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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Paula Bennett and Double Down burgers

Bennett's blame on minutes disappointing - Mayor
Paula Bennett's claim that a minute-taker recorded a false account of her meeting with the Mayors' Taskforce for Jobs is disappointing, Otorohanga Mayor Dale Williams says. The taskforce, which represents all but three of the country's mayors, met the Social Development Minister on March 10. The minutes show tension arose when Ms Bennett said the Government could not commit itself to the taskforce's Youth Transitions programme beyond the next year. When asked about the relationship between the Government and the taskforce, Ms Bennett said the taskforce "appeared to be a lobby group for pet projects". The mayors felt they had been treated with disrespect were "extremely disappointed" with the minister's response, according to the minutes. The minutes are no longer available on the taskforce's website, with a note saying that was "due to circumstances beyond the control of the Mayors Taskforce for Jobs".

Paula Bennett got angry this week at a minute taker who suggested that after she spat in the face of the Mayors Taskforce on Jobs, that the meeting got tense.

(Apparently writing 'bitch' and underlining it as a minute wasn't a fair representation of the meeting).

Paula told the Mayors Taskforce on Jobs that they were simply a lobby group for pet projects, and the minute taker noted the anger this comment caused the Mayors but Paula says that's a lie and that all the Mayors love her.

Yeah nah.

Paula Bennett getting shitty at minute takers noting the disgust the Mayors Taskforce felt for her is a little like KFC getting shitty at anti-obesity campaigners showing their disgust for the Double Down burger. In fact Paula Bennett and the Double Down burger have a lot in common. Their both bad for beneficiaries, won't improve their well being and will both lead to early preventable deaths.

The only difference between a Double Down Burger and Paula Bennet is that I can throw up a Double Down Burger.



At 30/3/11 12:18 pm, Blogger snigie said...

damn i cant wait for these to get here they look so yum! national will need to add supports to south auckland as the land sadly wont be able to hold the weight up anymore and will begin sinking into the sea!

At 30/3/11 11:16 pm, Blogger peterpeasant said...

I can understand your anger at PB.

What the hell is wrong with the burger?


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