Thursday | Rāpare 13/03/2025
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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Chris 'Sauron' Finlayson promotes strike breaking Scabbits

Union criticises Nats over battling for Jackson
LATEST: The New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (CTU) says it is furious at Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Chris Finlayson for "taking sides" in the debate over The Hobbit.

Mr Finlayson said yesterday that the Government had sought legal advice from the Crown Law Office confirming that The Hobbit producers had the law on their side in refusing to enter into a union-negotiated agreement with performers who were independent contractors.

CTU president Helen Kelly said that advice was biased towards Jackson and as a lawyer, Mr Finlayson would know that.

There’s trouble at Shire with Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Chris 'Sauron' Finlayson putting the boot into working Orcs by claiming Unions had no right to force Peter Jackson to enter into union-negotiated agreements. Strike breaking Hobbits should now be called Scabbitts, all dwarves should consider wild cat strikes and the Eye of Mordor should only work to rule.

Jackson’s claim that the only reason Hollywood are spending money here is because it is cheap is ludicrous because if all Hollywood want from us is cheap labour, then all 3 lord of the rings movies and Peter Jacksons entire career has been a vast waste of time because if he can simply move production to Eastern Europe where naturally hairy residents will save him on Hobbit feet make up, then NZs talent and quality mean nothing as we will always be trumped for cost elsewhere. Seeing as this franchise has already made billions for the company involved, Jackson is coming off like an angry Smaug the Dragon after finding out Bilbo Baggins has been in the treasure room removing a tiny trinket.

Peter, we all know what happened to the angry dragon, check yourself before you wreck yourself and give working class hobbits a fair deal.


At 30/9/10 1:38 pm, Anonymous Simon said...

All power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely. "Sir" Peter has gone to the dark side, perhaps he's worn the ring too long?

At 30/9/10 4:38 pm, Anonymous Relic said...

Scabbit-priceless, full marks to Jennifer Ward Lealand to for fronting up for Equity on this. All the would be extras and techies should help organise the industry instead of indulging in the bastardised faux patriotism which is appearing in the usual places.

At 30/9/10 4:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 1/10/10 10:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be interesting to see how all the members of the Film Actors Guild react when oh dear how sad, everything gets shifted to Bulgaria about killing their golden goose...

At 1/10/10 11:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sir peter now is big film. he is not running for election so it's not a popularity contest and it's ok to hate what he's become. it's just business..the film business. it's dirty, corrupt and exploitative, like all business. support the unions. it's time to share the wealth sir peter...please?

At 2/10/10 12:49 pm, Anonymous Hungry Bear said...

sir peter now is big film

Tall Poppy syndrome anyone?

How dare he be successful. Would you be happier if he just stayed making independant zombie flicks on a shoe-string budget?

I didn't see anyone complaining about the pay when he made Braindead - people were happy to appear in his fims for a small fee to help start their careers. But now he is one of the big players $5000 per week plus residuals isn't good enough for these ungrateful curs.

Why is Jackson supposed to start bowing and scrapping to the unions who did nothing to contribute to his sucess? He should just come right out and tell them all to get fucked.

Fuck Jennifer Ward-Leland, she should her beak out of the film industry which she isn't good enough to make it in.


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