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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Emperor + Monty Burns = Rodger Douglas

MPs to debate youth minimum wage
A bill allowing the Government to re-introduce a youth minimum wage is to be debated by Parliament. The bill in the name of Act MP Sir Roger Douglas was drawn from a ballot of members' bills. The last Government ditched youth rates and said the minimum wage should apply to all workers from 16 years-old.

Rodger Douglas has been resurrected from his cryogenic chamber powered by the tears of solo mothers to attack a generation who weren't even born the last time he stalked the country. The intergenerational abuse by Rodger Douglas is more akin to that of polio with him now wanting to strip away minimum wage levels for youth workers.

This Government are not a moderate party at all, ACT is having a major influence over policy. National are using Douglas's "can't hit a moving target" strategy he used to ram his policy lurch to the extreme right through without critical examination in the 1980's with 35% of the time passing legislation last year all done under a misuse of urgency.

Watching Rodger drain the pockets of young workers already hit hard by skyrocketing unemployment to feather the nests of employers by lowering labour costs is vampire like. This is Ghoul economics 101.

Rust and Rodger Douglas never sleep.


At 24/2/10 12:12 pm, Anonymous sdm said...

Do you accept that raising the youth minimum wage has led to a dramatic increase in youth unemployment, or is that just coincidence?

At 25/2/10 8:58 am, Blogger Bomber said...

That's right kids, Uncle Rodger is going to molest your pay rates because he loves you, you keep telling yourself that kids as your pay per hour drops.

"He's doing it because he loves me, he's doing it because he loves me, he's doing it because he loves me".


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