We're on a bike road to no where

PM's cycleway dream stuck on uphill slog
Prime Minister John Key's national cycleway has hit a bumpy patch, with only about 10km constructed from the $50 million fund set up for the project. Almost a year after Mr Key announced seven "quick-start" cycle trails, three have yet to gain construction sign-offs. Although 100km of trails have been developed for what was touted as a scheme to help small communities through the recession, most have been upgrades of bush and farm tracks, from the Department of Conservation's squeezed budget.
The bike lane is a lovely idea, we all LOOOOOVE the bike lane, let’s all do a little dance about how lovely the bike lane is….

…all danced out? Great because on a list of 10 great ideas that will stop unemployment it’s number 9. WHAT ELSE NATIONAL?
JOHN KEY CLAIMED 3700 JOBS! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO GET? 160 jobs immediately with another 120 later on. You are kidding me right? If Labour had lied like this John Boscawen would be organizing another multi-thousand dollar phone poll and march up Queen street.
National promised 3700 jobs when really it’s only created 160 jobs.
Look bike lane is great, real nice, we want people getting out and having a bike around our beautiful country, but come on, COME ON! The bike lane isn’t even an hors-d'oevres, it’s the peppermint you take before going to dinner!
What a farce dressed up as a success in bike lycra.
Oh come on we need the bike lanes/trails LOL
How else are ordinary kiwis gonna get around after being fucked over by this govt and they go back to making the peasants walk or ride a bike everywhere-- and to get our kids to the mining shafts
So National are bull-shitting everyone again, whats new?
Am I the only person in this stupid fricking country that remembers the King of New Zealand pre-election 2008 promising that National will NEVER raise GST? Oh wait they were lying, what a surprise.
I bet all the stupid people who voted in National just so they could legally beat their children feel stupid now. And National didn't change the kid-bashing law anyway, even after their expensive referendum.
"How else are ordinary kiwis gonna get around after being fucked over by this govt and they go back to making the peasants walk or ride a bike everywhere"
Sad but true, they should make the track wide enough for a horse and cart, cause who the fuck can afford a car and petrol these days?.....if we went back to a horse and cart, we could also milk the horse to get our milk and cheese, Mongolian styles. 2 birds with one stone.
C Ropehana
"And National didn't change the kid-bashing law anyway, even after their expensive referendum.""
Of course not.They never had the intention of doing it as they also voted for the bill.
Waste of money
But I bet your bottom dollar that the MMP ref if I went back to FPP- that would be legally binding cos
1- They dont want ACT as share power brokers or the MP and they want a return to the 70's early 80's and 90's where they rule the rest and fuck this country really over
Vote them out- even if Goff is a clown- hes better than key anyday
We cant afford to have them rape this country cos mining and kiwibank is only the start
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