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Friday, August 13, 2010

The Michael Laws Texts

Laws admits 'relationship', secret texts
Whanganui Mayor Michael Laws has admitted a secret relationship, with details of ''intimate'' texts about to become public. In a statement released this afternoon, Laws said he separated from his partner at the end of last year.

While I loath Michael Laws, I do have a certain grudging respect for the man. His book 'The Daemon Profession' is a brilliant examination of politics from the inside. His tireless efforts for his electorate and his genuine enthusiasm for representative democracy is cleverly written and funny. The sad distance however between that bright eyed citizen and the bitter twisted redneck talkback kneejerk wanker he has become is enormous.

I don't think I've ever agreed with anything he has ever said as a Talkback host and I would take him to task on any issue, except this one. What a consenting adult does with another consenting adult is none of our fucking business.

Laws should be debated and challenged on the issues he argues for, not private text messages between him and a consenting adult.

Which dirty weekend Newspaper will be the one to print this gutter trash?


At 13/8/10 4:55 pm, Anonymous Excusesofpuppets said...

I agree totally. Laws is an asshole and I worry what he will do should he return to government in a Labour/NZ First coalition should that occur...but texts between lovers? Personally, I yawn at such "reporting", it serves no purpose. Especially in this case, other than tittle-tattle gossip. Print something newsworthy.

I would imagine some of the trash mags will be on this one as well.

At 13/8/10 5:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suspect it is the Herald and that hideous fat cow (Pork Chop) who has the story.

At 13/8/10 5:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Michael Laws has been "unwise". Nothing new there!

At 13/8/10 8:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading them. I wonder if his ones are as hot as my sextexts.

At 13/8/10 11:29 pm, Blogger Frank said...

Since when did the private life of an individual, who has broken no laws, become a suitable news story?

I am no fan of Michael Laws. He and I sit on polar opposites of the political system. I detest the political party that he is commonly associated with. But I will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with him to protect his privacy.

The "story" about his relationship and texting is not a story. It is gossip-mongering in the best British tabloid-paper style. If this is the best that the Herald can offer us, at a time when this country is facing more Recessionary times; more job losses; and more misery - then they might as well close up shop and go home.

At 14/8/10 10:09 am, Anonymous Simon said...

I have to agree that the odious sanctimonious little turd deserves any opprobrium that comes his way. But I can't help thinking that as a publicity junky that he is probably revelling in his current newsworthiness. I could see him being the source of his own outing, especially as Bomber points out for a non issue.

At 14/8/10 11:43 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing as very few stories printed in the Herald (worst newspaper in the world - probably) are really news worthy, this one will slot in there nicely.

As for Laws, if he wasn't so ready to point out other people's sort comings, perhaps this wouldn't be happening to him. Who knows?

At 14/8/10 6:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let him squirm. Release the texts!

At 15/8/10 11:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am no fan of Michael Laws. He and I sit on polar opposites of the political system. I detest the political party that he is commonly associated with. But I will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with him to protect his privacy.

Why Frank?
If he had any dirt on you, he would publish it, whilst moralising about your lack of human decency.

Lhaws wants gang members and criminals and their partners to be sterilised, and their children put into care.

Seeing that his new girlfriend is an ex prostitute on home detention for meth, perhaps Lhaws should be sterilized and his kids put into care.

Whats good for the goose...

Anybody else (apart form whaleoil) I would say private business, nobody elses concern, but this sanctimonious prick?

Fuck him.

At 15/8/10 7:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'... What a consenting adult does with another consenting adult is none of our fucking business.... .'

Sounds very nobel ....but ...


is it that simple.

If you have an 18 year old son or daughter and they were involved with a 65 year old would you be comfortable ...

You can make simple statement but 'consent' is complex .....

So for the most part who cares what adults do, but there are exceptions.


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