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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Citizen A 2012 predictions with David Cunliffe and Wallace Chapman

Wallace Chapman and David Cunliffe join me to predict the political horizons of 2012.



At 18/1/12 2:58 pm, Blogger VB said...

Where's the post that the heading refers to?

At 19/1/12 11:12 pm, Blogger VB said...

thanks, that's better! Good discussion.

At 21/1/12 1:59 am, Blogger kiwikevnz said...

man this could so easily be a one hour show, its something all NZ should see more of, the informal chat and abit of a laugh is so much better than the formal suit and tie interview and bias of MSM, i actually saw David Cunliffe from a different angle today, just like a nice normal guy, good to see, politicians could do themselves alot of good with kiwis being more like they are on your show

At 21/1/12 3:49 pm, Blogger blueleopardthinks said...

The Promote Ultra Low IQ Society and The Pushing for Mass Exodus From NZ Inc. have spoken in unison today, releasing a joint formal statement in response to kiwikevnz's comment posted on Tumeke! Blogspot:

"We consider it far better to ensure that such shows don't get the funding they need," they stated, "we don't want people to be interested in what is really going on, to become more informed, nor more intelligent...actually, we hate laughter too."

They concluded their statement by advising that people wanting such things can go elsewhere.

"NZ is a small island and we have already made substantial inroads toward our targets here, we would hate to see a reversal of the trend after all the money we've put into this issue."


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