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Monday, January 23, 2012

Mr Dotcom's bondage

The cops have a lot to prove in order to outski Mr Dotcom. He's got a QC in the fight and could probably afford a small army of them if things get rough - appealing every step of the way:

Kim Dotcom, 37, and three others have been accused by the FBI of money laundering, racketeering and copyright piracy in relation to their file sharing website Megauploads. The Megaupload company was indicted in a federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, USA, on Thursday.

The four accused are appearing at North Shore District Court to defend the charges and fight extradition to the United States.

Anne Toohey for the Crown, representing the United States, argued that Mr Dotcom poses an extreme flight risk and may reoffend if he is allowed bail and asked the judge to turn down the request.

For the Crown... for the United States? Like one was the other. The way the NZ governments behave it is the same. And the US = America Inc. Warner Bros clicks their fingers there, the government jumps on cue over here. Wellington is not difficult to direct.

There are many questions needing an answer, but one of them I'm wanting to know is what happens to these immigrant-investor's $10m NZ government bond holdings? The investment was a good one, but surely that money must be returned to the NZ Crown - not the Americans.


At 23/1/12 7:48 pm, Blogger Tim said...

No Tim...it goes to the Americans. Jonkey is in suck mode, has always been and knows nothing else. Since all subjects are still in love with him - from Corporate New Zealand to Middle and Upper Management Public Service NZ - or to put it another way private and public corporate NZ - will ensure that happens. Not only have sleepy Hobbits yet to wake up, so too the Judiciary. They should have picked up the Johnkey (and at least had talks with the fegela speaker) on a number of issues over the past 3 years.

At 24/1/12 2:16 am, Blogger Ovicula said...

I suspect the cops won't have to prove anything. I also doubt if they have the technical ability to even understand what DotCom was doing. The judge or judges will prove that they are staunch puppets of the US and A and, ironically, will be named in a future honours list.

At 24/1/12 9:30 am, Blogger DebsisDead said...

Disturbing to see that so many alleged humanists have fallen for the oft repeated lie that copying a bunch of zeroes and ones can be termed a theft.

It hasn't taken long, when the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was introduced to amerika in 1996 by the notorious rapist & destroyer of amerika's welfare system, cigar willie clinton, the vast majority of netizens opposed the criminalising of bit copying because everyone understood there was no theft involved.

The 'owner' retained their original so how could it be theft. Most importantly, those who had watched the progress of the bill thru amerika's corrupt legislative system observed that the combed over shiny suits who supported it most vehemently in both houses were those creeps with the worst record of corruption & corporate servitude.

Yet by repeating the lie copying="piracy"=theft incessantly the rubes have fallen for the bulldust.
This isn't about the artists, this is about archaic business models run by incompetent corporations whose bosses lack the nous to shift into the 21st century.
Remember those blockbuster movies, albums and TV shows only give a pittance of their returns back to their creators whether or not the product has been copied.
The herald's hysterical slanders of Dotcom will undoubtedly achieve a similar outcome among those kiwis unable to think for themselves.
Why are the herald's foreign born journos so intent on slandering a man who has given more to NZ in 18 months than a shipload of whinging scunthorpians could ever give? That is in the unlikely event they hit the jackpot & they didn't scuttle "back to Rovers" to skite to their 'real friends'.
Is it they don't like a 'jerry' in the house that ChristRip (eee by the 'eck) built?

At 24/1/12 10:37 am, Blogger Arto said...

Yep they're attempting to raid his bank accounts to stop him from being able to afford QC's. The last thing the pig government wants is a protracted fight against a band of QC's.


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