Message from March Organizers – ‘beating children optional’

So I sent a message to Ivan Bailey, the Facebook organizer of this March for Demokracy asking if there was any counter protest being organized against him and his groups desire for the legal right to belt kids alongside the other narrow socially conservative knee jerk issues wrapped up in the pretense of democracy, he replied thus...
Re: Counter protest
Hi Martyn,
People who want democracy are not planning to make it compulsory for you to beat your kids. You could choose for yourself. If you lived in a democracy.
Thanks for your input.
Ummmm, no Ivan, beating ones child is not optional in a democracy, it's actually illegal. It's nice to see the mindset of these people isn't it?
This is NOT a march for democracy, it is a march for demokracy. The propaganda model these people are using is more akin to the Republican and Fox News spawned Public Health protests in the states.
IF this was about democracy, why the hell don't they mention the word, 'Binding referendum' just once on their website? (please note Ivan, if you suddenly rush to update your website by adding the word binding referendum, I will be the first to point it out).
This is not about binding referendums or the mechanics of how to legislate for a binding referendum, if it was it would actually mention binding referendums, but they don't. This is about dressing socially narrow talkhate radio knee jerks up as 'democracy', which is bullshit and someone needs to call them on that bullshit.
God damn we need to counter protest these buggers!
The NZ advertising standards authority clearly states in its advertising advocacy principles (inclusive of Political advertising) that...
The advocacy principles are taken into consideration when applying Rule 11 of the ASA Code of Ethics.
Rule 11 states:
Advocacy Advertising - Expression of opinion in advocacy advertising is an essential and desirable part of the functioning of a democratic society. Therefore such opinions may be robust. However, opinion should be clearly distinguishable from factual information. The identity of an advertiser in matters of public interest or political issue should be clear.
it goes on to say...
Advertising Code of Ethics 3.No advertisement should be misleading or deceptive or likely to mislead or deceive the consumer.
obviously this is just a snippet -
However - as it stands "87% voted for amending the anti-smacking bill" is wrong
simply it is incorrect, misleading and false advertising
and we all know it
Statistics New Zealand states that the Estimated Resident Population As at 30 June 2009 (P) was 4,315,800 people
The March for democracy states in its website that 1,470,755 people voted for an (ill informed) change
um.... 34.07%
1+1 does not equal 2 here. A more accurate percentage 34.07% is no where near 87%,
it completely breeches the quoted recommendations that "opinion should be clearly distinguishable from factual information"
here is the link for the complaints form for the advertising standards authority...
If these guys want to preach fair and democratic then they need to start doing it honestly
I for one just presumed (naively) that the rest of the country wouldn't be fooled with such ridiculous over generalised statements and lies, even prior to the referendum. But I am fast realising that this is not the case.
The bill does not need amending, the bill just needs to be read....
Anyone marching should hang their head in shame, they are not marching for thinly veiled democracy.... they are marching for the right to beat their children with more right than is currently allowed
they are marching for the right to beat their children with weapons and fists.
They are marching against the current UN constitution for the basics of human rights and protection of children
The current bill very clearly gives more than enough room for these guys to carry on hitting their children, which (as an aside) clearly violates one of the basic conventions to human rights;
"Human rights apply to all age groups; children have the same general human rights as adults. But children are particularly vulnerable and so they also have particular rights that recognize their special need for protection."
"You could choose for yourself. If you lived in a democracy."
A democracy does not necessarily do what the majority want. That's direct democracy - but we're in a representative democracy, where we elect lawmakers, rather than make laws. We have the power to vote them in, and to kick them out, every three years. That is democratic.
Look at all of the parties in parliament at the moment, and tell me how many of them actually included the removal of the "anti-smacking" law as policy. Those five votes (ie: ACT) don't cancel out the other 117.
Why doesn't someone complain or protest about those propaganda statements by the friends of Israel in our two main papers explaining away war crimes in Gaza?
And just what is christian blog Mandm coming to my back door to sell art saying Israel is amazing!
Really?Christian Blog Ranking Report for September 09 – Tumeke | MandM5 Nov 2009 ... Here are the top 10 NZ Christian blogs based on Tumeke's NZ blog stats for September; these stats are used in the calculations for the MandM ...–-tumeke.html - Cached
Yup, you're right, they DO need to be fought, now hmm lets see, who used to be a shoo-in to get out there and fight the good fight ?
Students .
Ohhhh Riggght ... they're all busy burning couches, getting pissed, paying off huge loans, watching jackass and signing up to join ACT.
Just got back from my counter-protest at the tennis tournament. I had a hat and originally was holding a sign with "Hamas are Nazis" with a big swatzstika but the Police told me I would have to leave if I did not get rid of it. It was very nice to be spat upon by John Minto and friends for expressing my point of view. I will get my revenge by throwing a water balloon filled with my urine at Mr Minto next time he is protesting on Queen Street (or maybe at one of his union rallys).
the good ole days...
"God damn we need to counter protest these buggers!"
Hopefully I'll be more than the 20 you got for the hell pizza protest.
Hopefully I'll be more than the 20 you got for the hell pizza protest.
Hmmm, but Hell Pizza backed down and said sorry over that protest, so that protest was successful.
Pity you couldn't get more brown people instead of white mofos. Would have added to the credibility overall.
After reading your blog bomber I have decided you need to run for the maori party, they support extreme out spoken people who only survive by bullshitting and bluffing so fast that ya can't keep up, you would fit right in
After reading your blog bomber I have decided you need to run for the maori party, they support extreme out spoken people who only survive by bullshitting and bluffing so fast that ya can't keep up, you would fit right in
it's always the brave anonymous posters isn't it folks?
PS - Anon if the blog gets you worked up, you will wet yourself when you see the TV show, it screens tomorrow night and I've got a special award for your march
It'll be good to see kiddy-beaters picking on someone their own size for a change.
There's something deeply creepy about all those men wanting to spank little girls.
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