John Key's new threshold for compassion in a recession

ACC denied funeral claim
Distraught about losing their son, a Palmerston North couple have hit out at the lack of help available to the mentally ill or to families of people who commit suicide.
ACC’s decision to deny any claims by families for suicide funeral costs as the National Party don’t consider suicide an accident is just another example of how John Key can find money for tax cuts that benefit the rich while denying funding for people in need.
This despicable, petty, nasty little cost cutting measure is simply another example of John Key’s new threshold of compassion during a recession, forget media rules covering suicides John, how about some help to cover funeral costs for the families impacted by the highest suicide rates in the OECD? Just like National’s decision to cut ACC funded counseling to rape victims which despite a damning report on the bullshit ‘Massey Guidelines’ policy is still continuing to deny women counseling services for rape with no monitoring system put in place despite promises by Nick Smith and ACC to do it.
And why haven’t any of you heard about denying the families of suicide victim’s any funeral costs and denying people counseling for rape in the TV news? Because apparently those issues aren’t as interesting as the death of a psychic octopus.
Denying women counselling for rape and suicide funeral costs, how's that 'change' feeling folks?
Families of suicide participants shouldn't be held above other families who have suffered a death in the family. Pay for your own bloody funerals.
It's the cruelty of your position that fits so well with National Party policy. We have one of the highest suicide rates in the world, John Key should forget about the media reporting laws and reflect on the impact of redefining suicide as a non-accident. This same level of compassion in a recession was the reason National blocked counselling for rape victims. Surely if the welfare state is there to help anyone, it should be these people.
The families of suicide victims and rape victims should give voice at how they are treated by this Government so everyone can see the depth of our Optimist Prime. He ain't so optimistic about these people is he?
A serious question:
If someone is killed in a car accident, does ACC help pay for the funeral?
I feel sorry for these people and I hope that there is a charity or government agency that can help them, I just don't see why it would be ACC - where is the accident?
Simple, bomber - because suicide isn't an accident. Or is that too obvious?
hungry bear and bc;
Are you assuming that ACC only covers accidents?
I know its called Accident Compensation Corporation...but it applies not only to 'accidents'...
Do you think that reading 3 words can give you an understanding of how governmental policy must be applied.
bc, it is you being simple...actually I'll put that into 3 words so you can understand it....
you are simple
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