Chemical Ali hanged, now what about the people who sold him the chemicals?

Death rains down as Chemical Ali hangs
BAGHDAD - Iraq yesterday executed by hanging Ali Hassan al-Majid, Saddam Hussein's chief enforcer and supervisor of mass killings, for using chemical weapons to kill tens of thousands of people. "Chemical Ali" was the cruellest and most violent of top Iraqi leaders under Saddam, his first cousin to whom he was wholly loyal. He had already been sentenced to death four times, most recently earlier this month for the killing by poison gas of 5000 Kurdish civilians at Halabja in 1988.
Great, Chemical Ali has been hanged, now what about a trial for the people who sold him the weapons he used to murder so many innocent people.
Huh? We aren't going to prosecute the American's for enabling Chemical Ali? Why not? Why are we only focused on the Frankenstein monster and not Dr Frankenstein, the bloke who made the monster? The ethical double standards we use in the West to defend our atrocities while over blowing the atrocities of those we oppose is one explored by Chomsky within his propaganda model 'manufacturing consent'.
I remember how many in the right wing online mafia in this country brayed like donkeys to invade Iraq just like their National Party buddies did. They were both angry that we weren't joining in the American pack rape of an illegal Iraq war based on trumped up claims of weapons of mass destruction. I remember pointing out at the time that this monster was created by America so to now join America in an illegal war to defeat the monster they created was the very definition of absurdity.

>This Was a Guilty Verdict On America As Well
Some of Saddam's pesticides came from Germany (of course). But on 25 May 1994, the US Senate's Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs produced a report entitled "United States Chemical and Biological Warfare-related Dual-use exports to Iraq and their possible impact on the Health Consequences (sic) of the Persian Gulf War".
This was the 1991 war which prompted our liberation of Kuwait, and the report informed Congress about US government-approved shipments of biological agents sent by American companies to Iraq from 1985 or earlier. These included Bacillus anthracis, which produces anthrax; Clostridium botulinum; Histoplasma capsulatum; Brucella melitensis; Clostridium perfringens and Escherichia coli. The same report stated that the US provided Saddam with "dual use" licensed materials which assisted in the development of chemical, biological and missile-system programmes, including chemical warfare agent production facility plant and technical drawings (provided as pesticide production facility plans).
Robert Fisk/The UK Independent
Let's put those who enabled Chemical Ali to commit his murder on trial as well!
Mostly it was the Germans and the French together with the Swiss. You know those coutries who were against the invasion. Strange dat.
Sorry Anon, I didn't realize you couldn't read, let me help you out...
on 25 May 1994, the US Senate's Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs produced a report entitled "United States Chemical and Biological Warfare-related Dual-use exports to Iraq and their possible impact on the Health Consequences (sic) of the Persian Gulf War".
This was the 1991 war which prompted our liberation of Kuwait, and the report informed Congress about US government-approved shipments of biological agents sent by American companies to Iraq from 1985 or earlier. These included Bacillus anthracis, which produces anthrax; Clostridium botulinum; Histoplasma capsulatum; Brucella melitensis; Clostridium perfringens and Escherichia coli. The same report stated that the US provided Saddam with "dual use" licensed materials which assisted in the development of chemical, biological and missile-system programmes, including chemical warfare agent production facility plant and technical drawings (provided as pesticide production facility plans).
While Germany, the French and the Swiss had a role to play, you can't attempt to cover up the involvement of the US.
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Unfortunately we will never know the entire truth about who and why the events in Iraq took place. It is a same because so many lives were lost and our service men and women have died in the line of duty to bring only a few to justice.
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and dont forget the brave comrades of the Soviet Union, werent they Iraq's biggest arms supplier?
and dont forget the brave comrades of the Soviet Union, werent they Iraq's biggest arms supplier?
How about when the CIA described saddam as "a son of a bitch but he's our son of a bitch" - or the satellite photos outlining Iranian positions or the fact that the American's diluted any criticism of Saddam in the UN after the chemical attack.
But I like your attempt to minimize America's responsibility in building Saddam Anon, I note that many NZers who were foaming to invade Iraq (like the National Party at the time) went VERY quiet once it started becoming apparent the reasons to invade were based on a pack of lies.
Did you go very quiet anon?
Majid, an enforcer in Saddam Hussein's regime and his cousin, had earlier been sentenced to death four times for genocide and crimes against humanity.
Big Business will be hiding behind their political cock puppets and will be last in the dock. Meanwhile, war criminal Tony Blair is due before the British Government Iraq Inquiry on Friday. Dunno where Dubbya is hiding out, do you?
Where are my anonymous right wing mafia trying to defend America's involvement in selling Iraq the chemicals they used to gas the kurds with?
I know Germany and France and Russia and the Swiss have blood on their hands as well in terms of getting in on the sale of ingredients but could any of my on line right wing anonymous mafia friends point out who invaded Iraq? Was it America or was it Germany, France, the Swiss and the Russians?
"I know Germany and France and Russia and the Swiss have blood on their hands as well in terms of getting in on the sale of ingredients"
The point is bomber that they were against the invasion because they wanted to protect their lucrative commercial contracts and connections with the regime. You're a bit thick sometimes but surely this must have been evident to you? They had all the reason in the world to protect Saddam Hussein's rule.
If you knew then you should have included it in your post so instead it came out as the usual piece of anti-US bullshit.
I'm well aware of their involvement brave anonymous poster
The reason why my focus is on the States is because THEY invaded Iraq, Russia, the Swiss, France and Germany did not invade Iraq did they?
You're well aware of it AFTER we pointed it out to you thereby forcing you to google it. Even if you had been aware of it before you posted it begs the question as to why you omitted these pertinant facts from your post. Not a good look is it which is why you're so defensive.
"The reason why my focus is on the States is because THEY invaded Iraq, Russia, the Swiss, France and Germany did not invade Iraq did they?"
I refer you to my previous post which you obviously STILL don't comprehend.
Oh brave anonymous poster it is YOU who has the comprehension skills problem, perhaps I need to cut and past the entire blog again, let me do it just for you brave anonymous poster, this time I'll bold the line to remind you that in your desperate need to defend Amerika you've gone off half cocked by accusing me of diminishing the role of other Western powers...
Great, Chemical Ali has been hanged, now what about a trial for the people who sold him the weapons he used to murder so many innocent people.
Huh? We aren't going to prosecute the American's for enabling Chemical Ali? Why not? Why are we only focused on the Frankenstein monster and not Dr Frankenstein, the bloke who made the monster? The ethical double standards we use in the West to defend our atrocities while over blowing the atrocities of those we oppose is one explored by Chomsky within his propaganda model 'manufacturing consent'.
I remember how many in the right wing online mafia in this country brayed like donkeys to invade Iraq just like their National Party buddies did. They were both angry that we weren't joining in the American pack rape of an illegal Iraq war based on trumped up claims of weapons of mass destruction. I remember pointing out at the time that this monster was created by America so to now join America in an illegal war to defeat the monster they created was the very definition of absurdity.
I then post a fisk article where the US put together a report, what was it called again brave anonymous poster? I'll bold it for you...
"United States Chemical and Biological Warfare-related Dual-use exports to Iraq and their possible impact on the Health Consequences (sic) of the Persian Gulf War".
And again, my focus is on America because they invaded Iraq, protected Saddam after he gassed the kurds from criticism at the UN, gave him satellite images to fight the Iranians and called him their son of a bitch. Your bullshit counter that the only reason Russia, France, Germany and Switzerland didn't invade Iraq was because they sold some weapons to Iraq is just so farcical it goes beyond a lack of comprehension into fantasy land.
This point has extra bullshit sauce dribbled over it when you consider the explosive revelations in the Iraq inquiry occurring in Britain right now over the legality question of the invasion. Suggesting the only reason those 4 countries didn't invade Iraq is a joke, especially when you consider the Swiss wouldn't have invaded because they are a neutral country, yet you claim the only reason they didn't was because they made some money from arms sales.
Nice burn Mr B
Nice burn Mr B
You wouldn't say that if you read the posts bomber didn't have the balls to publish.
Oh poor little anon, look sweetheart there's a limit when even I tire of feeding anonymous trolls, I've made my point and having to fight the words you keep putting in my mouth seem tedious after a certain stage, that's why I stop bothering to post up your bullshit and move onto more important issues.
Chin up princess, I'm sure somewhere in your life you are relevant.
Even better Burn mr B
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