Monday | Rāhina 31/03/2025
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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Citizen A - ONLINE NOW!

Citizen A this week with bloggers Phoebe Fletcher and that awful cameron Slater

Issue one:
Auckland Unleashed sounds like a political fart, but did the day long talk fest listen to Len Brown's spatial plan or are the Auckland hating Government just wanting to promote motorways for trucks?

Issue two:
Is John Key using the Christchurch Earthquake as an excuse to slash and burn the public sector?

Issue three tonight: At $569 000 per tomahawk missile, isn't Gaddafi glad Obama decided to attack him during a recession

Citizen A now plays 7.30pm Freeview 21 & Sky 89 Fridays

Citizen A Nikki Kaye and Jacinda Ardern First Debate 1st April



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