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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Citizen A - 7pm tonight

Citizen A - 7pm tonight Triangle TV, replayed 8pm Sunday Sky 89 & Freeview 21

Tune in to join Bomber and his revolving panel of bloggers and Auckland opinion shapers as they offer an up-to-date half hour review of the political media issues of the current week from a very Auckland perspective.

THIS WEEK: Tim Selwyn and Deputy Mayor of Auckland SuperCity Penny Hulse join the panel to discuss...

Issue one: It's the economy stupid - Standard and Poors shock everyone by putting the NZ credit rating on negative watch - is it time to accept the double dip recession is coming?

Issue two: It's Bennie bash season, the ideologically stacked Welfare Razor gang have released their hard right economic policy as social policy wish list - sending solo mums, the mentally unwell, the crippled and the sick back to work in a high unemployment environment never sounded like so much fun

Issue three tonight: Auckland Super City O-rama. Council Controlled Organisations pretend to care about democracy, The Aurora Hotel gets dumped faster than Paul Henry and Len Brown pushes to bypass opposition to building a private prison in Wiri? Why is Len channeling John banks?

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At 26/11/10 8:28 am, Anonymous Carol said...

Nice to see an elected local government representative on TV: ie Penny Hulse, and answering questions on decisions the Auckland Council have made! We don't see enough of such representatives on our screens... more please?!

Some very useful, informative and enaging discussions last night.


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