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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

nz blogosphere rankings : October 2009 summary

NZ blogosphere October 2009 survey has been released - this is the summary.

Changes from last month (September) in brackets.

Top 100:

[+] significant ranking moves up:
#21 (+26) TBR
#23 (+7) New Zeal
#32 (+12) The Dunedin School
#48 (+10) Workers Party
#50 (+28) Eye of the Fish
#63 (+25) Dave Gee
#65 (+19) Radical cross stitch
#68 (+12) Bat, Bean, Beam
#72 (28+) Against the current
#75 (+23) Mars 2 Earth
#76 (+13) Unity blog
#78 (+16) dad4justice
#80 (+13) Theology Geek NZ
#84 (16+) Ozymandias Warning

[-] significant ranking moves down:
#19 (-5) The Hand Mirror
#60 (-11) Sustain:if:able Kiwi
#87 (-15) redrave
#92 (-19) Aotearoa: a wider perspective
#93 (-39) Barnsley Bill
#97 (-30) Monkeys with Typewriters
#98 (-30) BK Drinkwater

[Posts] Average per week:
140 (-) Whoar
70 (-) Kiwiblog
55 (-) Home Paddock
50 (+5) Red Alert
45 (-5) Standard
35 (-10) Fairfacts
35 (-) Inquiring Mind
25 (-10) TUMEKE!
25 (-5) No Right Turn
25 (-) Not PC
25 (+) Liberty Scott
20 (-5) No Minister
20 (-) Frogblog
20 (+) Roar Prawn
20 (+) Mars 2 Earth

[Comments] Average highest post per week:
305 (+5) Public Address
200 (-) Kiwiblog
170 (-15) Frogblog
135 (+45) Standard
125 (+30) Being Frank
110 (+45) Hot Topic
80 (+20) Dim Post
70 (+20) Not PC
55 (-10) Red Alert
55 (+15) MandM
40 (-30) Open Parachute
40 (-5)
35 (+10) Brian Edwards
35 (-10) Kiwipolitico
35 (-5) Reading the Maps
35 (-) No Minister
25 (-10) Cactus Kate
25 (-) New Zeal
25 (-) Eye of the Fish
20 (-5) TUMEKE!
20 (-10) NZ Conservative
20 (-5) Editing the Herald
20 (-) Hand Mirror
20 (-) The Strategist
20 (+) In a Strange Land
20 (+) The Dunedin School
20 (+) Bat, Bean, Beam

Thanks to all those bloggers who have sent in their stats [editor (at)].



At 24/12/09 3:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is the gist of the matter. Life in this world serves a higher purpose; no doubt it is not easy to guess what that purpose is, but it certainly signifies a perfecting of man’s nature. It is probably the spiritual part of [FrS1 19] man, the soul, which in the course of time has so slowly and unwillingly detached itself from the body, that is the object of this elevation and exaltation. Everything that happens in this world is an expression of the intentions of an intelligence superior to us, which in the end, though its ways and byways are difficult to follow, orders everything for the best that is, to make it enjoyable for us. Over each one of us there watches a benevolent Providence which is only seemingly stern and which will not suffer us to become a plaything of the overmighty and pitiless forces of nature. Death itself is not extinction, is not a return to inorganic lifelessness, but the beginning of a new kind of existence which lies on the path of development to something higher. And, looking in the other direction, this view announces that the same moral laws which our civilizations have set up govern the whole universe as well, except that they are maintained by a supreme court of justice with incomparably more power and consistency. In the end all good is rewarded and all evil punished, if not actually in this form of life then in the later existences that begin after death. In this way all the terrors, the sufferings and the hardships of life are destined to be obliterated. Life after death, which continues life on earth just as the invisible part of the spectrum joins on to the visible part, brings us all the perfection that we may perhaps have missed here. And the superior wisdom which directs this course of things, the infinite goodness that expresses itself in it, the justice that achieves its aim in it these are the attributes of the divine beings who also created us and the world as a whole, or rather, of the one divine being into which, in our civilization, all the gods of antiquity have been condensed.

At 24/12/09 9:43 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha are you suggesting yahweh is real?

At 24/12/09 12:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 24/12/09 2:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

of the one divine being into which, in our civilization, all the gods of antiquity have been condensed.

or santa?


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