 31/03/2025
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Thursday, March 22, 2012

$6 million terrorism cock up - a day of shame for NZ Police

When this bullshit piece of American knee jerk legislation, the 'Terrorism Suppression Act', was rammed through Parliament because the US had barked its orders in the wake of September 11, the Greens and Maori MPs warned in Parliament that these powers would not be aimed at terrorists and would be used on activists and Maori.

Lo and behold it was.

Let's be clear, yesterdays decision to find the Urewera 4 guilty only of weak guns charges is an embarrassing day of shame for the NZ Police force.

The cops had their bizarre fantasy concoction of guerrillas in the mist styled narrative slapped down. What happened here was errorism. Errors in thinking from activists running around with guns in the first place and errors in thinking by the Police misreading weekend role players as a legitimate terrorist threat.

A jury of peers felt less sure of naming the over the top aspirations of left wing activists and Maori nationalists as evidence of organized crime, a distinction the Police weren't capable of judging once they became tunnel visioned.

Police over reaction has cost us a staggering $6 million in tax payer dollars, but the damage in relations between Tuhoe and the activist community towards Police has run into the billions.

For the Police to enter the Tuhoe community in the same set of circumstances that led to the original Tuhoe grievance will become a PHD level study in Police stupidity.

It isn't just this disgusting cost financially and socially that must be worn by the rest of us, but because of this Police zealot blindness we all have to accept the Police gaining the power to break into our homes and spy on us with minimal judicial oversight. The National Party passed retrospective law under urgency to put a legal fig leaf over ongoing Police surveillance tactics that were shown to be illegal.

So we pay for Police paranoia, and have our civil rights eroded at the same time? How the hell has this abomination been allowed to warp all that is good around it?

In the wake of this horrible example of why you want to keep the NZ Police within as many checks and balances as you possible, the new Search and Surveillance powers are to be debated which will simply throw away many of the current checks and balances.

This case has shown us why the NZ Police need to be kept on a shorter leash and the mass expansion of spying powers National intend to hand all state Departments is something that we should all resist.

NZ is a liberal democracy, not a crypto-Police state. The Jury recognized that yesterday.



At 22/3/12 9:12 am, Blogger Blair Anderson said...

Thank Gawd Police never found a baggie of cannabis, that would have had the police have us believe we were hosting a international cartel replete with photos of a bivvy in the bush as proof of clan lab sophistication with all the attendant environmental hazards.

(and we give these buggers kudos for administering and prosecuting, without question, drug policy... Sheese!)

At 22/3/12 4:26 pm, Blogger Daz MacK said...

Riiight so they were training to go possum shooting were they?

At 22/3/12 5:13 pm, Blogger giordano bruno said...

Lucky the plice didnt find any bean-bags. As Ross Meurant advised us, the beads make cocktails nasty and sticky.

At 22/3/12 11:28 pm, Blogger DebsisDead said...

I'm still gobsmacked by the "Errors in thinking from activists running around with guns" comment.
Did the writer sleep through last November's farce when an ersatz election campaign was held where the information supplied to " we the people" came exclusively from a corrupted NZ media. That which wasn't organised to spew forth the 'news' through whatever slant best meets the needs of NZ's foreign owned media, came from a public news organisation that thanks to judicious placement of national sock puppets in Key positions spewed out pro nat rhetoric 24/7 for the entire 3 years of key's 1st term, reaching a crescendo of lies and dissembling by mid November 2011.

The MMP changes NZ managed to squeak into place before the global clampdown on expression of diverse viewpoints, had largely protected us up until this last farce.

Now we can plainly see we live in a crypto facist colony of amerika. Talk about taxation without representation.
In fact whasshisname, the bloke who took over the remains of the labour party, revealed to us just last week that he has seen the light. His new policy pronouncements should have left no doubt in any mind, that the hacks, hasbeens and wanna-be's who comprise the parliamentary labour party, see the 'way forward' as the same sort of neo-liberal lite that the creep Barack Oblamblam betrayed his supporters in amerika with.

We now know 'brand labour' comprises a bunch of bourgeois pricks whose only difference from the other mob of bourgeois pricks, will be to bleat hypocritical pretend compassion speak whilst they enact the same anti-human antediluvian structural changes to our society as the nats want to.

Presented with that situation, one where those in power have decided to abuse their positions to secure their future while they sell the rest of us off to foreign sociopaths who regrad the ideal society one organised along feudal lines, kiwis will find that attack is their only defence.
Things will get violent & dangerous if the powerful resort to their old tricks of trying to divide and rule us by driving racial or sectarian wedges through our communities.
Once it begins it will already be too late to source sufficient weaponry to protect those we hold dear - much less have time to train in their use.

I would much rather live in a society that was free of weapons, but that option is long gone. The main mob charged with protecting the elite and their holdings; NZ police, have already armed themselves to the teeth. We can either sit around navel gazing waiting for the inevitable crash of the door being kicked in by jack boots, or prepare now for that we hope will never come.
Conflict is less likely if the weight of arms is equalised. (viz Cold War 1945-1990).


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