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Monday, February 08, 2010

nz blogosphere rankings: December 2009 summary

NZ blogosphere December 2009 survey will be released shortly - this is the summary.

Changes from last month (November) in brackets.

Top 100:

#24 (new) Thinking Matters :

[+] significant ranking moves up:
#2 (+3) Gotcha!
#21 (+10) MandM
#26 (+11) The Persuader
#48 (+10) Clint Heine and Friends
#55 (+10) Eye of the Fish
#56 (+20) Monkeys with Typewriters
#59 (+23) Life and Politics
#63 (+18) Christian News New Zealand
#66 (+18) True Paradigm
#68 (+19) Theology Geek NZ
#71 (+17) Republican Movement
#75 (+17)
#77 (+14) dad4justice
#82 (18+) CBMilne33

[-] significant ranking moves down:
#23 (-7) MacDoctor
#39 (-10) Beretta
#43 (-9) Offsetting Behaviour
#62 (-16) The Fairfacts Media Show
#64 (-11) PM of NZ
#67 (-10) Workers Party
#80 (-29) Radical cross stitch
#84 (-39) Blogs | Act NZ
#85 (-26) Mars 2 Earth
#87 (-21) Stephen Franks
#89 (-22) goNZo Freakpower
#93 (-20) Against the current
#94 (-22) Greenpeace NZ blog
#96 (-57) Knowledge Workers

[Posts] Average per week:
140 (-) Whoar
60 (+10) Kiwiblog
45 (-10) Home Paddock
40 (-20) Standard
40 (+) Gotcha!
35 (-10) Red Alert
25 (-) No Right Turn
25 (+5) Frogblog
25 (+5) Inquiring Mind
20 (-5) TUMEKE!
20 (-5) Not PC
20 (-5) No Minister
20 (+) Anti-Dismal
20 (+) Theology Geek NZ

[Comments] Average highest post per week:
300 (-100) Public Address
245 (+65) Frogblog
210 (-60) Kiwiblog
140 (+10) Standard
100 (+15) Being Frank
80 (+45) Open Parachute
80 (-25) Hot Topic
75 (+15) Red Alert
70 (+10) Not PC
70 (-20) Dim Post
60 (+30) Gotcha!
50 (-20)
45 (+15) MandM
40 (+20) Cactus Kate
40 (+5) No Minister
35 (-5) Brian Edwards
35 (+15) Bowalley Rd
35 (+) Thinking Matters
35 (-) Editing the Herald
30 (+) Eye of the Fish
25 (+5) Hand Mirror
25 (-40) Beretta
25 (-35) Reading the Maps
25 (-) Kiwipolitico
25 (-) NZ Conservative
25 (-5) The Dunedin School
20 (-) TUMEKE!
20 (-10) Kotare
20 (-) In a Strange Land
20 (-) Poneke
20 (+) PM of NZ
20 (+) Republican Movement

Total number of blogs listed n=203

Thanks to all those bloggers who have sent in their stats [editor (at)]. The January survey is due for release on the 20th.



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