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Thursday, April 08, 2010

Whaleoil climate denial vs Hot Topic climate change

As the reality that the recent climategate emails have done nothing to dismantle the argument that man made pollution is causing climate change, our favourite on-line climate deniers are in a feeding frenzy to distance themselves from big oil funded spin lines while fighting a rear guard action.

Whaleoil has been kind enough to pick up my challenge here and has brought up 4 points he argues show that climate change caused by man made pollution is a hoax.

Go along and read them and make up you mind if what he has put up as evidence stands up to scrutiny, because as far as one the best climate change websites in cyberspace has to say - Hot Topic - Whaleoil's evidence doesn't stand up to scrutiny in any way shape or form.

Slater relies on four bits of “evidence” to rebut Bomber’s post: two items from prime climate crank site WattsUpWithThat, and two from Aussie junk scientist Joanne Nova.

Now this is an important debate because we are all well read adults, and we can all follow an argument and when you read Hot Topics rebuttal to Whaleoil it is VERY easy to see the evidence Cam has held up as proof that man made pollution does not cause climate change is VERY thin indeed.

Now I know that none of us in the blogosphere like eachother very much (Cathy, Cam, Peter, David, No Minister rednecks and to a much, much, much lesser degree of influence, Dr Mac) but climate change is one of those issues that impact everyone, and while we don't have another habitable world anywhere near us, we can't ship you all off to Planet Ayn Rand, meaning we have to work out things here on Earth.

I am legitimately interested in seeing if the right wing blogosphere has anything that would convince me that climate change caused by man made pollution is a hoax, I follow the issue of climate change incredibly closely and have seen little other than big oil funded spin lines masquerading as informed opinion. In this current debate we have a 3 way blog argument, I look forward to your rebuttal to Hot Topics counter against your claim Mr Slater.


At 8/4/10 12:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please explain why, if the theory is true, there has been no increase in global temperature for the last 15 years?

At 8/4/10 6:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a piece of bullshit circulated around the internet by those that are either too stupid to know better or deliberately lying.

For those of you who are interested the inherent noise of the global climate system (the weather) prevents the determination of trends in global temperature over short periods. It generally takes over 15 years for a trend (i.e. increasing or constant temp) to become statistically significant at the 95% level (the standard test). This does not mean that there is no warming it just means that you can't say it with statistical confidence.

However, if you lower the standard of the test to the 90% level you could argue that there has been warming since 1995 (its close to the 95% level). Give another couple of years and the warming trend will meet the test.

This is basic scientific statsitics and you have to wonder how people who know so little have the non statisitical confidence to make such stupid statements.

For more on recent temperature trends and more info on time series analysis go to

Cheers Doug

At 9/4/10 8:05 am, Blogger Bomber said...

well said Doug cheers for that

At 9/4/10 9:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So lets look at what we know. Doug agrees that there has been no statistically significant warming since 1998. Bomber describes that as being "well said". Indeed to meet their theory, Doug wants to lower the bar to 90% (instead of the normal two standard deviations 95%). Everyone uses 95% (apart from the IPCC of course!)

When will this magical warming begin?

At 9/4/10 10:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have no proof at all that manmade CO2 is reducing the earths ability to support life.
That is the real bottom line.
History shows very clearly that warmer temperatures support life.
You have no proof and simply resort to fallacies. Look up fallacies Bomber, then look at what you write.
@Doug. 15 years is a tiny amount of time in terms of climate trends and it is not worth arguing about either way.

The unscience of the climate change movement is clear to anyone with a basic understanding of logic.

At 10/4/10 7:05 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent point's Whaleoil

Warmist are not green hero's saving the planet and mankind. They are either investors in green companies knowing it's all a sham, or good honest people who are being used.

There is no sound evidence that CO2, an essential element for life on earth, causes global warming.

How much of An Inconvenient Truth did Gore devote to the evidence on CO2. Not much it seems.


Page 43. Man Made Global Warming”, the only evidence he offers that CO2
causes Global Warming is on page 26 where he offers a mere 200 words on the subject,
presented in kindergarten level terms which, it must be said, are totally misleading and
completely erroneous.


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