John Key's tasteless coal mine bet

Our gormless Optimist Prime has done it again...
PM's coalmine joke falls flat
Prime Minister John Key's humour fell a little flat this morning when he suggested that Australia could give New Zealand a coalmine if the New Zealand Warriors won the NRL grand final against Manly on Sunday.
He said he made the suggestion to Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard last night when the pair had been texting each other.
They were working out what they could put up as prizes for a winning bet.
"It's got to be something useful," he said. "It's hard to swap ties when one side doesn't wear a tie. I suggested a coalmine actually - they've got a few in Australia.
"We can give her the pavlova recipe."
"Anyway we're working it out," he said before before heading into National's weekly caucus meeting.
Australia's mining boom has helped to keep it out of recession during the global financial crisis and Mr Key was likely referring to that.
But the mention of coalmines in New Zealand at present is synonymous with tragedy with the Pike River mining disaster being relived at the hearing of the Royal Commission of Inquiry in Greymouth.
...he's incredible isn't he? In the wake of the Pike River tragedy he's making tasteless coal mine bets? It's not the first time he's shown the vacant unawareness of a methadone patient. Remember when he made the International press headlines with his hilarious thigh-slapping- country-club-good-'ole-boy Maori cannibalism jokes? When it comes to race relations comedy, John Key is like a white Chris Rock minus the humor, intelligence, grace, appreciation of historical injustice and dress sense.
Then there was his cringe worthy impersonation of gay mincing on the catwalk...

...and let's not forget his recent attacking of critics of party central during the RWC opening ceremony 30 minutes before downtown Auckland became a public safety hazard. Apparently after telling NZers to come to party central, come to party central, come to party central, come to party central, come to party central, come to party central, come to party central, come to party central for three years, when everyone came to party centrally it all became Len Browns fault.
John Key's humor is as amusing as a tumor. Personally his claim this week that marijuana is a 'gate way drug' was my high point of hilarity. A gate way drug to what? Dominos Pizza? For Key to attempt the moral high ground on Marijuana while backing down on any meaningful alcohol reform is about as credible as his sad Dad jokes are funny.
A biting satirical towelling of psychopathic New Zealand PM, Teflon John.
Looking on the bright side, Key's excessive self-confidence will get him into real trouble one day. The ancient Greeks knew all about this, as hubris leads to nemesis - in modern parlance, the higher they fly the harder they fall.
Key and his Hot Dog "Trick", "I was wondering why all the Fafafini's were hanging around when I did this??
@Fern Can't wait for that day, ideally November.
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