John Key supports Mubarak-NZ doesn't rally this Saturday

The people of Egypt are not stopping, coming out day after day to demand change. We cannot stop either.
So Saturday Feb 5th at Aotea Square we will gather a second time and show our support for the brave souls out on the Egyptian streets protesting relentlessly for their freedom.
Please pass this onto your friends and family. We want large numbers this time around.
Wear red or black, and bring along your flags (from any and all identities)
John Key might support Mubarak - but the rest of NZ doesn't have to.
See you there!
Mubarack should go, the problem becomes with who fills the void. I dont see the Muslim Brotherhood as benign.
So did you do anything simialr to this when the Iranians were protesting against their totalitarian regime in 2008?
OH MY GOD GOSMAN?!?? There was a majority up rising against the Iranian regime in 2008? I must have missed that, I thought a contested election with a hardline mandate given to a hardliner due in part to their hated enemy America parking an army on either side of their nation causing the birth pangs and friction of a modern Islamic voice struggling to define itself had occurred.
Did Lianne Dalziel (as the NZLP representative) raise the issue of the Egyptian National Democratic Party's membership of Socialist International at the 2008 Congress in Athens?
Did she propose a resolution at the Congress calling for all member parties to support free and fair elections in their home countries? Did she have discussions and strong words with the Egyptian representative about the state of play in that country?
Or did the fact of the Labour Party's camaraderie with the NDP until 30 January this year escape your binary view of the world?
It would, since you continue to promote the widely discredited propaganda from the executors of rape victims (aka Iranian regime) that it had a fair election in 2008.
Here is Mr Bradbury's view of the world.
Stating the FACT that the Government of Hosni Mubarak has been a strong ally of the West over the years is somehow equivalent to supporting the brutal suppression of pro-democracy activits in Egypt.
Claiming that the outcome of a fraudalent election in Iran broadly reflects the will of the Iranian people and, anyway, the regime is really all the fault of the Americans and therefore the supppression of the protest movement is not deserving of the same level of outrage as above is fine and dandy.
Leftist political thinking. You got to love it because it makes you laugh at the amount of double standards and hypocracy.
Yawn - if only you put as much time in at kiwibank as you do putting words into my mouth Gosman you'd be a far less grumpy and overlooked fellow.
I didn't say therefore the supppression of the protest movement is not deserving of the same level of outrage as above is fine and dandy.
Rightist troll propaganda. You've got to love it because it makes you laugh at the amount of straw man argument double standards and hypocrisy.
PS - If you are attempting to make snide insults to show how clever you are Gosman, you might want to spell hypocrisy correctly champ.
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