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Friday, June 10, 2011

Citizen A Nikki Kaye/Jacinda Ardern Auckland Central debate, Citizen A 7.30pm Stratos TONIGHT freeview 21 & Sky 89

Citizen A - 7.30pm Friday Stratos Freeview 21 & Sky 89

Tune in to join Bomber and his revolving panel of bloggers and Auckland opinion shapers as they offer an up-to-date half hour review of the political media issues of the current week from a very Auckland perspective.

THIS WEEK: The second Central Auckland Electorate Frontrunners Debate between Nikki Kaye and Jacinda Ardern: What is best for Auckland - Labour? National? Or neither? Topics covered - Private Prisons, Welfare bennie bashing and foreign asset sales

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At 10/6/11 4:26 pm, Blogger Nitrium said...

More of Nikki "the Reality is" Kaye. Can't wait! I stopped counting at 20 incidences last time... these interviews could be a used as a new drinking game...

At 10/6/11 8:13 pm, Blogger Tim said...

I just watched it....
Geez what a croc.
From the right "we're not ideologically driven" AND "the REALITY is" (a bit like that TINA thing.
Then there were the quoted figures - like 50 mil into relieving a targeted poverty area with housing... (uncontested by Bomber btw). WHAT do you reckon that 50 mil equates to - 150 houses perhaps - if we're lucky. And all at a time when Southern Cross Finance received something a little more substantial.
THEN!!!! there was the prison debate. FUCK ME WITH A FEATHER DUSTER PLEASE!!! It would be preferable to a 20 something, maybe 30 something's idea of "the reality" she spoke of earlier!
"I would argue.....". Well good luck with the reality we'll be faced with in a couple of years.
And by the way Jacinta....don't rely on being a sexy biarch with a dolt of a Labour leader to carry you through. He may have had an epiphany, but he did sign up to an agenda (one that has become cultural) that sees us where we are today.


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