Sunday | Rātapu 16/03/2025
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Monday, November 09, 2009

Murderous left wing envy

One of our brave anonymous right wing on-line mafia were complaining about murderous left wing envy, that we on the left hate those nice rich people out of envy. What a silly kitten, the left have righteous murderous anger towards the wealthy elite, as this memo from Citibank helps explain.Michael Moore points out in his new movie, Capitalism: A love story, Citigroup's research department wrote three memos for investors concluding that wealth and power in the U.S. were increasingly concentrated in the hands of the top 1%, stating the top 1% of the population now have more financial wealth than the bottom 95% combined.
Citigroup Mar 5 2006 Plutonomy Report Part 2

These pricks are actively seeking to circumvent democracy so that a plutocracy wins. The neo liberal deregulation, tax cut, free market dogma dressed up as economic policy that allowed these maggots to destabilize the global economy are the exact same neo liberal deregulation, tax cut, free market dogma National are trying to sneak past the electorate under the smokescreen of change. The very policies Rodney Hide was boasting about being able to get past his idiot Cabinet mates.

If you are not angry, you haven't been paying attention.


At 9/11/09 11:34 am, Anonymous ! said...

That memo makes for chilling reading, surprised I haven't heard about it before. Murderous left wing envy indeed!

At 9/11/09 11:48 am, Anonymous Eoipso said...

Bomber. I'm not from the right, but please get your stats right.
"... the richest 10% of Americans account for 43% of income, and 57% of net worth. The net worth to income ratio for the richest 10% of Americans increased from 7.4"
I imagine the stats you are quoting are global ones, which after 30 years of IMF-imposed neoliberalism is more damning.

At 9/11/09 3:33 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

It is only the tools of the powerful who misuse the old political paradigms which once appeared to enable every whitefella's political beliefs to be located on a graduated 2 dimensional scale from left to right.
A number of circumstances have changed that. The fact that political movements in even the most westernised nations now encompass a plethora of social economic and political beliefs that thanks to incredibly diverse input from different cultures can no longer be represented 2 dimensionally. The fact that the major political movements have moved so close together that for example in Amerika the rethug mob calls the almost identical demopublican mob socialist. Virtually no one in amerika understands what a socialist is, altho decades of mass media indoctrination tells amerikans that socialism is bad. So when the senator from the state of redneckonia calls Prez Oblamblam a socialist; the dull witted slobs of amerika accept it, then repeat it. I can't tell you how many peeps on amerikan blogs regularly post that they have a damned socialist for a prezdint.
Combine that sad state of affairs with the well documented "ratchet effect" whereby when a slightly more humanist government finally gets into power after years of neo-liberal theft and oppression, the best that any of these less offensive governments can do is 'drop the pawl onto the ratchet' so that movement into more neo-liberal environments is halted for a while. They almost never 'turn the wheel back' return our community to a more caring less greedy state. The link above explains it better than I can.

The newest outrageous claim by the greed driven is that we are all post modernists nowadays. That our innately individualist characters now mean that the notion of large groups of people sharing common interests is defunct.

therefore the idea of a government representing the aspirations of the poor is out-moded.

Now this is all patent bulldust. The facts are that NZ established a heavily (some would claim overly) regulated society in the mid 20th century, simply because they had already been through this neo-liberal laissez faire garbage in the victorian and edwardian eras.
No regulation meant blatant profiteering as the rich formed a monopoly on capital and they misused their power to prevent ordinary people banding together for self protection.
Two big wars both with full on conscription led most NZ males to conclude that they had more in common with their fellow ordinary kiwis than they had differences, so the notion of banding together in solidarity was an easy jump.

We won't get any easy alliances like that in the short term. The memory of citizen's power is still too fresh in the minds of the boss greedheads such as Murdoch or O'Reilly.

The other problem we face is that the whitefellas who came here from 1840 to 1940 or so came to establish a better society than the one they left. A fairer less oppresive society.
As well as the NZ born having taken their freedoms for granted, the nature of contemporary migrants is also totally different.
Few want to live in a different society than that they fled, they would rather re-create the flawed society that drove them out, but this time be higher up the pecking order and profit from other kiwis misery.

At 9/11/09 3:50 pm, Blogger Luke said...

Corporatism, not Capitalism is the problem. Ron Paul educates Michael Moore and Larry King.

At 10/11/09 10:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael more is a fucking flake - "There's gotta be some kind of a rebellion between the people that have nothing and the people that's got it all." Alright Mike, I'll pencil in a rebellion for tomorrow, between laundry and picking the kids up from school.

I'm one of those rich bastards your commentator talks about - worth around 7 million after 16 years of hard work, and I'm as left as it's possible to be in NZ, in fact I vote Green. Just goes to show, righties are full of shit and don't understand reality.

This is just so ridiculous it is actually quite funny.
So it's okay for you to have a disproportionate percentage of the country's wealth because you vote for the greens?
So when you work hard and make a lot of money through your capitalist endeavours its okay but when other people do it they must be evil thieving corporatist pigs because they don't offset their wealth by voting Green?

That's called hypocrisy.

At 10/11/09 2:37 pm, Anonymous kerry said...

I would have thought having a few million and voting Left proves there are some decent rich people around...

At 10/11/09 6:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually anonymous it doesn't imply what u state. It merely shows that not all rich people vote Nact and want to shaft the rest. You don't have to be poor or middle class to care about the environment.

At 10/11/09 9:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the left have righteous murderous anger towards the wealthy elite"

So why is it righteous?

At 11/11/09 6:37 am, Blogger Bomber said...

So why is it righteous?
I'm sorry, you must not be able to read, get someone to come to the screen and read out the citibank memo that I've posted into the blog.


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