National are doing to our social infrastructure what they have done to our public transport infrastructure

Auckland World Cup warning two years ago
The Government was told more than two years ago that Auckland's infrastructure was not up to scratch for the Rugby World Cup. Yesterday Labour slammed what it called an "embarrassing shambles" that left thousands stranded on Auckland trains ahead of the world cup opening ceremony, but Prime Minister John Key refused to accept responsibility.
Well, well, well, after pointing out that Auckland's infrastructure would collapse from the RWC for the last 12months, it seems the only thing on time here is the 'I told you so express'.
Lap it up NZ, how's John Key's vacant optimism looking now?
For decades Wellington has screwed Auckland, taking billions in transport taxes off us and reinvesting only half of it, how dare Minister for Private Transport Steven Joyce have an opinion on anything?
The hollow brain has told Auckland to go screw itself over public transport, even though National rammed through a unified Super City, their candidate John Banks didn't win, meaning this Government have brazenly told the Super City they get nothing for public transport.
The National Party take massive donations from the road building industry and it shows in National's motorway above all policy mentality. Just like their booze policy is watered down because the booze industry buy the National Party off, National's public transport policy is nothing short of a hate crime endlessly visited upon the good people of Auckland EVEN THOUGH the good people of Auckland have already paid their share of transport taxes to pay for that infrastructure upgrade.
Public transport takes people out of cars and puts them on buses/trains and THAT is how we get productive motorways.
It's a pity we don't have an Auckland Mayor who actually fights these pricks rather than grin and assure everyone that it will be okay.
MEMO TO LEN - 'MATE, IT'S FUCKED UP'. Wake up and start fighting for your city against this Government's total contempt for public transport infrastructure investment.
Luckily for the Government, the mainstream media's honeymoon with John Key still won't allow them to be critical of our gormless moron of a Prime Minister. Remember on the day, Key smugly had a go at critics of Party Central, less than 30minutes after he made those comments the crush at Party Central was becoming a public safety issue.
Jesus he's an embarrassment.
As the fools of NZ media rush around asking how on earth this could happen when the writing on the wall that it was going to happen has been bleedingly obvious to everyone else, I went off to the Child Poverty Action Group's latest release of their reserach into the atrocity that is child poverty in this country....
Too many New Zealand children left further behind: Policies must improve the poorest children’s lives
A new report from Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG), Left Further Behind: how policies fail the poorest children in New Zealand, is an urgent call for policy changes that provide solutions to child poverty.
“At least one in five New Zealand children experience significant deprivation that compromises their health, their education, and their future” says co-editor Dr Claire Dale.
For example, families may be forced to move often, which impacts on children’s learning; they may live in cold and overcrowded housing; and be forced to balance competing basic needs such as paying the electricity bill or eating nutritious food. Stressful environments impact children’s immune systems and can lead to chronic illnesses. Ultimately, poverty makes many families easy prey for loan sharks as they struggle to provide basics for their children, thereby setting up a vicious downward cycle.
This report is written by leading experts in children’s policy, and is a unique contribution to the current debates on child poverty, with analysis on how current policies continue to fail the children in greatest need and by doing so leave them further behind their peers.
Current family and social policies, and the direction signaled by the work of the Welfare Working Group have put paid work at the centre of policy rather than the well-being of children. It is the very poorest children that have paid the price. Government commitment and investment is required now to repair the harm arising from current policies and to create a thriving future for the children who have been left behind.
CPAG argues that the facts of child poverty are well established so the debate should now shift to being about policy design. “It is past time for action. Only when the needs of children are put at the centre will we see the policy changes that are needed. The country has the means, we now just need the political will” says co-editor Associate Professor Mike O’Brien.
...this Government rule for their wealth class, the majority of their policy is counter productive and detrimental to the 60% of NZ who earn less than $50 000. What National are doing to our public transport infrastructure system, they are doing to our social infrastructure as well.
It is a despicable outrage to our egalitarian sensibilities that there are 210 000 children in poverty while the richest 150 families made $7billion in one year.
Sleepy hobbits reap the train service and failed social policies they deserve.
The DomPost buried the child poverty story several pages deep in section one, and didn't even lead that particular page with it. The most obvious story on the front page was that of a South African couple who mistakenly booked accommodation in Eastbourne, England, instead of Eastbourne, Wellington. The combination of this approach in the print media, and the vacuous nonsense that passes for news on TV news makes it very hard for our sleepy hobbits to actually get the alarm call they need.
There's a few sections in Orwell's 1984 about keeping the proles happy that seem very appropriate:
"it was not desirable that the proles have strong political feelings. All that was required of them was a primitive patriotism that could be appealed to whenever necessary..'
"Why was it that they could never shout like that about anything that mattered?"
And how about this?
"Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled, they cannnot become conscious."
Orwell was frightening prescient. He just got it wrong in predicting a far left state, and didn't see the coming of the corporate state. End outcome much the same though.
Greens plan to bring 100,000 kids out of poverty, lets see National match that. Actually, I really would like to see National match that, because the positive social outcomes of lifting kids out of poverty would be huge.
It'll only take one rugby-journo from elsewhere to notice and we'll all be praying for the ignominious abstinence thing to come back :(
We were lucky that no one was killed on Friday...
As for the Child Poverty report - the failure of mainstream media to follow up this issue is similar to their lack of interest in Nicky Hager's book, "Other people's Wars".
I wonder how folk would feel if a bunch of activists took a couple of hungry bedraggled, hungry kids to one of the RWC games and went onto the field, with empty bowls?
I'm reminded of a similar scene in the old Fritz Lang movie, "Metropolis"...
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